Western Nehwon

Western Nehwon, a realm shrouded in the mists of mystery and the whispers of ancient lore, stretches its vast expanse from the frost-kissed shores of the Rime Isles to the sun-scorched fringes of the Great Salt Marsh. This land, rich in contrast and history, is a mosaic of terrains, each with its own tales of adventure, peril, and the unyielding spirit of those who dare to tread its paths.   The denizens of this geographic area of the planet largely believe that this region is the entire world, when in fact, it is only about 4% of the entire planet. Those from Western Nehwon call the world "Nehwon", however different cultures and Kingdoms use different names and have different levels of awareness of how large the planet is.   The journey through Western Nehwon begins at the Rime Isles, where the sea froths with ice and the air carries the song of the north wind. These icy specks of land, nestled in the Outer Sea, are the domain of hardy seafarers and fierce raiders, their longships as much a part of them as their indomitable will to survive the relentless embrace of the frost.   Moving westward, the chilling beauty of the Rime Isles gives way to the dense canopies of The Great Forest, a realm where the trees stand tall as sentinels and the air hums with the magic of old. It's a place where Elves and creatures of the fae dance under the moonlight, guarding their secrets well from the uninitiated. The forest's edge bleeds into the open arms of the Verdant Plains, a crossroads of civilizations where nomads and settlers alike reap the bounty of the land under the watchful gaze of the Parched Mountains to the east.   To the far south lies Duhn Glorr, a fortress city carved from the living rock, its halls echoing with the clang of dwarven forges. To its north is the elven city of Mythan Belanore, a city of spires and ancient knowledge, where magic weaves through the very fabric of its being.   Further north of Mythan Belanore is Ilthmar, and to its west, the landscape descends into the Sinking Lands, a realm of shifting ground and hidden dangers, where the remnants of forgotten empires lie buried beneath the mire. To the east of Ilthmar one can find Karja Tal, a village on the coast of the Sea of Monsters. Southeast of Mythan Belanore, the windswept plains of Horborixen beckon, a land of scholars and sorcerers, where the pursuit of arcane truths is as much a part of life as the air they breathe.   To the far north, where the plains meet the encroaching cold, lies Cold Corner, a village wrapped in an eternal autumn, serving as the last bastion of warmth before the land succumbs to the icy fingers of The Tundra. This region, a tapestry of life and legend, serves as the backdrop for countless tales of heroism and heartbreak.   Western Nehwon, with places as diverse as the Rime Isles and Cold Corner, The Great Forest and the desolate beauty of the Sinking Lands, is a region where the line between myth and reality blurs. Here, adventurers and dreamers alike seek their fortunes, battle their demons, and perhaps, find their destinies among the whispers of the wind and the shadows of the ancient world.
Lankhmar Region
Sundered from us by gulfs of time and stranger dimensions dreams the ancient world of Nehwon with its towers and skulls and jewels, its swords and sorceries. Nehwon's known realms crowd about the Inner Sea: northward the green-forested fierce Land of the Eight Cities, eastward the steppe-dwelling Mingol horsemen and the desert where caravans creep from the rich Eastern Lands and the River Tilth. But southward, linked to the desert only by the Sinking Land and further warded by the Great Dike and the Mountains of Hunger, are the rich grain fields and walled cities of Lankhmar, eldest and chiefest of Nehwon's lands. Dominating the Land of Lankhmar and crouching at the silty mouth of the River Hlal in a secure corner between the grain fields, the Great Salt Marsh, and the Inner Sea is the massive-walled and mazy-alleyed metropolis of Lankhmar, thick with thieves and shaven priests, lean-framed magicians and fat-bellied merchants—Lankhmar the Imperishable, the City of the Black Toga. (From "Induction" by Fritz Leiber)   (Note: For real world size reference, the Island of Lankhmaria is roughly the size of South Korea)
Included Locations

Articles under Western Nehwon

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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