The Great Marsh


The Great Salt Marsh, more colloquially known as "The Great Marsh," is a vast, eerie expanse lying to the immediate east of Lankhmar. This marsh is one of the most distinctive and mysterious landscapes in the world of Nehwon, a place where the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural blur.   The Great Marsh is characterized by its treacherous terrain, a mix of soggy ground, shallow pools, and meandering streams that make navigation a perilous endeavor. The air is often thick with mist and the pungent smell of salt and decaying vegetation. Tall grasses and reeds dominate the landscape, rustling eerily in the wind and adding to the sense of desolation and mystery.   The marsh is not merely a natural feature but a place steeped in legend and danger. It is said to be haunted by strange and malevolent creatures, from giant leeches and monstrous amphibians to ghostly apparitions that lure the unwary deeper into the mire. The waters are often described as dark and brackish, hiding unknown perils beneath their surface.   Despite its dangers, the Great Marsh is also a place of strange beauty and otherworldly charm. In the light of the full moon, the marsh can appear almost magical, with the mists taking on a silvery hue and the still waters reflecting the stars. It is a place where the adventurous and the desperate might seek refuge or answers, though they must always be wary of the hidden threats that lurk in the shadows.   For the people of Lankhmar, the Great Marsh is a place of both fear and fascination. It serves as a natural barrier against invasions from the east but also as a constant reminder of the untamed and unpredictable forces of nature. Legends tell of lost treasures and ancient secrets buried within the marsh, tempting adventurers to brave its perils in search of fortune and glory.  
The Great Marsh by Getty Images


The Great Marsh, with its vast and mysterious expanse, boasts a unique and complex ecosystem. This ecosystem is both rich and perilous, teeming with life adapted to its challenging conditions.  


Tall Grasses and Reeds:

Dominating the landscape, these plants thrive in the marsh's soggy, nutrient-rich soil. They provide shelter and breeding grounds for many species.  

Mangrove-like Trees:

Hardy trees with roots that spread out and intertwine in the shallow waters, stabilizing the soil and offering habitat for various creatures.  

Aquatic Plants:

Algae, water lilies, and duckweed float on the surface of the water, contributing to the oxygen levels and serving as food for many aquatic animals.  



Frogs and toads abound, their croaks creating a constant symphony. Some species are unique to the marsh, adapted to its brackish waters.  


Snakes and lizards, including some highly venomous species, slither through the grasses and lurk in the water.  


A variety of bird species, from small songbirds to large predatory birds, nest in the trees and reeds. Herons, egrets, and other wading birds are common, hunting for fish and amphibians.  


The dark, brackish waters are home to several fish species, some of which are rarely seen outside the marsh. These include both freshwater and salt-tolerant species.  


Swarms of mosquitoes and other insects are a constant presence, providing a vital food source for many of the marsh's inhabitants.  


Small mammals, such as marsh rats and otters, make their homes in the dense vegetation. Occasionally, larger predators like wild boars venture into the marsh in search of food.  


Crabs, snails, and other invertebrates thrive in the wet environment, contributing to the decomposition of organic matter and the nutrient cycle.  

Unique and Dangerous Creatures

Giant Leeches:

These monstrous versions of regular leeches are a constant threat, capable of draining a Human of blood if given the chance.  

Monstrous Amphibians:

Oversized frogs and salamanders with voracious appetites and sometimes toxic secretions.  

Ghostly Apparitions:

Said to be the spirits of those who perished in the marsh, these apparitions can lead the unwary deeper into danger.  

Ecological Dynamics

Predator-Prey Relationships:

The ecosystem is finely balanced, with predators like birds, snakes, and larger fish keeping the populations of smaller animals in check.  

Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling:

The high rate of decomposition of plant matter in the marsh's wet environment ensures a continual cycle of nutrients, supporting a dense and diverse plant community.  

Adaptations to Brackish Water:

Many species have evolved to tolerate the marsh's brackish water, including specialized fish and amphibians.  

Seasonal Changes

Flooding and Dry Periods:

The water levels in the Great Marsh fluctuate with the seasons, affecting the availability of habitat and resources for its inhabitants. During the rainy season, the marsh expands, creating temporary lakes and ponds.  

Breeding Cycles:

Many species time their breeding cycles to the seasons, with amphibians, in particular, laying eggs during the wet season when water is abundant.


The Legend of the Drowned City

One of the most enduring legends is that of the Drowned City. It is said that deep within the heart of the marsh lies the remnants of an ancient, forgotten city. According to the tale, this city was once a thriving metropolis, rich in trade and culture. However, the hubris of its rulers led to a great calamity. They angered a powerful sorcerer who cursed the city, causing the land beneath it to sink. The waters of the marsh rose and engulfed the city, drowning its inhabitants and leaving only ghostly ruins behind. This event also supposedly caused the phenomenon of the Sinking Lands, the land bridge that rises and sinks beneath the waters of the Sea of the East on a daily basis. On quiet nights, some claim they can hear the faint echoes of the city's former glory, with spectral figures seen wandering the marshlands.  

The Tale of Liora the Druidess

Another well-known story involves Liora the Druidess, a legendary figure revered for her deep connection to nature. Liora was said to possess the ability to communicate with the spirits of the marsh and wield its ancient magic. During a time of great drought, when the marsh began to dry up and its creatures suffered, Liora performed a powerful ritual to restore the balance. She sacrificed herself to the elements, merging her spirit with the marsh to ensure its continued vitality. To this day, the druids who lead the Rite of The Four Elements invoke her name, believing that her spirit watches over the marsh and guides them.  

The Curse of the Marsh Wraith

A darker tale speaks of the Marsh Wraith, a vengeful spirit believed to be the ghost of a betrayed lover. The story goes that a woman, scorned by her unfaithful lover, fled into the marsh in despair. There, she met a tragic end, her body sinking into the muck. Her spirit, unable to find peace, transformed into the Marsh Wraith. This wraith is said to lure unsuspecting travelers into the depths of the marsh with her mournful cries, leading them to their doom. The people of Lankhmar warn against venturing too deep into the marsh alone, especially at night, for fear of encountering this vengeful spirit.  

The Heroic Feat of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

In more recent history, the legendary duo Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser once ventured into the Great Marsh on a daring quest. They sought a rare and powerful herb said to grow only in the marsh's deepest recesses, needed to cure a deadly plague in Lankhmar. Facing numerous dangers, from monstrous amphibians to treacherous terrain, they eventually found the herb. Along the way, they also uncovered an ancient relic, believed to be a remnant of the Drowned City. Their successful return with both the herb and the relic further cemented their status as heroes of Lankhmar.  

The Whispering Willows

A more mystical legend involves the Whispering Willows, a grove of ancient trees said to hold the wisdom of the ages. These willows are believed to be sentient, their leaves whispering secrets and prophecies to those who listen. Druids and wise folk often make pilgrimages to this grove, seeking guidance from the trees. It is said that the willows can reveal hidden truths, but only to those who approach with pure hearts and sincere intentions.
Alternative Name(s)
The Marsh, The Great Salt Marsh
Wetland / Swamp
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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