Sea of Monsters

The Sea of Monsters, a vast and foreboding expanse of water, lies like a gaping wound upon the surface of Nehwon. Stretching from the southern edges of the Lankhmar plains to the distant northern reaches, this treacherous sea was born of the Cataclysm of the Shimmering Abyss in 305 RJ. Its waters are deep and dark, concealing countless mysteries and dangers beneath their roiling surface.   The sea’s boundaries are jagged coastlines, where the land abruptly falls away into the abyssal depths. Strange, iridescent minerals line the underwater chasms, casting an eerie glow that can be seen from the shore on moonless nights. These minerals are remnants of the Shimmering Abyss, the rift that lies at the heart of the Sea of Monsters, thought to be a gateway to vast underwater realms beneath M'Brell's crust.  
Creatures and Myths
The Sea of Monsters is aptly named for the myriad of fearsome creatures that inhabit its depths. Sea serpents, colossal krakens, and ghostly leviathans are just a few of the horrors said to prowl these waters. Sailors speak of enormous, tentacled beasts that can drag entire ships to their doom, and spectral apparitions that lure the unwary to watery graves.   Legend holds that the Shimmering Abyss is home to ancient powers and entities, slumbering beneath the sea for millennia. The Abyssal Cults, secretive religious orders, believe these beings to be gods or demons, and they perform dark rituals in hopes of awakening their slumbering deities.  
A Tale from the Sea of Monsters
The Voyage of Captain Garash Captain Garash of Lankhmar was a seasoned mariner, known for his daring exploits and insatiable thirst for adventure. Tales of his voyages filled the taverns of the city, each more incredible than the last. But it was his fateful journey to the Sea of Monsters that would cement his legend in the annals of Nehwon.   Driven by rumors of a treasure hidden within the depths of the Shimmering Abyss, Garash gathered a crew of the bravest souls and set sail from the port of Ildebreth. His ship, the Sea Serpent, was a sturdy vessel, well-equipped to face the perils of the treacherous waters.   As the Sea Serpent approached the Sea of Monsters, the sky darkened and the waters grew restless. The crew whispered of curses and omens, but Garash pressed on, determined to claim the fabled riches. On the third night, as they neared the heart of the sea, the water began to glow with an unearthly light, illuminating the ship with an eerie luminescence.   Suddenly, the sea erupted in chaos. Tentacles as thick as tree trunks emerged from the depths, wrapping around the ship and dragging it towards the abyss. The crew fought valiantly, hacking at the monstrous limbs with swords and axes, but it was a losing battle. As the ship was pulled under, Garash caught a glimpse of something extraordinary – a cavernous opening beneath the sea, filled with shimmering crystals and the faint outline of a colossal, slumbering beast.   In a final, desperate act, Garash dived into the water, clutching a small, enchanted talisman given to him by a wise woman in Lankhmar. The talisman glowed brightly, repelling the tentacles and allowing Garash to swim to the surface. He was the only survivor, washed ashore days later with tales of the horrors he had witnessed.  
Legacy of the Sea of Monsters
The story of Captain Garash and the Sea Serpent became legend, a cautionary tale for those who dared to seek the treasures of the Shimmering Abyss. The Sea of Monsters remains a place of fear and fascination, its depths unexplored and its secrets closely guarded by the relentless waves and the monstrous guardians of the abyss.   For the people of Nehwon, the Sea of Monsters symbolizes both the allure of the unknown and the ever-present danger of venturing too far into realms best left undisturbed. It is a place where legends are born, heroes are tested, and the balance between courage and folly is forever measured against the backdrop of the dark, inscrutable sea.
Inland Sea

Articles under Sea of Monsters

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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