Session 0009 - Rats, Everywhere

General Summary

Game Session 9 (9 Apr 2023)
  Roll 20, Discord, Syrinscape (not working for some reason)  
  • The Heretic then decides to go up the stairs to find a way out. As they went up the staircase, two Green Slimes detach themselves from the ceiling, drooping down onto Cathlynn and Verbena. The Heretic were able to easily kill these Green Slimes and make their way up to the top of the staircase. That said, Cathlynn was down to about 3 HP so she conjured 6 Goodberries, allowing her to fully heal with one Goodberry to spare.
  • At the top of the staircase, a hallway led to the immediate left and made another immediate left once again. At the end of that corridor, a doorway led into what seemed to be a greater room. Verbena volunteered to sneak up to the corner of the doorway to scout out what might lie beyond.
  • Verbena sees 13 Giant Rats, all feasting upon what looked like another dead Giant Rat. Verbena turned to tell everyone what she saw. Forgetting herself, she announced verbally to them in her normal volume of voice, which attracted the attention of the Giant rats.
  • Verbena was immediately attacked, however the rest of the Heretic moved forward to engage in combat. Sken moved forward and launched a Fire Bolt, immediately killing 3 rats.
  • Ikiri, being a true Blood Huntress, jumped in the middle of the largest mass of the Giant Rats and proceeded to kill 3 more giant rats. Ikiri fell during her combat however. Luckily, she was able to make her three death saving throws, but just barely. She had two DST fails and two DST successes when she rolled the 3rd DST success.
  • Benneth panicked and ran past the Giant Rats into an open air courtyard . He was subsequently attacked and he fell as well. Like Ikiri, he made his 3rd DST success with 2 DST Fails and 2 DST successes when he made it. After Cathlynn fell, Verbena had ran to the courtyard to check on his welfare, found him dead. There were 3 rats surrounding him, she killed one and used Mage Hand to toss the other two over the crumbling wall of the Moathouse and into the river beyond.
  • Verbena killed one giant rat before receiving a near fatal bite which took her down to 1 hp. She ran back down into the hallway near the top of the stairs and remained there for a few rounds paralyzed with fear. Cathlynn offered Verbena the last Goodberry in one round and then used a healing spell to heal back to maximum HP.
  • Two Giant Rats then launched themselves into Cathlynn and were steadily biting her. Sken attempted to help her by stomping on one of the rats but failed so miserably, he ended up twisting his ankle and falling flat on his back. This fail along with Verbena's inability to distract or kill the rats attacking Cathlynn led to the rats killing Cathlynn. She failed 3 DSTs after having received 2 Success and 2 failed DSTs before making the final deciding roll. Cathlynn is forever dead.
  • Matteu had 3 rats on him at one point, however he was able to kill two before falling as well. Exactly as the others, he had two failed and two successful DSTs before he rolled the final 3rd successful DST.
  • At the end of the fray, all Giant Rats were killed. Verbena split her healing potion between Benneth and Matteu. Ikiri is unconscious but stable and Cathlynn is forever dead.
  • The Heretic realizes the courtyard that Benneth ran to is the courtyard of the Moathouse they have been to a few days prior.
  • The Heretic then gather Ikiri and Cathlynn and head back to Karja Tal to recover Ikiri and bury Cathlynn, taking a carriage drawn by two horses that were left by an unknown party by the front entrance of the Moathouse.
Report Date
09 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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