
The humanoid species that inhabits the The Quarmallian Empire.     Nestled along the southwestern coastline of the Lankhmar continent, the towers and walls of Quarmall stand tall, albeit in a state of majestic decay. These formidable structures mark the entrance to a vast underground empire, presided over by a race of ethereal, pale-skinned beings whose slender forms evoke a sense of unease in even the most resolute observers. Once, these beings commanded a sprawling surface empire, exerting their influence across eastern lands and dispatching spies across the Sea of Monsters. However, as inevitably as time eludes capture, so too did their dominion dissipate into the annals of history. Today, the Quarmallians, a people of pronounced pride and an outwardly refined culture, sustain their existence through a combination of raiding and the enduring toil of enslaved generations. This duality is the cornerstone of their society, embodying the complex contradiction at the heart of their identity.    

Quarmallian Attributes:

+2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution. The Quarmallians have cultivated their intellect through generations of selective breeding, prioritizing intelligence to elevate their society. However, their secluded subterranean existence and limited access to diverse nutrition have rendered them more prone to illness compared to other races.  

Enhanced Low-Light Vision:

Adapted to life in the dimly lit corridors of their underground realm, Quarmallians possess the ability to see with remarkable clarity in low-light conditions, effectively doubling their vision range in environments illuminated by torchlight, moonlight, or similar dim sources.  

Prolonged Lifespan:

Quarmallians boast significantly extended lifespans. They reach middle age at 50, are considered old at 80, and can achieve venerable status, like Emperor Quarmal, at around 140 years.  


The Quarmallians' reputation for raiding and enslavement casts a shadow over their interactions, resulting in a -2 penalty on diplomacy checks with other races but conferring a +2 bonus on intimidate checks due to their fearsome repute.  

Special Ability - Bonus Feat:

Skill Focus (on any one knowledge skill). With access to hidden libraries of ancient scrolls and tomes, all Quarmallians can select a knowledge skill as their class skill, regardless of their class, reflecting the deep-seated value they place on knowledge. Their highly structured society sees no place for barbarians, and white wizards are notably absent from their ranks.  

Preferred Class:

Sorcerer. Inclined towards the mystical, Quarmallians dedicate much of their lives to the arcane, making the path of the sorcerer their favored pursuit, as they delve into the secrets of magic and power.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

by Unknown
80 years
Average Height
Average Weight
155 lbs
Related Organizations

Articles under Quarmallian

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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