The Temple of Elemental Evil

Elemental Evil perverts the natural elements, focusing their destruction through one of the four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. Elemental Cults wanted to gain the power to tear down everything—morals, social structures, governments, the laws of nature—and reduce existence to a more elemental state, tainted with conflict and madness. Elemental Evil used mortal servants as a means to this end.   This temple once housed four major Elemental cults that attempted to control the humanoids in das Hinterland and the Blümenfelden regions: Black Earth, Cthulhu, Kult Drachen, and Vortex.

Purpose / Function

The original purpose of this temple was to unify the four elemental cults to focus their power and resources to take over this region of Western Nehwon.


Within the past two years, Kult Drachen has taken up residence in this long abandoned temple and has begun to make modifications and alterations to its interior.


Bas relief architecture line the walls of the main temple, interspersed with stained glass windows depicting horrid scenes of demonic entities wreaking death and destruction upon the face of the world. The main temple is a marvel in gothic architecture and once inside, is larger than it appears on the outside (some speculate that this is by magical means).


The high stone fence perimeter lies larely in ruin, however Kult Drachen intends on rebuilding it soon. At this point, Kult Drachen is focused on rehabiliting the interior of the Temple and the dungeons that lie underneath. By this, the rebuilding of the Temple is less conspicuous. The exterior and ground level sections of the Temple are meant to be rehabilited as the final piece of this grand project.


The hateful principles of elemental evil took two primary forms in the world: the first is corruption. Elemental Evil tempts the broken, the wronged, and the wicked with the power to strike back. It represents the worm in the apple, a hidden corruption that grows stronger over time as the natural order decays. Secret cults spring up, institutions are debased, and the fundamental laws governing the seasons begin to weaken. As Elemental Evil grows stronger, its corruption grows into the second form: madness. Cultists sink into insanity, lashing out at everything around them or destroying themselves in elemental cataclysms. Ruin rules as the forces of nature become instruments of destruction. A world in which Elemental Evil triumphed would exist only as an everlasting war of raging elements. Elemental Evil appears in different worlds throughout the many ages. This sinister force—the Elder Elemental Eye—is well hidden in Nehwon. Individuals remain susceptible to its call: those lured by the promise of power, those who know only hate in their hearts, those whose minds are broken and therefore open to insinuation and dark whispers. These are the servants of Elemental Evil, and they can cause immeasurable harm if they aren’t exposed and rooted out. Although destruction is the unifying principle of Elemental Evil, beings that serve this dark force don’t necessarily adhere to that goal. Only the most unbalanced minds seek destruction for its own sake. Instead, the servants of Elemental Evil seek power through the destructive might of one of the elements of air, earth, fire, or water. This is the origin of the four elemental cults that together compose the worship of Elemental Evil.
Temple of Elemental Evil
Gates to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Temple Interior  
Temple interior near Throne
2924 RJ
Founding Date
2501 RJ
Alternative Names
The Dark Temple, die Schwarzedrachen, The Mountain
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Articles under The Temple of Elemental Evil

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
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