
Benneth Atrellion (a.k.a. Benny)

Benneth Atrellion grew up in Lankhmar as a single child to parents Bexley Atrellion and Marius Tidewater both of Lankhmar as well. Bexley is a widely known and respected portrait oil painter who has had the distinct privilege of depicting nearly every affluent family in all of Nehwon's known major cities. Amongst the wealthy and affluent, owning a “Bexley” as it’s called is a status symbol. It is inferred that the more Bexleys one owns the higher on the social ladder one gets. As such, the Atrellions have become relatively wealthy in their own right which has allowed Benneth to grow up with more privileges and education than most ever know. Benneth has always appreciated his good fortune, especially his access to higher education. He is a voracious reader and consumes knowledge and information ceaselessly, regardless of the topic. This feature makes him a philosopher in the truest meaning of the word – a lover of knowledge. Along with this, Benneth has inherited his father’s artistic gift and is a wonderous painter himself. His father had put a brush into Benneth’s hand when he was only a few days old and made it his personal mission to teach Benneth everything he knew about his art. While growing up, Benneth not only enjoyed the expression of art itself, he enjoyed the time he spent with his father, a man whom he highly respects and cherishes.     Benneth first became attracted to magic after witnessing a formidable display of a spellcasting duel between two wizards. One wizard who went by the name of Merreck the Red knocked the other wizard into unconsciousness with a mere wave of a burnt twig he held in his hand and an unintelligable word. He later learned this spell to be "Witch Bolt". He was so impressed by the sheer power of the spell and the wizard's ability to defend himself that he wanted to learn wizardry right away. His father being of great financial and sociopolitical influence was able to convince the wizard to take Benneth on as an apprentice a few short months later. As part of the exchange, Bexley painted a portrait of Merreck the Red's mother (at Merreck's request) that so moved Merreck, he was brought to tears. This in turn has made Merreck a most committed master to Benneth, ensuring that Benneth has the highest and best training possible. Upon graduating from his program, Merreck bestowed Benneth with a magical garment known as the "Coat of the Wyld Thistle", a token of Merreck's love and devotion towards Benneth. Benneth rarely takes this coat off.


Family Ties

Family Tree


Benneth is lost in his own head much of the time. He appears distracted or disinterested to those who don't know him or are casually observing his facial features. In actuality, he's keenly observant of everything and everyone around him; his apparent disposition is partially due to the mental cataloging of his surroundings, mental recitations of spell incantations, and ponderings on how he is going to become a very powerful wizard as quickly as possible.

Wealth & Financial state

Benneth comes from a very wealth family line. As such, he needs for nothing materially.

Benneth Atrellion, raised in Lankhmar by his renowned portraitist father, Bexley Atrellion, and Marius Tidewater, grew up in a world of privilege and art, deeply influenced by his father's celebrated work. His life transformed after witnessing a wizard's duel, leading him to apprentice under Merreck the Red in wizardry, blending his artistic heritage with newfound magical skills. Completing his training, Benneth received a symbolic "Coat of the Wyld Thistle" from Merreck, marking his transition into a skilled mage and honoring the bond formed through his journey.

Character Location
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Neutral Good
Current Status
Children of Karja Tal
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
21 Dröhnen
Current Residence
Deep Blue
Chestnut Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mystra, Oghma and Tyr
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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