Session 0019 : The Umber Hulk

General Summary

  • The Heretic's contemplation of the statues encircling them bore a weight of suspense, their minds adrift with speculation over the statues' true nature—mere stone or dormant guardians. Amidst this uncertainty, Lilly Genrill, a shadowy figure until now, emerged with cautious steps from the pathway linking the circular chamber to the enigmatic "room of mushrooms." Benneth, taken aback by her sudden appearance, voiced his alarm, inquiring into her identity. With a deliberate show of non-aggression, hands kept well away from her weapons, Lilly disclosed her days-long pursuit of The Heretic, her presence in the dungeon a testament to her relentless tracking. Her hesitation to reveal herself stemmed from doubts about their involvement in the demise of Verbena Feathertoes, hoping instead they were allies.
  • The party, intrigued yet wary, gathered around Lilly, their collective suspicion piqued. Lilly recounted her story, revealing herself as the proprietor of The Merry Mug in Oakhaven, where Verbena had once graced the stage. With Verbena's unexplained absence troubling her, Lilly, upon the urging of Verbena's fellow bards, embarked on a quest to uncover her fate. This mission led her to a grim discovery north of the Great Western Merchant's road—Verbena's body, a sight left unguarded against nature's scavengers. Benneth's realization of Lilly's truthful account brought a wave of regret over their oversight in providing Verbena a proper resting place, a lapse that gnawed at their consciences.
  • Lilly, having erected a cairn in Verbena's memory, voiced a poignant reflection on the nature of friendship and loyalty. Cathlynn offered assurances that their departure was hastened by the threat of further attacks, not neglect. Lilly's understanding of their plight softened her judgment, and upon Cathlynn's invitation, she joined their quest, her resolve aligned with their noble cause.
  • With their ranks bolstered by Lilly's addition, the party deliberated their next move. Opting for the path northward, they encountered a door from which emanated indiscernible sounds, prompting Matteu's cautious investigation. The party, driven by a blend of curiosity and caution, chose to explore the enigmatic corridor filled with spider webs—a testament to the dungeon's dormant dangers. Ikiri's keen observation suggested the webs were relics of the past, yet the threat of lurking arachnids remained palpable. Their discovery of a trapdoor leading into the unknown prompted a democratic decision on their next course of action, ultimately steering them down the eastward hallway.
  • Venturing forth, they navigated past an imposing ogre statue to discover a network of hallways and a mysteriously sculpted fountain, its waters as clear as they were sulfurous. Lilly's innate curiosity drew her towards a northward passage, her actions prompting a unanimous follow.  
      Their exploration led them to the fleeting glimpse of canine figures, igniting a mix of caution and intrigue as they ventured deeper into the dungeon's heart,
  • Matteu, with a cautious yet determined stride, advanced to scout the corridor ahead on behalf of the party. His exploration led him to a rectangular chamber, a bizarre tableau that piqued both curiosity and caution. Dominating the center of this space was a substantial boulder, its surface flattened to form a makeshift platform about 4 feet off the ground. Atop this rocky stage, a distressing sight unfolded: a man and a woman, stripped of dignity and bound by chains at their wrists and ankles, lay exposed. Positioned ominously above each prisoner's head were objects of potential significance—a key hovered over the man, while a dagger was placed above the woman, suggesting a cruel choice or perhaps a means of escape.
  • The scene was further complicated by the presence of wildlife; a swarm of rats, numbering in the hundreds, and a cluster of foxes circled the boulder's base, their attempts to ascend thwarted by the rock's cunning design. Observing from the shadows of large and smaller alcoves on the chamber's periphery were four harpies, their interest in the spectacle ranging from indifferent to nonchalant, as they rested or slept
  • Faced with the unsettling tableau, The Heretic and their companions withdrew to the relative safety of the hallway to deliberate their next move. After a brief discussion, weighted with the moral implications of their discovery, they resolved to leave the perplexing scene untouched for the moment, choosing instead to explore another passage that branched northward, hoping it might offer a less ominous path forward.
  • This time, Matteu took the lead, guiding the group towards the terminus of a new passage that stretched some 40 feet before veering eastward into an expansive octagonal chamber. The room plunged 16 feet down into a pit, accessible only by a precarious 6-inch-wide ledge that skirted the northern and southern edges of the entrance hallway. Undeterred by the perilous path, Lilly's insatiable curiosity drove her to navigate the southern ledge, her diminutive stature turning the narrow walkway into an advantage rather than a hindrance. Observing her daring move, Cathlynn enhanced Matteu with a Spider Climb spell, enabling him to effortlessly traverse walls or even the ceiling if needed, to ensure Lilly's safety.
  • As they ventured further, the duo gained a comprehensive view of the chamber below, noting a series of 2-inch holes punctuating the ceiling and mysterious archways embedded in The North and south walls, suggesting hidden passages or perhaps, dangers untold. Their exploration was abruptly halted by the emergence of an Umber Hulk from the northern archway. The creature, with its formidable presence, wasted no time in launching an attack upon spotting them.
  • In a frantic effort to evade the looming threat, Lilly made a dash for the relative safety of the landing where the rest of the party had gathered. Cathlynn, sensing the imminent peril Lilly faced, transformed into a Lizard Riding Mount, her new form scaling the walls with agility as she raced to Lilly's aid. Before Cathlynn could reach her, however, Nebula invoked a Levitate spell, buoying Lilly out of the monster's reach and back to the safety of the group.
  • Amidst this chaos, Ironcast and Tigeth leaped into the fray, diving into the pit to confront the Umber Hulk head-on. Ikiri provided cover, her crossbow bolt striking true, though she yearned to engage the beast more directly. Meanwhile, Matteu, in his attempt to retreat, found himself tumbling into the pit. Undaunted, he engaged the Umber Hulk with ferocity, his attacks leaving deep gashes in the creature's carapace.
Lilly Genrill by Loreana Maier
Lilly Genrill

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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