Kingdom of Klesh

The Kingdom of Klesh, also known as The Kleshian Empire or simply The Klesh, is nestled in the continent of Lankhmar's southeastern-most corner.
Jungle by Chad Watson via Midjourney

Demography and Population

Within the three cities, there are 66,825 people: 2,816 in Bâklîsh, 16,672 in M'Bōchīsh, and 47,337 in Tëkhâsh.   Living in smaller, less concentrated settlements throught the entire Jungle of Klesh, varying in size from as little as a dozen and up to a few hundred people, are 95,912 people.   This bring the Kingdom's population to a total of 162,737.


The Kingdom of Klesh includes the entirety of the Jungle of Klesh and approximately 5 miles / 8 Kilometers from the edge of this Jungle.  
The Kingdom of Klesh by Chad Watson via Inkarnate


There is a small but elite Royal Army that protects Soma Inene Otimwa. There is a national army that consists of individuals that are chosen by each city's Council of Elders that if the Kingdom calls, they shall answer. This is typically all individuals whose age ranges from 15 - 45 yrs old. Until they are called into duty, they live their lives as they would normally. These individuals meet twice per lunar cycle to drill and practice their technique and skills with leaders sent from the Department of War. The Department of War employs approximately 4,000 soldiers full-time that are always on stand-by and monitoring the edges of the Jungle for invasion and illegal activities.

Technological Level

While not as advanced as some other societies, the Kleshian people have shown ingenuity and resourcefulness in their infrastructure. They have created a network of paths and trade routes connecting their villages, allowing for free flow of goods and services. Additionally, the Klesh people have built fortified cities guarded by well-trained warriors, ensuring the safety and security of their citizens.   While they have not yet developed advanced technologies such as can be found in other parts of Nehwon, the Kleshian people have created impressive structures and monuments, including ornate temples and massive statues of their heroes and leaders. These structures serve as a testament to the strength and resilience of the Kleshian people and are a source of great pride for their citizens. Overall, the Klesh people have created a society that is both functional and beautiful.


Everyone is allowed to believe as they feel, there is no official state religion. Most individuals believe in a concept that embodies the Natural Realm, Natural Forces, and the Cycles of Nature. Some individuals interact with the Fey and all citizens respect and revere animals as they consider them to be "Children of Nature".

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom of Klesh has Bi-lateral, Economic and Public Diplomatic policies with Lankhmar and Kokgnab.   The Kingdom of Quarmall is an enemy of the State and all citizens know to kill any Quarmallian they see on sight.  
A Kleshian and a Kokgnabian Merchant Negotiate by Chad Watson via Midjourney


The Council of Elders along with city leader work with the laws that are co-created between themselves and Soma Inene Otimwa. The Council of Elders nearly always interprets these laws. The laws are simple enough that they need not be written down.  
Kleshian Lawyer by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  • Do not murder any Kleshite. You have the right to defend your life.
  • Do not allow any outsider into the Jungle of Klesh without the express approval of the Council of Elders or the City Leader.
  • Do not steal from anyone.
  • Do not speak ill of Soma Inene Otimwa.
  • Do not dishonor your ancestors nor anyone else's ancestors.
  • Do not speak to an Elder Citizen unless you are directed by them to do so.
  • Do not disobey an Elder Citizen. If you feel what they ask is immoral or unjust, approach the Council of Elders with your situation.
  • Do not take or attempt to take another person's life mate.
  • Do not torture your enemies in battle or war. End their life as swiftly and as mercifully as possible.
  • If you are responsible for the death of another citizen, even if by accident, you shall approach their surving spouse or family and ask what it is that you can do to repay them. You must do as they ask without question.
  • Do not allow one who crosses your path and who is not an enemy to suffer in any way.
  • Be a strong and positive example to your children and your Elders.
  • Do not shame or bring shame to your family.
  • Do not deceive or beguile. Always act in good faith and with honor.

Agriculture & Industry

The Kingdom of Klesh is a society deeply rooted in agriculture and industry. Agriculture is the foundation of their economy, and the people of Klesh are skilled farmers who cultivate a variety of crops such as maize, yams, and beans. The fertile land around the kingdom provides them with an abundance of resources, which they use to sustain their livelihoods. In addition to agriculture, Klesh is also known for their skilled artisans and craftsmen who produce beautiful pottery, textiles, and intricate carvings. They are most famously known for their emeralds, which are harvested using the tunnel mining technique to reach the rich veins of emeralds that lie underneath the city of M'Bōchīsh. These emeralds are sold in ore form but most emeralds are crafted into beautiful jewelry pieces. These industries provide an excellent source of income for the people of Klesh and are highly valued within the society. Overall, the Kingdom of Klesh is a thriving community that values hard work, creativity, and the importance of sustaining their way of life.

Trade & Transport

The Kingdom of Klesh boasts a robust trade and transport network that is vital to its thriving economy. The society operates on a traditional Kleshian tribal economy, with various goods and services exchanged between different communities within and outside of the Kingdom.   The transport network is primarily composed of well-maintained footpaths and dirt roads that connect the different regions of the kingdom. These pathways are used by traders and merchants who transport goods such as textiles, spices, and livestock.   The kingdom has a bustling marketplace where these goods are traded and sold. The market is centrally located, making it easily accessible to all the different communities in the kingdom. The marketplace is a hub of activity where people gather to socialize and exchange goods.   The kingdom's trade network also extends beyond its borders, with traders traveling to neighboring kingdoms to exchange goods and services. The Kingdom of Klesh is proud of its trade and transport network, which is a testament to its vibrant economy and rich cultural heritage


Children are taught in small groups by a group of elders who impart knowledge about their culture, history, and customs. The teaching approach is interactive, with students encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussions. The elders use storytelling as a means of passing on knowledge and wisdom to the younger generation. As they grow older, students can choose to specialize in a particular field such as textiles, agriculture, or animal husbandry. The educational system is designed to prepare students for their roles in society and to contribute to the thriving economy of the Kingdom of Klesh. The society believes that education is a lifelong process and encourages continuous learning and development.   There is a school of wizardy in both Tëkhâsh and M'Bōchīsh. There is a military academy in Bâklîsh.


The kingdom is built on a network of small settlements and villages, as well as the three large cities of Tëkhâsh, Bâklîsh, and M'Bōchīsh, each with its own unique culture and way of life.   The villages are connected by a series of well-worn paths and trade routes, which are maintained by a network of skilled craftsmen and laborers. These paths serve as the main arteries of the kingdom, allowing for the free flow of goods and services between the population centers.   Tëkhâsh, Bâklîsh, and M'Bōchīsh serve as the administrative centers of the kingdom, and are home to the ruling class and their loyal subjects. The cities are guarded by well-trained warriors, ensuring the safety and security of the kingdom's citizens.   The Kingdom of Klesh is also home to a number of impressive structures and monuments. These include towering palaces, ornate temples, and massive statues of the kingdom's most revered leaders and heroes. These structures serve as a testament to the strength and resilience of the Klesh people, and are a source of great pride for all who call the kingdom home.

Harambee Kleshia!

Founding Date
410 RJ
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Jungle
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Kleshian or Kleshite
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
  • M'BŌCHĪSH - Capital City of the Kingdom of Klesh
  • TËKHÂSH - Largest of the Three Cities with the Kingdom of Klesh
  • BÂKLÎSH - Easternmost city of the Three Cities within the Kingdom of Klesh
Whenever feasible, many people barter, especially those who do not live in the official population centers of the Kingdom. They have their own unique monetary system the following denominations:
  • Kaba = 1 Gold Rilk
  • Denabra = 10 Gold Rilks
  • Vedera = 20 Gold Rilks
  • Embele = 100 Gold Rilks
  • Maskarah = 500 Gold Rilks
  • Emeraldik = 1 Diamond in Amber Glulditch
  The Kleshians readily exchange in Lankhmarian denominations equivalent to their own currency system. They do not utilize any denomination less than 1 Gold Rilk as they do not believe in what they see as "scraps".
Major Exports
Emeralds, textiles, jewelry, wood, yams, pumpkin, onions, bamboo, granite, clothing, platinum, gold
Major Imports
Copper, iron, crab, shrimp, dye, wool, literature, horses, cattle, sheep, pig, graphite, diamond, wheat
Legislative Body
While Soma Inene Otimwa is the Absolute Monarch of the Kingdom of Klesh, she is not tyrannical nor fascist. Instead, she enjoys delegating and distributing the responsibilities of rulership to selected individuals to govern each of the three major cities in the Kingdom: Tëkhâsh, Bâklîsh, and M'Bōchīsh . Her methods of selection aren't completely known or understood, but she seems to have an uncanny knack of selecting the most appropriate rulers as the local population always seems to strongly favor and approve them. Each city's ruler runs the city as they see fit, which usually can change somewhat according to need or circumstance. Soma Inenen Otimwa meets with these rulers once every new moon in the Capital city of M'Bōchīsh. Additionally, she occasionally lives amongst the general citizenry disguised as a common citizen. When she does this, it is said that she shape-shifts into different personalities and various genders and ages with the purpose of anonimity. She does this so that she can get the "pulse" of the city directly from its citizens. This way, she can be sure that she is not being misled by her rulers-- a sort of "check and balance" to ensure things are as these rulers say they are. There is no formal taxation system. Donations made to local shrines and temples are instead used to supplement the upkeep of local areas. In large part, the proceeds from the Emerald Mines in M'Bōchīsh are used to finance any additional funds needed for local municipal needs, Kingdom infrastructure and military funding, and any other financial requirements the Kingdom is required to address. Laws are spare and can be modified as time and circumstance require. When that is necessary, the leaders of the three cities will convene their local elders and develop a proposition. After this, each of the city leaders will meet with Soma Inene Otimwa, afterwhich a final decision and, if applicable, a modification or new law will be made.
Judicial Body
Every city and settlement has a Council of Elders. Whenever a law has been broken, the accused stands before this Council which decides the verdict. The Council's decision is final. Most often, convicted individuals understand and accept their punishment. For those that don't, there are always noble citizens at these Council hearings to enforce the decisions made by the Elders.
Executive Body
While there is no formal police force, there are always citizens that will keep and uphold these laws and decisions made by the Council of Elders.
Official Languages


Bi-lateral, economic and public diplomatic policies are in place.


The Kingdom of Lankhmar regards the Kingdom of Klesh as a fascinating nation to the south. While Lankhmar is restricted from directly trading with Klesh (only doing so via Kokgnabian brokers), they really enjoy the fantastic jewelry pieces, weaponry, and folk-art that comes from Kleshian Merchants.   Kleshians are "okay" with Lankhmarians, as long as they encounter one another outside the Jungles of Klesh. To the Kleshians, the jungle that encompasses their nation is very sacred to them and they do not accept very many outsiders within their borders at all.


Bi-lateral, Economic and Public Diplomatic Policies are in place.


The Ildebrethians buy and sell goods with this empire indirectly through trade channels. They have little direct contact and as such, have formulated no opinion about them one way or the other.

Cold War

Cold War diplomatic policies are in place.

Articles under Kingdom of Klesh

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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