
Horborixen emerges as a city cloaked in the allure of the arcane, nestled along the meandering path of a river known ominously as "The River of the Lost." This southern offshoot of the grand River Tilth carves its way through the heart of the city, its waters murmuring tales of ancient enchantments and the echoes of bygone eras.   The air in Horborixen is laden with the fragrance of mystical herbs and the earthy scent of the riverbanks, a constant reminder of the city's deep connection to the natural and the supernatural. The River of the Lost, with its languid, inscrutable currents, serves as the lifeblood of the city, but also as a harbinger of its most enigmatic fables.   The origins of the river's name are woven into the fabric of Horborixen's lore, a tale passed down through generations. It is said that the river was once a maiden, a spirit of the land who loved the city so dearly that she transformed into a flowing stream to embrace it forever. But in her transformation, she became a conduit for the magic that seeps from the land, attracting lost souls and wayward spirits to her banks. Thus, "The River of the Lost" became a byword for both the city's bountiful life and the mysteries that lurk beneath its placid surface.   The Bazaar of the Bizarre stands testament to the city's mystical heritage, a place where the impossible seems commonplace, and where the lost treasures of a thousand worlds find their keepers. Amidst its tangled aisles, one might chance upon maps that chart the river's hidden depths or amulets said to protect against the enchantments that weave through the misty air.   Horborixen's architecture is a patchwork of epochs and styles, each structure bearing the mark of the city's storied history. Temples with roots reaching into the river's bed share the skyline with towers that seem to whisper secrets to the stars. The city's layout is as unpredictable as the river itself, with pathways that curl like the currents and streets that sometimes lead into realms beyond.   Dominating the cityscape is the Tower of the Archmage, a monument to Horborixen's guardianship over the arcane. It is rumored that within its highest chamber, one might see the river's true essence, a silver thread woven through the tapestry of fate.   As dusk enfolds Horborixen, the river's name takes on a deeper, more haunting resonance. The River of the Lost reflects the moon's pale gaze, turning its waters into a mirror for the city's soul. In shadowy taverns, tales are told of those who sought the river's secrets, only to join the legion of whispers that accompany its flow.   Horborixen, cradled by the arms of The River of the Lost, stands as a testament to the enduring dance of the mystical and the mortal. It is a city where every stone and every ripple tells a story, inviting the brave to uncover its secrets and perhaps, in doing so, find themselves among the tales that the river carries to eternity.


Horborixen, with its rich tapestry of landscapes, is blessed with a bounty of natural resources that have shaped its culture, economy, and way of life.  
  • Crystals:

    The city is renowned for its abundant deposits of crystals, not only valued for their beauty but also for their magical properties. These crystals are integral to the city's architecture and are believed to amplify magical energies, especially during the Luminance of the Ancients.
  • Timber from the Dark Forest:

    The vast expanse of the Dark Forest to the west provides Horborixia with an ample supply of timber. This resource is not only used in construction but is also highly prized for the creation of magical artifacts and enchanted vessels.
  • Herbs and Medicinal Plants:

    The fertile lands along The River of the Lost are rich in a variety of herbs and medicinal plants. These botanicals are sought after for their healing properties and are integral to the alchemical practices prevalent in the city.
  • Minerals and Metals:

    The surrounding lands are rich in minerals and metals, which are mined for both construction and the crafting of magical implements. The artisans of Horborixia are adept at combining these materials with magical essences to create items of great power.
  • Fish and Aquatic Life:

    The River of the Lost, despite its mysterious nature, teems with fish and other aquatic life forms. These resources are vital to the local cuisine and also play a role in various cultural and ritual practices.
  • Magical Fauna:

    The proximity to the Dark Forest and the inherent magic of the land mean that Horborixia is home to various magical creatures. These beings, ranging from the mundane to the mystical, contribute to the city's natural resources in unique ways, be it through their magical essences, enchanted pelts, or mystical abilities.
  These natural resources, coupled with the ingenuity and magical prowess of its inhabitants, make Horborixia a city of wonder, where the bounty of the land is intricately woven into the fabric of its society.


Horborixen traces its origins back to the year 14,800 AQ, making it a testament to over six millennia of civilization and to date, the oldest known continuous settlement. The whispers of time speak of its founding by the Gold Elves, a race revered as the primordial elves of M'Brell, whose existence predates the memory of the world itself. These beings, luminous in their majesty and unparalleled in their wisdom, are said to have sculpted Horborixen from the very essence of magic and earth, intending it to be a harmonious sanctuary that mirrors the sublime elegance of the natural order.   Nestled along the winding embrace of The River of the Lost, Horborixen's placement was no mere happenstance. The river, with its mysterious origins and the haunting beauty of its meandering path, carries with it tales as ancient as the city itself. It is named for the fables that shroud its waters; legends that speak of travelers, lured by the river's melancholic song, who ventured into its mists never to return, thus 'losing' themselves to its enchanting allure. These stories, passed down through generations, have woven themselves into the fabric of Horborixen, casting a spell of mystique over the land.   The architecture of Horborixen bears the indelible mark of its elven founders. Buildings crafted with an elegance that defies the ages, their structures harmonizing with the natural world, as if grown from the earth rather than constructed upon it. The spires of the city seem to sing with an ethereal light, especially under the caress of dawn and dusk, reflecting the city's intrinsic connection to the elements.   Over the centuries, Horborixen has seen the ebb and flow of countless dynasties, each leaving their imprint upon the city's legacy. The streets are lined with monuments to heroes and sages, their tales as diverse as the city's inhabitants. The marketplace, a vibrant tapestry of cultures, offers relics and artifacts from forgotten epochs, each holding stories of their own.   The city's heart is the Arcanum, a vast library that is rumored to house the collective knowledge of the Gold Elves and the civilizations that followed. It is a place of pilgrimage for scholars and mages, drawn by the lure of ancient secrets and arcane wisdom.

Points of interest

In Horborixen, the ancient artistry of its founders is further immortalized through the intricate integration of crystals within the architecture of its most significant landmarks and edifices. These crystals, some shaved to the thinness of a razor's edge, are masterfully positioned to capture and channel the light of Sonne during the pivotal moments of the Solar equinoxes and solstices. During these celestial events, known as the "Luminance of the Ancients," the city is bathed in a network of radiant solar beams that interlock across the skyline, creating a spectacle of light that is both awe-inspiring and mystical. It is believed that these beams, resonating at a unique harmonic frequency, amplify the city's magical energies exponentially, making the Luminance of the Ancients not only a visual marvel but a period of heightened sorcery and enchantment. The citizens of Horborixen hold these days in profound reverence, celebrating with festivals that blend ancient rituals with spellbinding displays of magic, where the air is alive with the hum of power and the streets are aglow with the dance of enchanted lights.
Founding Date
14,800 AQ
Alternative Name(s)
Rix, Rixen, Rixia
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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