The Order of Ix

The Order of IX, also known as IX , The Nine, or 9, is an organization whose mission is to counter, slow or cease the insidious actions and crimes committed by the Kult Drachen, most especially those that involve the dragons they cultivate for purposes of military and political aggression. As a countermeasure, IX seeks to obtain, transport and cultivate its own fleet of dragons to bolster the defense of the benevolent population of Nehwon. Until Ixian dragons grow into their power, IX seeks to keep the order's existence extremely classified in order to give it the greatest chance of survival and prosperity.   With this in mind, membership into IX will be highly selective. Newer members will be watched very closely and should have no expectation of privacy until such time they have proven themselves to be unfaltering and trustworthy. In addition to this, measures will be taken ensure that newer members can not share any knowledge procured during their membership that will include extreme and/or capital punishment. All members should strive to utilize their specific talents to further the mission of IX and whenever possible and practical, to donate money, coins and metals, gems, artifacts, magical items, and pieces of art to both fund the order as well as prepare the lair for the dragons the order intends to acquire.

Public Agenda

Founding Date
Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Provisional government
Controlled Territories

Articles under The Order of Ix

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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