The Quarmallian Empire

The Quarmallian Empire is a realm where ancient magic breathes life into the very stones of its subterranean cities. Governed by the arcane might of the Sorcerer-Kings, this empire is a marvel of mystical engineering and dark political machinations. The capital, Quarmall, stands as a testament to the empire's grandeur, with gravity-defying structures and endless corridors lit by ethereal flames that cast no shadows.   Quarmallian society is steeped in a rigid hierarchy, placing the Sorcerer-Kings at its zenith, supported by a caste of mages, scholars, and warriors. Below them, a vast populace of artisans, miners, and farmers toil, their labor sustaining the opulence of their rulers. These lower classes often turn to secret worship of ancient deities, seeking solace from their burdensome existence.   This empire thrives on the trade of magical artifacts and precious minerals from its deep mines, bolstered by a unique form of agriculture that flourishes under magical enhancement in the absence of sunlight. Quarmallian merchants are famed across Lankhmaria for their goods' unparalleled quality, though rumors abound of dark pacts and forbidden sorceries underpinning their success.   The military prowess of Quarmall is undeniable, boasting legions of enchanted constructs and battalions adept in elemental sorcery. Despite this, their isolationist stance and the treacherous lands that surround them have kept their empire confined, focusing instead on safeguarding their arcane secrets.   However, beneath its surface of magical wonder and splendor, The Quarmallian Empire harbors a dark core: a pervasive system of slavery that permeates every aspect of its society. Every race and people, save for the Quarmallians themselves, can be chained in bondage, viewed as mere chattel in the empire's eyes. This brutal practice ensures that any non-Quarmallian daring to traverse the empire's domain risks enslavement, their freedom stripped away under the guise of Quarmallian superiority.   Slavery in Quarmall manifests in countless forms, from grueling labor in perilous mines to servitude in the grandiose palaces of the Sorcerer-Kings. This grim aspect of Quarmallian life not only fuels the empire's economy but also cements a stark divide between the free and the enslaved. The slave markets of Quarmall are a harrowing sight, where individuals of diverse origins are dehumanized, their identities erased in the cold calculus of trade.   Amidst this darkness, a flicker of resistance stirs, comprising both compassionate Quarmallians and resilient escaped slaves. This underground movement, though endangered by the Sorcerer-Kings' wrath, strives to dismantle the empire's reliance on slavery, advocating for dignity and freedom for all.   Thus, The Quarmallian Empire, for all its arcane achievements and cultural marvels, remains a land of profound contrasts. Its towering achievements in magic and governance are shadowed by the moral decay of its enslavement practices. A realm of limitless wonder and unfathomable danger, it embodies the pinnacle of Human ambition and the depths of its cruelty, a place where the quest for knowledge and power is forever entwined with the struggle for freedom and justice.

In Arcanum Dominatus

by Chad Watson
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Moles, Mole-rats
Leader Title
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Articles under The Quarmallian Empire

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: by Chad Watson


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