The City-State of Ildebreth

Perched on the western coast of the Sea of Monsters, the independent city-state of Ildebreth stands as a beacon of power, culture, and resilience. Known for its strikingly unique population, the Ildebrethians are a people of deep obsidian hues, their entire bodies, including skin, eyes, teeth, and hair, possessing an unbroken darkness that gives them an otherworldly appearance. Despite their intimidating visage, the people of Ildebreth are renowned for their warmth, hospitality, and dedication to meritocratic principles.

Demography and Population

Demographic Breakdown
  • Ildebrethians: 70% (24,500)
  • Elves: 10% (3,500)
  • Dwarves: 8% (2,800)
  • Half-Orcs: 6% (2,100)
  • Halflings: 4% (1,400)
  • Others (including transient populations): 2% (700)


Domain : Noble Court / Political Administration

  • Diplomacy: + 4 (+2 Noble Court, +2 Political Admin)
  • Espionage: + 0
  • Lore: - 1
  • Operations: + 1
  • Communications: 10
  • Resolve: 12
  • Resources: 11

Domain Features

Mercantile guild officers gain access to the following domain features.
  • Mantle of Authority. The burden of leadership passed down from your forebears allows you to call upon their strength in battle. As a bonus action, take a power die from your domain’s pool and add half the number on the die (rounded up) to one of your ability scores. This can increase your ability score above 20. At the end of each of your turns, decrement the power die.
  • Prepare the Steeds (Special Unit). As a domain action, make a DC 13 Operations test. On a success, you muster the Lancers, a special unit of skilled equestrians. (See the Warfare chapter for full details on how to read a unit card.)
  • Skilled Negotiators. Once per intrigue as a domain bonus action, you can make a Diplomacy test to gain a special unit from an NPC realm. On a success, the unit also has its casualty die increased one step.
  • Timely Aid. As a reaction to a successful attack made against a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, take a die from the power pool. Until the end of its next turn, that creature gains a bonus to its AC (including against the triggering attack) equal to the number on the power die. Additionally, the creature regains hit points equal to the number on the power die.
  • Diplomacy for Intel. As a domain action, make a DC 15 Diplomacy test. On a success, your domain’s Communications level increases by 1, and you can make Diplomacy tests in place of Espionage tests until the end of the intrigue.
  • Enchantment Economy. As a domain action, make a DC 14 Diplomacy test. On a success, all officers in your organization have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects during the next combat against the officers of an opposed domain.


Ildebreth does not have an official state religion. The city-state values merit, individual achievement, and civic responsibility over religious affiliation. While religious practices are allowed and various faiths may be practiced privately or within specific communities, the government itself remains secular. This secular approach aligns with the city's focus on meritocracy, where one's status and opportunities are determined by personal accomplishments rather than religious or spiritual standing.   The lack of a state religion also reflects Ildebreth's emphasis on unity and order, ensuring that no single belief system dominates or causes division within its diverse population. Instead, the city fosters a culture where respect for different beliefs is encouraged, but religious practices remain a personal or community matter rather than a state-endorsed institution.

Foreign Relations


1. The Meritocratic Advancement Act
  • Summary: Positions of authority, both in government and major industries, are awarded based on merit rather than inheritance, wealth, or social connections. Citizens must pass rigorous evaluations or competitions to qualify for roles such as council members, judges, military leaders, and guild masters.
  • Purpose: To ensure that the most capable and deserving individuals hold positions of power, thereby promoting the overall prosperity and stability of Ildebreth.
2. The Obsidian Veil Law
  • Summary: All Ildebrethians are required to wear black or dark-colored clothing in public, reflecting their cultural aesthetic and unity. Non-Ildebrethians are encouraged, though not required, to adopt similar attire while within the city. This law extends to architecture and public spaces, which must also adhere to the dark aesthetic of the city.
  • Purpose: To maintain the cultural identity and visual unity of Ildebreth, ensuring that the city's appearance remains consistent and reflective of its heritage.
3. The Law of Silence
  • Summary: Between the hours of midnight and dawn, Ildebreth enforces strict noise ordinances throughout the city. Public gatherings, celebrations, and even commercial activities are restricted during these hours to maintain peace and allow residents uninterrupted rest.
  • Purpose: To preserve the tranquility of the city during nighttime hours, promoting a healthy lifestyle and respecting the city's overall orderliness.
4. The Artisan's Guild Mandate
  • Summary: Any artisan or craftsman wishing to sell their goods within Ildebreth must be a member of the city’s Artisan Guild. Membership requires passing a rigorous examination and proving one's skills. The guild also regulates the quality of goods produced and sold within the city, ensuring that only the finest craftsmanship represents Ildebreth.
  • Purpose: To maintain high standards in the city’s artisanal products and protect the reputation of Ildebreth’s craftsmen.
5. The Law of the Blackstone
  • Summary: The blackstone found in Ildebreth is considered a sacred resource. Its extraction, use, and trade are strictly regulated by the city-state. Only licensed craftsmen and builders are permitted to work with blackstone, and any export of raw blackstone requires special approval from the Council of Elders.
  • Purpose: To preserve the city’s most valuable natural resource, ensuring that blackstone is used responsibly and that its value is maintained.
6. The Law of Legacy
  • Summary: Citizens of Ildebreth are encouraged, though not required, to document their life's achievements, contributions to society, and personal histories. These records, known as "Legacies," are preserved in the city’s central archives. Upon their death, a citizen’s Legacy is reviewed by the Council of Elders, and exceptional individuals may be posthumously honored.
  • Purpose: To encourage a culture of self-improvement, reflection, and civic pride, and to create a historical record of the city’s most influential and accomplished citizens.
7. The Law of Hospitality
  • Summary: Non-Ildebrethians who reside in or visit the city are granted certain protections and are expected to respect the city’s customs. Any visitor who contributes significantly to the city, through commerce, culture, or service, can be granted honorary citizenship, allowing them to participate in the Meritocratic system.
  • Purpose: To foster good relations with outsiders, encourage valuable contributions from visitors, and ensure that the city’s customs and laws are respected by all who live in or visit Ildebreth.

Agriculture & Industry

Ildebreth has its own agricultural sector, although it is relatively small due to the city's geographic constraints and focus on other industries. The local agriculture primarily focuses on high-value crops that can thrive in the region’s specific climate and soil conditions. Examples include:   Herbs and Medicinal Plants: Ildebreth cultivates a variety of herbs and plants that are used in both culinary and medicinal practices. These are often unique to the region and are highly prized within the city and by traders.   Orchards and Vineyards: The city has small but productive orchards and vineyards, producing fruits and wines that are consumed locally or exported as luxury items. These products are known for their distinctive flavors, influenced by the unique soil and climate of Ildebreth.  
Ildebreth's industrial sector is more developed than its agriculture, focusing on areas where the city excels:   Artisanal Craftsmanship: As mentioned, Ildebreth is renowned for its blackstone craftsmanship, producing architectural pieces, monuments, and fine art. This industry is a cornerstone of the city’s economy, with skilled artisans passing down techniques through generations.   Shipbuilding: Given its coastal location, Ildebreth has a significant shipbuilding industry. The city produces both merchant vessels and warships, known for their durability and quality.   Alchemy and Enchantment: Ildebreth has a well-established tradition of alchemy and magical item creation. Local alchemists and mages produce potions, elixirs, and enchanted items that are sold within the city.   Luxury Goods Production: Ildebreth also has a thriving industry dedicated to the production of luxury goods, including finely woven textiles, perfumes, and intricate metalwork. These goods are highly valued within the city and are also significant exports.

Trade & Transport

The economy of Ildebreth is mixed, combining elements of free-market trade with strategic state intervention in critical industries. The city-state is a hub of innovation and trade, with its strategic position on the Sea of Monsters making it a vital player in maritime commerce. Ildebreth’s economy is further bolstered by its strong alliance with The Republic of Karja Tal, with whom it shares a symbiotic trading relationship.


Education in Ildebreth is highly valued and is seen as a crucial component of the Meritocratic system that governs the city-state. The city's educational structure is designed to ensure that all citizens have access to knowledge and skills that enable them to contribute meaningfully to society, regardless of their background. However, the level and quality of education one receives can vary depending on individual merit, ambition, and, to some extent, socioeconomic status.  

Educational Structure

Basic Education
  • Accessibility: Basic education in Ildebreth is universally accessible and mandatory for all children, regardless of their social class or background. It is provided by the city-state and focuses on literacy, numeracy, history, and basic sciences, as well as the principles of meritocracy and civic responsibility.
  • Curriculum: The curriculum is rigorous, with an emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and the arts. Children are taught from a young age about the importance of contributing to society and are encouraged to pursue excellence in their chosen fields.
Intermediate and Specialized Education
  • Progression: After completing basic education, students who show promise can advance to intermediate levels, where they begin to specialize in fields such as the arts, sciences, craftsmanship, or trade. Admission to these advanced schools is based on merit, with entrance exams and evaluations determining eligibility
  • Specialized Institutions: Ildebreth is home to several specialized schools and academies, particularly in areas where the city excels, such as blackstone craftsmanship, alchemy, shipbuilding, and the arts. These institutions are highly competitive, and only the most talented and dedicated students are admitted.
Higher Education and Research
  • Advanced Academies: For those who excel in their intermediate studies, Ildebreth offers higher education at its advanced academies and research institutions. These academies are centers of innovation and learning, attracting scholars from within the city-state and beyond.
  • Areas of Focus: Higher education in Ildebreth covers a wide range of disciplines, including advanced magical studies, engineering, political theory, and economics. Students at this level often go on to hold influential positions within the city or become renowned experts in their fields.

Average Education Level

The average education level in Ildebreth is relatively high compared to other regions in Nehwon, due to the city’s emphasis on learning and merit. Most citizens complete at least the basic level of education, with many pursuing further studies based on their abilities and interests. The overall literacy rate is nearly universal, and there is a strong culture of lifelong learning, with adults often participating in continuing education or vocational training to enhance their skills.  
Disparities and Access Differentiation
  • Merit-Based Access: Education beyond the basic level is merit-based, which means that students who demonstrate talent, dedication, and hard work are given opportunities to advance, regardless of their socioeconomic background. This system is designed to minimize disparities by focusing on individual ability rather than wealth or status.
  • Socioeconomic Influence: While merit is the primary factor in educational advancement, there are some disparities in access to resources that can influence outcomes. Wealthier families can afford private tutors, access to rare books, and additional training, which may give their children an edge in the highly competitive entrance exams for specialized schools.
  • Support for the Talented: To address potential disparities, the city offers scholarships, mentorship programs, and state-sponsored tutoring for promising students from less affluent backgrounds. These initiatives help ensure that talent is not overlooked due to financial constraints.
  • Cultural Expectation: In Ildebreth, there is a cultural expectation that individuals will strive to maximize their potential. This cultural pressure encourages even those from modest backgrounds to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them, fostering a society where self-improvement and learning are highly respected.

Furistuheit durh Verdienest

Ildebrethian Queen by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Founding Date
2136 RJ
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The Black Jewel
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Currency Conversion Table
Major Exports
Blackstone Craftsmanship
  Ildebreth is renowned for its blackstone, a rare and durable stone found only in the region. Skilled artisans craft this material into intricate architectural pieces, monuments, and construction materials. These blackstone products are highly sought after in major cities across Nehwon, including Lankhmar, Mythan Belanore, and the Kingdom of Gnamph.  
Cultural Artifacts
  The city’s rich history and traditions are reflected in the sculptures, tapestries, and other art forms produced by its craftsmen. These cultural artifacts are prized by collectors, museums, and noble estates, further cementing Ildebreth’s reputation as a center of art and culture.  
Luxury Goods
  Ildebreth exports a range of luxury goods that showcase the city’s dedication to craftsmanship and quality. Finely woven garments, perfumes, and intricate metalwork are among the items produced in Ildebreth, coveted by the wealthy elite across Nehwon. These luxury items often incorporate rare and valuable materials, making them highly desirable in high-end markets.
Major Imports
1. Grains and Agricultural Products
  • Purpose: While Ildebreth has its own agricultural production, the city's population and demand for diverse foodstuffs necessitate the import of grains, fruits, and other agricultural products from these fertile regions.
2. Lumber and Timber
  • Purpose: Ildebreth’s architecture, though predominantly stone, also utilizes fine woods in construction, furniture, and shipbuilding. The city imports high-quality lumber from the expansive Great Forest to supplement its own limited forest resources.
3. Metals and Minerals
  • Source: The Feudal State of Duhn Glorr.
  • Purpose: Ildebreth's industries and artisans require metals for manufacturing, crafting weapons, tools, and luxury items. Precious metals like gold and silver, as well as iron and steel, are sourced from the dwarven nation of Duhn Glorr, renowned for its rich mines and skilled metallurgy.
4. Exotic Spices and Herbs
  • Source: Independent State of Kokgnab and trade routes from Central and Eastern Nehwon.
  • Purpose: Ildebrethians have a taste for exotic cuisine and medicinal practices. Spices and herbs, highly valued for both culinary and medicinal uses, are imported from Kokgnab and distant trade routes spanning Central and Eastern Nehwon.
5. Textiles and Fine Fabrics
  • Source: Elven Kingdom of Mÿthanos.
  • Purpose: The city imports fine silks, linens, and other luxury fabrics from the renowned elven weavers of Mÿthanos. These textiles are used in clothing, décor, and ceremonial garments, adding a touch of elven elegance to Ildebreth’s fashion.
6. Arcane and Alchemical Ingredients
  • Source: Various regions across Nehwon, including magical hotspots and alchemical Guilds.
  • Purpose: Ildebreth’s scholars, mages, and alchemists require rare and powerful ingredients for their research and practices, many of which are imported from distant lands known for their arcane prowess.
7. Livestock
  • Purpose: To meet the dietary needs of its population and for breeding purposes, the city imports livestock such as cattle, sheep, and horses from Sarheenia, a land known for its high-quality livestock.
8. Kleg Narian War Mastiffs
  • Source: Kingdom of Kleg.
  • Purpose: Ildebreth is a major importer of the Kleg Narian War Mastiff, a dog famously bred for its strength, loyalty, and combat prowess. These mastiffs are highly prized for their use in both the city's military and as guardians for the wealthy.
9. Luxuries and Fine Goods
  • Purpose: The wealthy and influential citizens of Ildebreth have a strong demand for luxury items such as fine wines, rare gems, art pieces, and jewelry. These are imported from renowned cultural and commercial centers, including Lankhmar, Mythan Belanore, and the Kingdom of Gnamph, adding to the city’s opulence and prestige.
Legislative Body
The governance of Ildebreth is rooted in a strict Meritocracy, where individuals rise to positions of power and influence based on their abilities, achievements, and contributions to society. The city-state is led by a council of Elders, a body composed of the most accomplished and respected citizens from various sectors, including trade, academia, military, and the arts. These Elders are chosen not by birthright but by a rigorous evaluation of their merits, ensuring that only the most capable individuals steer the course of the city.
Official Languages


Ildebreth enjoys trading with the Kleg Narians for the most part. They especially enjoy purchasing their Kleg Narian War Mastiff.


The Ildebrethians buy and sell goods with this empire indirectly through trade channels. They have little direct contact and as such, have formulated no opinion about them one way or the other.


The Ildebrethians buy and sell goods with this empire indirectly through trade channels. They have little direct contact and as such, have formulated no opinion about them one way or the other.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: Ildebrethian Crest by Chad Watson via ChatGPT


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