The War of the Nobles

Political event


In 2372 FK, Queen Embriss died in her sleep. She left no heir and thus the throne was open to the any eligible noble that was interested -- all of them were.

The "war" took the form of intrigue, attempted assassination, accomplished assassination, bribery, treachory and the like between the noble houses of Lankhmar. The chancellor became King Regent until a noble would be elected as King or Queen. The chancellor was ineligible himself as he was not of noble blood. That fact, however, did not stop him from trying to retain the throne. He in particular was one of the most dangerous "candidates" as he surmised that if he could either intimidate all the houses into withdrawing their candidate, or have these candidates assassinated, then Lankhmar would have no choice but to name him as King.   During this tumultuous time, a guild of assassins was formed -- The Slayer's Brotherhood, the origin of the current organization simply named Slayer. This guild financially benefitted greatly from this "war", both by protecting noble houses and assassinating and extorting them.   Ultimately, one from the house Tedakis emerged and was named King of Lankhmar. King Tedakis was a fair minded, wise, and extremely intelligent individual who truly loved Lankhmar and wanted to grow the city into a splendid marvel and political, cultural, and economic center of the known world. One of his most notable contributions to the Kingdom is his formation of the city and district councils which helped to stabilize the monarchy through a system of checks and balances.   To this day, King Tedakis' writings, laws and political philosophies are used or cited by current politicians when proposing changes to a governmental institution. He is revered as perhaps the greatest King of Lankhmar, eclipsing even the contributions of the Feathered King.

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