Kingdom of Lankhmar

  The Kingdom of Lankhmar shares borders on its southern edge with the Quarmallian Empire and the Independent State of Kokgnab. While it has dozens of settlements, the most notable are:  
  • Lankhmar
  • Soreev
  • Tovilyis
  • Oerth's End
  • Elaysia


The Kingdom of Lankhmar, being a monarchy, operates under a hierarchical structure where authority flows from the top down. King Edwynn Werrish II, as the current head of state, sits at the pinnacle of this structure, embodying both the symbolic and executive authority of the realm. Below is an outline of what the organization structure might look like in such a kingdom:  

1. Monarch (King Edwynn Werrish II)

Role: Supreme ruler of Lankhmar, with ultimate authority over governance, the military, and judiciary matters. The King may also play a ceremonial role in various state functions. Responsibilities: Setting laws, levying taxes, declaring war or peace, and making executive decisions that affect the entire kingdom.  

2. Royal Family

Members: Close relatives of King Edwynn Werrish II, including the Queen consort, princes, and princesses. Role: Often involved in ceremonial duties and may have specific responsibilities bestowed by the monarch, such as governance roles in certain territories or diplomatic missions.  

3. Nobility

Composition: Dukes, counts, barons, and other titled individuals who owe their status to royal appointment or hereditary right. Role: Governing their respective lands within the kingdom, collecting taxes, and maintaining a military force to serve the King. They also act as advisors to the monarch and participate in the royal court.  

4. Royal Court

Members: High-ranking officials, advisors, and courtiers appointed by the King. Functions: Assisting in the administration of the kingdom, providing counsel to the monarch, and managing day-to-day affairs of governance, such as diplomacy, finance, and the judiciary.  

5. Ministries and Government Departments

Structure: Organized into various departments, each headed by a minister or a top official, responsible for specific areas like finance, defense, foreign affairs, justice, and the interior. Role: Implementing the King’s directives, overseeing the administration of their respective domains, and ensuring the smooth operation of the state.  

6. Military

Composition: The kingdom's armed forces, including the army, navy, and potentially elite guards or knightly orders directly loyal to the monarch. Role: Defending the kingdom, maintaining order, and executing the will of the monarch, both domestically and abroad.  

7. Judiciary

Structure: A system of courts and legal officials, including judges and magistrates, appointed by the King or on his authority. Function: Interpreting and applying the law, adjudicating disputes, and administering justice within the kingdom.  

8. Commoners

Composition: Merchants, artisans, peasants, and other non-nobility residents of the kingdom. Role: The backbone of the kingdom's economy, providing labor, paying taxes, and serving in the military when called upon.   This structure ensures that the monarch has control over the state while delegating authority to various levels of government to manage the kingdom efficiently. It's worth noting that the actual organization can vary depending on historical, cultural, and political factors unique to the Kingdom of Lankhmar.


Urban Life:
Many of the common citizens of the Kingdom of Lankhmar live in the sprawling city itself. The city is vast, crowded, and labyrinthine, filled with narrow winding streets, mysterious alleys, bustling markets, and towering spires. While the city has its grandeur, it also has its squalid sections where the poorer citizenry might live.  
The city of Lankhmar has a strong presence of various Guilds, ranging from thieves to merchants. Slayer is notably powerful, exerting control over much of the city's underworld. Common citizens might be members of these Guilds, adhering to the regulations and finding protection and livelihood through them.  
The Kingdom has its pantheon of gods and goddesses. Temples and shrines dot the cities and lands in between, and common citizens often pay their respects, make offerings, or seek blessings. The Gods in Nehwon are very real, and while they might not always intervene directly in mortal affairs, their presence is felt.  
Superstitions & Mysticism:
Magic, while not necessarily common, is real and acknowledged in the world of Nehwon. Sorcerers, wizards, and other arcane practitioners are both revered and feared. The average Lankhmarian citizen is likely superstitious, believing in omens, charms, and tales of ancient powers.  
Social Dynamics:
Lankhmar is a city of contrasts. While there are opulent sections where the rich and powerful reside, many common citizens live in conditions ranging from modest to poor. Crime is rampant, especially with Slayer's influence. Trust can be a luxury, and many citizens might be wary of strangers.  
Taverns, inns, and alehouses are common throughout the Kingdom. Here, citizens gather to share news, tales, and enjoy music or other performances. Gambling and other forms of entertainment are also popular.  
Economic Life:
Markets throughout the Kingdom are lively places, filled with traders from all over Nehwon. As a port city, Lankhmar sees goods from distant lands. A common citizen might be a trader, a shopkeeper, a laborer, or even a beggar.  
The attire of a common Lankhmarian citizen might be simple and functional, reflecting their status and profession. However, festivals and special occasions might see citizens dressing in more elaborate or traditional outfits.  
Moral Ambiguity:
Lankhmar isn't a Kingdom of clear-cut morals. While there are honorable folk, there's a significant gray area. This moral flexibility often reflects in its citizens who might have to make difficult choices to survive in the city.  
Relations with Outsiders:
While Lankhmarians sees traders and visitors from other parts of Nehwon, there's a certain pride and wariness in being a Lankhmar native. Citizens might view outsiders with curiosity, skepticism, or even disdain, depending on the circumstances.   In summary, a common citizen of the Kingdom of Lankhmar leads a life that's a mix of urban struggles, guild dynamics, religious beliefs, and the ever-present allure and danger of magic. Some navigate the challenges of living in a vast, bustling, and often morally ambiguous city, carving out a life amidst its shadows and splendors. Others living in the rural countryside of the Kingdom deal with nature and her elements, droughts, bumper crops, crop and livestock diseases, as well as the danger of living in a secluded area where no one can hear you scream.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Kingdom of Lankhmar, as articulated by King Edwynn Werrish II, centers on an ambitious vision of transforming the kingdom into the most prosperous nation in all of Western Nehwon. This agenda encompasses several key areas of focus, aimed at enhancing the kingdom's prosperity, strength, and the well-being of its populace. Below are the components that likely comprise the kingdom's public agenda under King Edwynn Werrish II:  

1. Economic Development

Objective: To boost the kingdom's economy through diversification, encouraging trade, investment in infrastructure, and support for local industries. Actions: Implementing policies that attract foreign investment, reducing barriers to trade, and developing infrastructure such as roads, ports, and markets to facilitate commerce.  

2. Agricultural Enhancement

Objective: To increase agricultural productivity and sustainability, ensuring food security for all citizens and creating surplus for export. Actions: Introducing modern farming techniques, subsidizing farm inputs, and improving irrigation and land management practices.  

3. Military Strengthening

Objective: To ensure the kingdom's security and its status as a formidable power in Western Nehwon. Actions: Modernizing the armed forces, increasing military training, and investing in advanced weaponry and defense systems.  

4. Social Welfare

Objective: To improve the quality of life for all citizens, ensuring that the prosperity of the kingdom is shared among its people. Actions: Developing healthcare and education systems, establishing social safety nets, and implementing policies aimed at reducing poverty and inequality.  

5. Diplomacy and International Relations

Objective: To establish Lankhmar as a leading power in Western Nehwon through diplomacy, strategic alliances, and peacekeeping. Actions: Strengthening diplomatic ties with neighboring states, participating in international trade agreements, and playing an active role in regional stability and peace initiatives.  

6. Innovation and Technology

Objective: To foster innovation and the adoption of new technologies to drive economic growth and improve efficiency in governance. Actions: Supporting research and development, encouraging startups and technological entrepreneurship, and modernizing public services through technology.  

7. Environmental Sustainability

Objective: To ensure the kingdom's development does not come at the expense of its natural environment, preserving it for future generations. Actions: Implementing environmental protection laws, promoting sustainable resource management practices, and investing in clean energy solutions.  

8. Cultural Prosperity

Objective: To promote the arts, culture, and historical heritage of Lankhmar, enhancing national identity and attracting cultural tourism. Actions: Funding cultural initiatives, preserving historical sites, and supporting artists, museums, and cultural festivals.   King Edwynn Werrish II's commitment to these areas suggests a comprehensive strategy aimed at not just economic prosperity but also improving the overall quality of life for his subjects. By focusing on such a diverse range of priorities, the King aims to lay a foundation for a robust, resilient, and prosperous kingdom that benefits all who reside within its borders.


The Kingdom of Lankhmar, envisioned as a prosperous and ambitious realm under King Edwynn Werrish II, would possess a wide range of assets contributing to its wealth, strategic advantages, and the well-being of its citizens. While specific details might depend on the context of the kingdom's geography, history, and economic structure, a General outline of such assets could include:  

1. Natural Resources

Minerals and Metals: Rich deposits of gold, silver, iron, and possibly rare minerals critical for crafting, trade, and technological development. Fertile Lands: Extensive agricultural lands capable of producing a surplus of crops for domestic consumption and export. Forests: Vast forests providing timber, game, and other natural resources, potentially including medicinal plants.  

2. Strategic Geographic Location

Trade Routes: Control over key trade routes, facilitating commerce with neighboring regions and acting as a hub for merchants. Natural Defenses: Geographic features such as mountains, rivers, or coastlines that naturally protect the kingdom and can be leveraged for defense.  

3. Economic Infrastructure

Markets and Trading Hubs: Well-established markets and trade centers attracting merchants from afar, bolstering the economy. Roads and Ports: Efficient transport infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and ports, crucial for trade and military mobility.  

4. Military Assets

Fortifications: Castles, fortresses, and city walls that provide defensive strength. Armed Forces: A well-trained and equipped army, possibly including special units or elite guards loyal to the monarch.  

5. Human Capital

Skilled Workforce: Educated and skilled labor in fields such as agriculture, craftsmanship, and emerging industries. Scholars and Innovators: A class of intellectuals, scholars, and inventors contributing to technological and magical advancements.  

6. Cultural and Historical Heritage

Cultural Works: Rich traditions in the arts, literature, and music that enhance the kingdom’s identity and attract cultural tourism. Historical Sites: Monuments, ancient ruins, and historical landmarks that are of educational, cultural, and economic value.  

7. Technological and Magical Resources

Technological Innovations: Advanced technologies or unique inventions that provide economic or military advantages. Magical Artifacts and Knowledge: If magic is a part of the kingdom, access to magical artifacts, spells, and scholars could be significant assets.  

8. Diplomatic Alliances and Treaties

Alliances: Strategic alliances with neighboring states or powerful entities that offer mutual defense, trade benefits, or political support. Treaties: Trade agreements and pacts that secure economic or military advantages.   The Kingdom of Lankhmar's assets, as described, would not only support its ambitious goal of becoming the most prosperous nation in Western Nehwon but also ensure the well-being and security of its citizens. These assets, managed wisely under the leadership of King Edwynn Werrish II, would form the backbone of the kingdom’s strength and prosperity.


Founding Era (Year 1 RJ)

Establishment: The Kingdom of Lankhmar is founded, with the city of Lankhmar as its political, economic, and cultural center. City and Kingdom Growth: Rapid development of infrastructure, fortifications, and trade networks. The city of Lankhmar quickly becomes a hub of commerce and diplomacy, drawing in settlers, traders, and diplomats from across the known world.  

Era of Expansion

Territorial Expansion: The kingdom embarks on campaigns to secure its borders and expand its territory, incorporating neighboring lands through conquest, diplomacy, or marriage alliances. Economic Development: With its strategic location, the Kingdom of Lankhmar becomes a central node in regional trade networks. Investments in agriculture, mining, and crafts lead to economic prosperity.  

Golden Age

Cultural Renaissance: A period marked by a flourishing of arts, literature, and science. The kingdom's wealth funds patronage of artists, scholars, and inventors, leading to significant cultural advancements. Stability and Prosperity: Strong governance and stable rule result in a prolonged period of peace and prosperity. The kingdom's influence extends far beyond its borders through diplomacy, trade, and cultural exchange.  

Periods of Turmoil

Internal Strife: Succession crises, noble rebellions, or economic downturns periodically challenge the kingdom's stability, leading to internal conflicts that test the resilience of its institutions. External Threats: Wars with neighboring states, invasions by nomadic tribes, and piracy disrupt the kingdom's security and trade. These conflicts necessitate military innovations and alliances.  

Modern Era

Magical Advancements: Continued investment in research and innovation leads to breakthroughs in magic, further cementing the kingdom's status as a center of progress. Diplomatic Leadership: The Kingdom of Lankhmar assumes a leading role in regional politics, mediating disputes and forming alliances to ensure collective security and economic growth.  

Present Day (Under King Edwynn Werrish II)

Vision of Prosperity: King Edwynn Werrish II's vision to make the Kingdom of Lankhmar the most prosperous nation in Western Nehwon reflects an ambitious public agenda focusing on economic development, military strength, and the well-being of its citizens. Innovative Policies: The implementation of well-thought-out plans for prosperity and strength, including initiatives in trade, agriculture, defense, and social welfare, aim to benefit all within the kingdom.


Domain: Despotic

  • Diplomacy: - 1
  • Espionage: + 2
  • Lore: + 0
  • Operations: + 2
  • Communications: 11
  • Resolve: 12
  • Resources: 11

Domain Features

Despotic regime officers gain access to the following domain features.  
  • Death to Spies. As a domain reaction when an opposed domain makes an Espionage test, an officer makes an Operations test against the opposed domain’s Communications. On a success, the opposed domain’s Communications level decreases by 1.
  • Readiness is All. If the despotic regime’s Resources level is 2 or higher at the start of a battle, the level of another defense of the officer’s choice increases by 1.
  • The Crimson Guard (Special Unit). As a domain action, an officer makes a DC 13 Operations test. On a success, the despotic regime musters the Crimson Guard, a special unit of loyal soldiers who show no mercy to enemies. (See the Warfare chapter for full details on how to read a unit card.)
  • Work the Prisoners to the Bone. Once per intrigue as a domain bonus action, an officer can make an Operations test against an opposed domain’s Resources. On a success, the opposed domain immediately loses a number of levies equal to the despotic regime’s domain size (chosen by whoever controls the opposed domain), and the despotic regime’s Resources level increases by 1. If the opposed domain has no levies, it instead loses one unit, and the despotic regime’s Resources level increases by 1.
Lankhmarian Infantry

Foreign Relations

Es liebe Lankhmaria


  • Lankhmar
    The City of Lankhmar.   On the Sewer Network layer, all Marker groups don't quite align with the buildings they mark on the base layer map due to a slight shift in scanning. Because of this, it is recommended to uncheck all marker groups when viewing Lankhmar on the Sewer Network Level, or to at least note that there's a slight shift.
Founding Date
1 RJ
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Currency Conversion Table
  • Note: Historically, the Diamond in Amber Glulditch (aka DAG), used to be an actual diamond embedded in real amber. As such, each one of these coins was worth 1,000 Gold Rilks. While these do still exist, only supremely wealth citizens have them.   As of the year 2976 RJ, King Edwynn I ordered the minting of a "new" DAG that is more exchangeable by the modern Lankhmarian. The new DAG is worth 10 Gold Rilks. In this version, sapphire chips have taken the place of diamonds, and gold takes the place of amber.
Official Languages
Related Professions
Related Ethnicities


The Kingdom of Lankhmar regards the Kingdom of Klesh as a fascinating nation to the south. While Lankhmar is restricted from directly trading with Klesh (only doing so via Kokgnabian brokers), they really enjoy the fantastic jewelry pieces, weaponry, and folk-art that comes from Kleshian Merchants.   Kleshians are "okay" with Lankhmarians, as long as they encounter one another outside the Jungles of Klesh. To the Kleshians, the jungle that encompasses their nation is very sacred to them and they do not accept very many outsiders within their borders at all.


The Kingdom of Lankhmar enjoys trading with and sponsoring diplomatic events with the Independent State of Kokgnab. Kokgnab is a strong trading partner, offering many exotic spices that Lankhmarians enjoy.


The Republic of Karja Tal is primarily run by Guild Leaders. These leaders are driven by market economy, prosperiy and trade, and have little care about rulership for the sake of rulership. That said, they realize they could be taken over by a stronger nation, so they do organize their government to include funding for defenses.


While trading activity is strong between these two nations, the Kingdom of Lankhmar is more reserved and detached from the Kingdom of Ilthmar. Conversely, Ilthmar looks up to Lankhmar and seeks to improve its relationship.


The Quarmallian and the Lankhmarian people do not get along. In general, Lankhmarians will avoid a Quarmallian they encounter, which is exceedingly rare. That said, some Lankhmarians have carried the grudges of their ancestors and will kill a Quarmallian on sight.   Quarmallians see the Kingdom of Lankhmar as a resource of humanoid slaves. If given the opportunity, any patrolling Quarmallian party will enslave anyone they know to be a Lankhmarian.   That said, the Kingdoms do mutually prosper from trading with one another. Any caravans to or from these nations are heavily guarded due to the hostility each kingdom's citizens hold towards one another. The Quarmal / Lankhmar Trade Route is typically ran once a fortnight.

Articles under Kingdom of Lankhmar

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: Crest of the Kingdom of Lankhmar by Chad Watson


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