
Tyr is one of the most revered deities in Nehwon, embodying the principles of war, justice, and law. Known for his unwavering commitment to fairness and righteousness, Tyr is both a protector and a judge, revered by warriors, judges, and anyone seeking justice. His influence stretches across Nehwon, shaping the laws and moral codes of its many societies.  

Appearance and Symbols:

Tyr is often depicted as a powerful warrior, clad in gleaming armor with a stern yet compassionate expression. He wields a massive sword, known as the Blade of Judgment, which symbolizes his authority to enforce justice. His shield, the The Aegis of Justice, is adorned with scales of balance and glowing runes, representing his role as the arbiter of truth and fairness.  

Domains and Influence:

  • War: Tyr is the god of honorable combat, valor, and martial prowess. He blesses warriors who fight for righteous causes and condemns those who engage in warfare for greed or malice.
  • Justice: As the ultimate judge, Tyr oversees the administration of justice in both mortal and divine realms. His decrees are absolute, and his judgments are fair and impartial.
  • Law: Tyr establishes and upholds the laws that govern society. He is the guardian of legal codes and the patron of lawmakers and judges.

Mythology and Legends:

  • The Binding of Fenrir: One of the most famous myths involving Tyr is the binding of the monstrous wolf Fenrir. Tyr sacrificed his hand to bind Fenrir, demonstrating his willingness to suffer for the greater good and the protection of the world.
  • The Trial of Champions: Another popular tale speaks of a grand trial where champions from different realms competed to prove their righteousness. Tyr's judgment determined the worthiest among them, showcasing his role as the ultimate arbiter of merit and justice.

Worship and Practices:

Worshipers of Tyr engage in various practices to honor him and seek his favor:  
  • Temples: Grand temples dedicated to Tyr are found throughout Nehwon, often doubling as courthouses and training grounds for warriors. These temples are places of worship, legal proceedings, and martial training.
  • Rituals: Rituals to Tyr involve oaths of justice, ceremonies for warriors, and trials of truth. Clerics and paladins of Tyr often lead these rituals, invoking his blessings for fairness and strength.
  • Holy Days: Key holy days include the Day of Judgment, where legal matters are settled in his name, and the Feast of Valor, celebrating the deeds of brave warriors.

Relics and Symbols:

  • Aegis of Justice: A holy shield representing protection and the enforcement of divine law.
  • Blade of Judgment: Tyr’s sacred sword, symbolizing his authority and the execution of justice.
  • Scales of Balance: Often used in temples and courts, representing fairness and the weighing of truth.

Clergy and Followers:

The clergy of Tyr comprises clerics, paladins, and judges who dedicate their lives to upholding his principles. They are tasked with administering justice, leading armies in righteous causes, and guiding the faithful in living honorable lives. Followers of Tyr range from warriors seeking his blessing in battle to common folk praying for fairness in their daily lives.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Tyr by Chad Watson


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