
Lia Mercellion (a.k.a. Keesha Knight)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Keesha could easily be a model as her comeliness is so appealing. As such, she is used to male attention and knows how to handle those who get too aggressive with her.

Body Features

She has what one would call an "athlete's physique". She has very low body fat (15%) yet is shapely.

Facial Features

She wears little makeup and what she does wear is applied subtly and lightly, mainly focusing on eyeshadows, eyeliner and mascara. She feels that her eyes have charmed many people and seeks to enhance them as best as possible.

Physical quirks

She is insecure about her looks yet she is extremely comely.

Apparel & Accessories

She keeps herself and her clothing as clean as possible at all times and replaces worn clothing quickly. In conjunction with her goals of keeping influential friends and associates, she feels her appearance must be at its best.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Keesha Knight was born Lia Mercellion and raised in the city of Lankhmar in the land of Nehwon. Her mother Mercia Mercellion, nee Atellis, died while giving birth to Keesha. She was the only child to her parents. Her father, Krellis Mercellion, raised her afterward but did so rather poorly. He was never deliberately cruel to Keesha, but he was very negligent in her upbringing. As Keesha grew, she looked more and more like her mother which was a source of emotional pain to Krellis. He dealt with this by engaging with Keesha less and there were many nights he wouldn’t even come home to her at all. He was a man of many addictions, including taking to heavy drinking to deal with his emotional pains. The worst of his vices was his gambling habit. His earnings as a farm hand were meager and he would gamble nearly all that he earned. On top of this he lost games at an uncanny rate, partially due to cheating dealers and partially due to his inebriated state when he gambled. His lack of money left Keesha to go hungry most nights so she began stealing fruits and breads from street vendors at the early age of four just to keep from starving. When her father found out that she was stealing food, instead of reprimanding her, he encouraged her to continue stealing this as well as items of value which he would then pawn, of course to further feed his gambling addiction. Occasionally Keesha would get caught stealing, which wasn't very often as she seemed to have a natural gift for shoplifting. In these cases, she would either charm her way out of the situation, using her unusually good looks, or she would conjure crocodile tears, breaking the hearts of the vendors. Many of these vendors were so distraught and moved by her emotional breakdown (all an act, of course) that they would send her home with addition food, supplies and coin.   One night, when Keesha was about 14 years old, two rogues who worked as debt collectors for the “Dead Master Thieves' Guild” (DMTG) who ran the gambling operation that Krellis visited, came to her home to collect a gambling debt from her father. They raided their home looking for anything of value in order to satisfy the debt. Eventually, they found a hidden stash of special items that Keesha had hidden from her father--things like jewelry, gems, silk scarves, and other such small but valuable items. The debt collectors assumed that Krellis was holding out on them and, holding a blade to his throat, demanded to know when, how, and from who he had obtained the items. He told them that Keesha had been stealing for them for a very long time and that he had no knowledge of her cache until they found it. Krellis offered them the items and stated that if it wasn’t enough to satisfy his debt, he would have Keesha steal more until it was. The debt collectors assessed the items to be a partial payment towards his debt and gave him one week to give them the remainder he owed plus vig. The debt collectors reported Keesha's thieving activities to DMTG’s guild master, Sven. Impressed by the quality and difficulty of obtaining some of these items, Sven came to Keesha's home and after speaking with Krellis, he offered a complete payoff of his debt in exchange for Keesha’s indentured servitude. Her father quickly accepted. Sven and Krellis then explained to Keesha that she was to be indentured to serve DMTG for two years in order to pay her father's debt. Stunned into silent agreement, Keesha willingly followed Sven. This would be the last time Keesha saw her father. Years later, she attempted to find him, but she never found out anything certain as to what became of him.

Gender Identity





Never formally educated, however she has a very high IQ.


Keesha is retired from employment as she has enough wealth to support her lifestyle. She commits her time to Ix.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was personally mentored by Sven, the head of DMTG (Dead Masters Thieves Guild). There, she was molded and trained into a professional thief, learning the skills of survival, fighting, pickpocketing, assassination, and other such "useful" attributes. It was here that she created the alias “Keesha Knight”, hiding her true identity. Sven, unlike her father, was far from negligent. Sven became Keesha’s father figure, and they grew as close as any family could. She stayed with her family of rogues until Sven was assassinated by a rival thieves guild known as “Vex”. Her guild family disintegrated as others were murdered, fled, or joined Vex. Keesha opted to flee the city and go off on her own. She offered her services as a rogue to anyone that felt her skills would be of good use. Sometimes that involved stealing, assassination, coercion, and other such things, however, she earned a reputation for plundering crypts, delving into dungeons, and ransacking lairs of all sorts, something that very few could ever steel their nerves to do.   After leaving DMTG and Lankhmar, Keesha met a very handsome Human male fighter named Thomas Eaton, with whom she had a very brief but very intense love affair. Though their love relationship was fleeting, Keesha held Thomas in high regard and followed him on various jobs and adventures for several years. During one such adventure, Thomas and Keesha met Diana Masters, a Half-Elf female wizard/priest. Keesha and Diana formed a strong friendship which eventually turned into an intimate relationship, one that persists to this very day, more than three decades later. Their relationship is a secret one as Diana serves on the Council of Light, a board that is comprised of high-ranking priests from Lankhmar’s various churches and temples. Because of this, Diana must publicly distance herself from Keesha since Keesha is easily recognizable by many government and religious officials in Lankhmar as the protĂ©gĂ© of Sven of DMTG. Diana serves as The High Priestess of the Temple of Tyr, which earned her a position in the Council of Light. On the surface, she serves on the council for socio-political reasons, attending events and making decisions as is expected of a Council member. However, her true purpose is to report the Council’s activities to The Order of Ix, an organization that she and Keesha belong to that in part, seeks to undermine the corruptions and right the wrongs caused by the King of Lankhmar and his regime. The Council of Light visits with the King and his court several times a month, which puts Diana in a perfect position to obtain information from the highest and most credible sources.

Mental Trauma

Her mother, Mercia Mercellion, née Atellis, died while giving birth to Keesha., which has always weighed heavily on Keesha's mind. Her father, Krellis Mercellion, raised her afterward but did so rather poorly. He was never deliberately cruel to Keesha, but he was very negligent in her upbringing. As Keesha grew, she looked more and more like her mother which was a source of emotional pain to Krellis. He dealt with this by engaging with Keesha less and less, and there were many nights he wouldn’t even come home to her at all.

Intellectual Characteristics

Keesha is reserved, watchful, and interested in others.

Morality & Philosophy

She can be very vengeful if she feels wronged and she is extremely loyal to those she has come to trust. She lives by the motto "balance in all things" which she takes very seriously. She belongs to Ix because of this philosophy; she is aware of her physical and intellectual gifts and has committed to applying them to bring balance to those in power who use their position to take advantage of those who are not.

Personality Characteristics


She is very entrenched in The Order of Ix, an organization that seeks to usher Dragons and/or their aspects into Nehwon from other worlds or planes of existence. Currently, there are no known Dragons in Nehwon and they are considered to be a myth. Ix is comprised primarily of Dragon Followers who have come into Nehwon from other worlds that are populated by Dragons. These Dragon Followers are essentially preparing the path from these other worlds into Nehwon and are preparing Nehwon for their arrival. Ix is currently guarded and secret from the general population. Nehwonian members of Ix are comprised of Clerics that morally aligned with the first dragon they plan on bringing to Nehwon-- a Silver Dragon named Ix.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is very charming and enchanting when she wants to be. In general, she lacks the tolerance of "putting on a face" to please others for very long.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes engaging with intelligent and witty people and abhors those who aren't.

Virtues & Personality perks

Her chiefmost ideal is to be wealthy and influential enough to fight corrupt governments or people/creatures who abuse power. She will go as far as to ally herself with Good aligned people/creatures/causes in order to right such imbalances. This sometimes gives others the impression that she is Neutral Good

Vices & Personality flaws

She can be too vengeful for her own good at times, putting herself and others in dangerous situations in order to satisfy her vengeance.

Personality Quirks

Constant Mirror Checking: Due to her insecurity about her looks, despite being very attractive, Keesha frequently checks her reflection in any reflective surface she passes, subtly adjusting her appearance.   Nervous Grooming: She has a habit of lightly running her fingers through her hair or adjusting her clothing whenever she feels anxious or uncertain, a subconscious effort to maintain her pristine appearance.   Subtle Eye Movements: Since she focuses on enhancing her eyes, Keesha has a habit of making strong, direct eye contact to charm or persuade others, often using slight changes in her expression to influence the mood of conversations.   Over-Cleaning Hands: Given her meticulous nature regarding cleanliness, Keesha frequently washes her hands or wipe them on a cloth, especially after touching anything that seems remotely dirty.   Feigning Indifference: She has a quirk of pretending not to care about things that deeply affect her, such as flicking her hand dismissively when someone praises her looks, despite inwardly being pleased or concerned.   Counting Steps: When walking in tense situations or places she deems unsafe, Keesha has a habit of counting her steps or mentally noting the exits, a residual behavior from her time as a thief.   Hushed Speaking: In conversations, particularly when discussing sensitive matters related to The Order of Ix, Keesha lowers her voice to a near whisper, even when it’s unnecessary, as a habit from years of secrecy.   Nail Tapping: When deep in thought or planning, Keesha has a habit of tapping her nails rhythmically on a surface, a subtle sign that she’s considering her next move or evaluating someone.   Sudden Silences: When reminded of her father or her troubled past, she abruptly falls silent, lost in thought, before quickly recovering and changing the subject.   Sharp, Calculated Movements: Everything Keesha does is with purpose—each step, each gesture precise and controlled, reflecting her training and the need for constant vigilance.


Keesha keeps herself as clean as possible, which is sometimes impossible, given her surroundings.


Family Ties

Family Tree

Religious Views

When asked about her religious views, Keesha says, "Religion is for those who need it. I believe in what I can see, touch, and change with my own hands. The gods, if they exist, aren't concerned with people like me, so I don't waste time on them."   Her philosophy about life is centered around self-reliance and the pursuit of balance. She believes that life is about maintaining equilibrium—whether it’s between power and vulnerability, wealth and poverty, or good and evil. For her, true strength lies in understanding how to manipulate these balances to her advantage and ensuring that no one wields too much power without being held accountable.

Social Aptitude

Given Keesha’s ISTP-A (Virtuoso) personality type, here’s a breakdown of her social aptitude:   Charisma: Keesha possesses a subtle charisma that comes from her natural confidence and her ability to stay calm under pressure. She may not be the most outgoing person, but when she does engage, her straightforward and practical approach can be very appealing to others. People are drawn to her because of her reliability and her knack for solving problems on the spot.   Confidence: Keesha is highly confident, particularly in her abilities and in the skills she’s honed over the years. She trusts her instincts and doesn’t second-guess herself when making decisions. This confidence is pragmatic and based on experience rather than ego, making her a formidable presence in any situation.   Ego: Keesha’s ego is well-contained, aligned with her ISTP-A personality. She knows her worth but doesn’t feel the need to prove it to others unless the situation calls for it. Her self-assurance allows her to work independently without needing constant validation from others, but she won’t hesitate to assert herself if someone underestimates her.   Extroversion: Keesha is reserved and only extroverted when necessary. She’s not one to seek out social interaction for its own sake, but she can be engaging and even charming when it serves her purpose. Her extroverted moments are often driven by a specific goal, such as gathering information, making a deal, or securing an ally.   Introversion: Keesha’s introverted side is dominant, especially when it comes to her need for independence and her preference for working alone or in small, trusted groups. She values her personal space and time, using it to think critically and plan her next moves. Keesha often withdraws to reflect and recharge after intense social or physical activities.   Etiquette: Keesha’s etiquette is practical and adaptable. She knows how to behave in different social settings, but she’s more concerned with effectiveness than with adhering to formalities. While she can be polite and respectful, she’s not one to waste time on unnecessary pleasantries. Her straightforward manner can be refreshing to some and off-putting to others, depending on the context.   Mannerisms: Keesha’s mannerisms are efficient and to the point. She doesn’t engage in unnecessary gestures or expressions; every movement she makes is purposeful. Her body language is typically relaxed but ready for action, reflecting her ISTP-A tendency to stay calm and alert. She might come across as aloof or distant at times, but those who know her well understand that she’s always assessing her surroundings and planning her next move.   Overall, Keesha’s ISTP-A personality type shapes her into a practical, confident, and resourceful individual. She navigates social situations with a focus on utility rather than formality, and her charisma is rooted in her competence and independence. While she may not be the most socially driven person, when she does engage, she does so with precision and purpose.


Efficient Movements: Keesha’s movements are deliberate and efficient. She doesn’t waste energy on unnecessary gestures. Whether she’s reaching for something, walking across a room, or engaging in combat, every action is smooth and calculated, reflecting her focus on practicality.   Sharp, Assessing Gaze: Keesha often scans her environment with a sharp, assessing gaze. She’s always on the lookout for details others might miss, whether it’s sizing up a person, noting exits, or spotting potential threats. This habit can make her seem intense or distant to those around her.   Subtle Facial Expressions: Keesha doesn’t display her emotions openly. Instead, she communicates through subtle changes in her facial expressions—a slight raise of an eyebrow, a faint smirk, or a narrowing of her eyes. These small cues often reveal more about her thoughts than her words do.   Calm, Measured Speech: Keesha speaks in a calm and measured tone, rarely raising her voice unless absolutely necessary. She chooses her words carefully, often getting straight to the point without unnecessary embellishments. This directness can make her seem blunt, but it’s usually tempered by her practical approach to communication.   Minimal Gesturing: Keesha doesn’t use a lot of hand gestures when she talks. When she does gesture, it’s usually with purpose, such as pointing something out or emphasizing a critical point. Her hands are often still, resting at her sides or folded lightly in front of her.   Steady Breathing: In stressful situations, Keesha maintains steady, controlled breathing. This habit helps her stay calm and focused, whether she’s in a fight or negotiating a tricky deal. Others might notice that she rarely shows signs of panic or nervousness, even in high-pressure moments.   Occasional Lip Pressing: When deep in thought or when something annoys her, Keesha has a habit of pressing her lips together, a subtle sign that she’s considering her options or holding back a retort.   Tactile Check of Equipment: Keesha often checks her gear or weapons out of habit, especially when she’s about to enter a dangerous situation. This might involve lightly touching the hilt of a dagger, adjusting a strap, or ensuring her clothing is in place. It’s a subconscious way of reassuring herself that she’s prepared.   Silent Observation: Keesha often remains silent in group settings, preferring to observe rather than immediately contribute. She listens carefully, taking in information and analyzing it before she speaks. When she does contribute, it’s usually with a concise, well-thought-out comment.   Avoidance of Unnecessary Touch: Keesha is not particularly tactile and tends to avoid unnecessary physical contact with others. She might pull back slightly if someone touches her unexpectedly, or she may keep a bit of distance during conversations, reflecting her preference for personal space.

Hobbies & Pets

Keesha doesn't have any pets. Her lifestyle, which involves a great deal of travel and potentially dangerous activities, isn’t conducive to caring for an animal. Additionally, her preference for independence and self-reliance makes her less inclined to form attachments to pets.   As for hobbies, Keesha’s interests are closely aligned with her skills and lifestyle:  
Lockpicking and Puzzle-Solving: Keesha enjoys challenging herself with intricate locks, puzzles, or traps. She finds satisfaction in honing her skills, seeing these activities as both a mental exercise and a way to stay sharp for her work.   Collecting Rare or Unique Items: Keesha has an eye for rare and unique items, particularly those that have a story behind them. She might collect small trinkets, gems, or artifacts she encounters on her adventures, each piece serving as a reminder of a particular challenge or achievement.   Physical Training: Keesha takes her physical fitness seriously and often engages in activities like running, climbing, and practicing combat techniques. This is both a necessity for her line of work and a way to clear her mind.   Exploring Crypts and Ruins: Beyond just a professional activity, Keesha genuinely enjoys exploring ancient or abandoned places, driven by curiosity and the thrill of uncovering lost secrets or treasures. She views it as a form of adventure and discovery.   Studying Maps and Cartography: Keesha has a keen interest in maps, enjoying the process of studying and even creating them. This hobby ties into her love of exploration and helps her plan her journeys and missions with precision.   People-Watching: Keesha enjoys observing people in various settings, whether in a bustling marketplace or a quiet tavern. This hobby helps her understand human behavior, which she finds useful in her dealings with others.


Tone of Voice
Tone: Keesha’s tone is generally calm, measured, and deliberate. She speaks with a level-headed authority, rarely showing overt emotion unless she’s trying to make a point. When she’s in a more private setting or talking to someone she trusts, her tone might soften slightly, but it remains controlled.  
Pitch: Her pitch is on the lower side, which adds to the sense of control and seriousness she exudes. Her voice can rise slightly when she’s being sarcastic or making a dry joke, but she rarely raises her pitch in anger or excitement.  
Accent: Keesha has a subtle, well-enunciated accent typical of someone from Lankhmar. It’s not particularly strong, as she has adapted her speech over the years to blend in with various social circles and regions. Her accent might hint at her origins, but it’s refined enough to be nondescript.  
Dialect: Keesha speaks in a manner that’s clear and precise, avoiding any heavy use of regional slang or colloquialisms. She uses a more formal dialect when necessary, particularly in dealings with those of higher status, but she can switch to a more casual tone when interacting with fellow adventurers or rogues.  
Impediments: Keesha doesn’t have any speech impediments. Her speech is clear and concise, reflecting her practical nature.  
Catch Phrases
Catch Phrases: "Balance in all things." "Let’s keep it simple." "We all have our roles to play."  
Common Phrases
Common Phrases: "What’s the angle?" (When trying to understand someone’s motivations) "I’m listening." (Encouraging someone to continue, while she assesses the situation) "It’s done." (When finishing a task or decision) "We’ll see." (When withholding judgment or not committing)  
Compliments: Keesha’s compliments are often understated but sincere, focusing on abilities rather than appearance. "You handled that well." "You’re more capable than most." "Impressive work."  
Insults: Her insults are sharp and to the point, often delivered with a calm demeanor that makes them sting more. "You’re out of your depth." "You’re more trouble than you’re worth." "Don’t embarrass yourself."  
Greetings: "What brings you here?" (When meeting someone unexpectedly) "Morning." (Casual greeting) "Let’s get to it." (When starting a task or meeting)  
Farewell: "Stay sharp." "Until next time." "Keep out of trouble."  
Swearing: Keesha rarely swears, but when she does, it’s usually in moments of frustration or when someone has seriously crossed a line. Her swearing is mild and typically controlled. "Damn it." "Hell of a mess."  
Metaphors: "Like a blade in the dark." (To describe something stealthy or unexpected) "As solid as shifting sand." (To describe something unreliable or deceptive) "A house of cards." (To describe a fragile situation) Keesha’s speech reflects her practical, no-nonsense approach to life, with a focus on efficiency and clarity. Her words are carefully chosen, and she rarely speaks without purpose. When she does use metaphors or catchphrases, they are succinct and often related to balance, control, and the realities of her world.



Life Partner (Vital)

Towards Keesha




Life Partner (Important)

Towards Diana




Diana and Keesha have been together since 2986 RJ. As with most relationships, it started slowly and has grown into the relationship that it is today.

Relationship Reasoning

Each partner craves the longevity of friendship, companionship, and trust from one another. Their relationship is technically open, however they only stray from one another to achieve personal or political gain (e.g. Diana may sleep with a key noble so that he will back her interests in an upcoming counsel meeting; Keesha may lead a man on to think their relationship is going somewhere long-term so that she may gain key information from him).

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Upward mobility in society; Diana overtly and Keesha covertly.

Shared Acquaintances

Thomas Eaton, Charles Fox, Jaysohn Tyche

Legal Status



Friend (Vital)

Towards Keesha




Friend (Vital)

Towards Thomas




Thomas and Keesha used to be lovers but only for a short while. Afterwards, they became adventuring partners and remain friends to this day.

Relationship Reasoning

Each offers a vast amount of connections that individually they would have a difficult or impossible time in earning.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Adventuring and fighting tyranny.

Shared Secrets

Their relationship is "friends with benefits" but they keep that a secret. Sexual relationships don't happen often between them, but every once in a while, Keesha craves the experience of a man, and he is her "go-to guy".

Shared Acquaintances

Diana Masters Charles Fox Thomas Eaton Jaysohn Tyche


Contact (Trivial)

Towards Keesha




Contact (Trivial)

Towards Cathlynn




Cathlynn and Keesha met in the Crypt of Mar Terethas, an ancient spire that can be found southwest of Karja Tal, on the eastern bank of the River Imbiss.

Relationship Reasoning

They both work for The Order of Ix but have scarce reasons to associate otherwise.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They are both part of the Order of Ix, however Cathlynn is a prospect of the Order whereas Keesha is an advanced member.


Friend (Important)

Towards Charles




Friend (Important)

Towards Keesha




Charles and Keesha were both part of the adventuring party "Band of the Hand" earlier in their careers, circa 2986 RJ.

Relationship Reasoning

Mutual financial benefit through adventuring.


Friend (Important)

Towards Jaysohn




Friend (Important)

Towards Keesha




Jaysohn and Keesha were both part of the adventuring party "Band of the Hand" earlier in their careers, circa 2986 RJ.

Relationship Reasoning

Mutual financial benefit through adventuring.


Cousin (Important)

Towards Keesha




Cousin (Trivial)

Towards Baylor




Baylor remembers Keesha Knight as a child. Baylor is older than Keesha, so during the few times Baylor met Keesha, it was only as a formality to show overt congeniality towards his cousin.   Since Keesha had grown up and became infamous in her career as a rogue, Baylor has contemplated reaching out to her throughout the years. While Baylor was creating a thieves' guild of his own, The Triad Thieves' Guild, he contemplated reaching out to her to help him build it, since Keesha was well known to be part of DMTG. Baylor ultimately refrained from reaching out to her, afraid that she might take over his operations instead.

Relationship Reasoning

Blood relatives (cousins). Baylor Thrasian's mother and Keesha Knight's mother are sisters.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They are both rogues who have high ambition.

Shared Acquaintances



Nemesis (Trivial)

Towards Keesha




Nemesis (Important)

Towards Mentaur



Wealth & Financial state

She is worth approximately 5 million Gold Rilk.

As deadly as she is beautiful, the once infamous Keesha Knight has joined the Order of Ix working for the side of good (for once).

Character Location
View Character Profile
Keesha Knight   Keesha Knight
Current Status
Keesha is working actively for Ix.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
25th der Mörder
Circumstances of Birth
Keesha's mother was headed to Kvarch Nar to meet with Ebrellion Midwinter, an elven doula who lived just north of Kvarch Nar in the Great Forest.
Midway on The Inner Sea on a passenger ship that was headed from Lankhmar to Kvarch Nar
Baylor (Cousin)
Current Residence
She has an apartment in the Cash District in Lankhmar
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
147 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
Keesha is uninterested in religion.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Native: Lankhmarian
  • Fluent: Common, Thieves' Cant, Elvish
  • Semi-fluent: Dwarvish, Halfing
  • Learning: Draconic

Articles under Keesha

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Keesha Knight


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