The Feathered King

The Tale of the Feathered King

  The Feathered King is a celebrated deity among The Gods of Lankhmar, embodying the freedom and majesty of the skies. His tale is one of grace, wisdom, and dominion over all avian creatures. Legends tell of a time when the skies were ruled by chaotic storms and monstrous birds. The Feathered King, then a mortal of unparalleled virtue and intellect, ascended to the heavens, tamed the wild skies, and established harmony among the creatures of the air.   According to myth, the Feathered King was once a noble who possessed the unique ability to communicate with birds. Using this gift, he formed alliances with the most powerful avian beings and orchestrated a great battle against the sky’s chaos. Victorious, he was granted divinity, crowned with a diadem of feathers, and given dominion over the skies.   Accompanied by 13 companions, he set foot in Western Nehwon. Together, they established Lankhmar, pouring immense effort into its creation and safeguarding. Chronicles of that age denote him as the chief of this band. With them, they introduced an advanced civilization, possibly infused with arcane arts or groundbreaking technology. Every reigning monarch of present-day Nehwon traces their roots back to this iconic figure. His reign was not ordinary; spanning millennia, it ceased only upon his demise – a tragic betrayal by his sibling, the notorious Basilisk.  
The Feathered King is worshipped as the god of the skies, birds, and freedom. He is often depicted as a regal figure adorned with a magnificent cloak of feathers, a crown made of delicate plumes, and eyes that shimmer with the blue of the open sky. His presence brings calm winds, clear skies, and the joyous song of birds.  
  • Domain: Skies, Birds, Freedom
  • Symbols: Feathers, Birds, Blue Sky
  • Attributes: Grace, Wisdom, Liberty
Historical Foundations
Documentations from the Feathered King's era were meticulous. However, during the Basilisk's reign, many were eradicated or distorted, labeled as heresy. Only a handful of artifacts and scrolls endure.  
Legacy and Folklore
Nehwon's populace universally recognizes the legend of the Feathered King.  
Adaptations Across Lands
Every region of Nehwon reveres tales of this pioneering monarch, even if the monikers of these early kings were either forgotten or intentionally obliterated by subsequent rulers.  
Cultural Interpretations
To the Klesh, he embodied divinity and was one of their own. Northern tribes envisioned him as a towering figure adorned with white hair, interwoven with eagle feathers and beads. Elves acknowledged his prophetic nature, drawing parallels to their kin. Quarmall revered his leadership but felt he lost his vigor over time. Eevanmarensee perceived him as a mere mortal, possibly one of their lineage. For those in the East, he epitomized an exemplary mentor, warrior, and Sovereign.  
Literary Echoes
While his legend perseveres, many of the original manuscripts, tablets, and scrolls have vanished.  
Artistic Impressions
With the passage of time, the Feathered King's portrayal transitioned, elevating him to a divine stature.  
Zephyros by Chad Watson via Midjourney
The Feathered King's Deithar is known as Zephyros. This pendant contains light blue topaz and feathers that symbolize the swift and graceful nature of The Feathered King, reflecting the power of the wind. The crown of the Deithar is adorned with wind and cloud patterns, and the skull’s eyes glow with a bright sky-blue light. Zephyros grants the ability to cast "Wind Walk" at will and "Control Weather" once per day, reflecting The Feathered King’s mastery over the air and its freedom.  
The Transformation from mortal to god
Upon their deaths, the founders of Lankhmar underwent a mystical transformation that was catalyzed by a combination of their extraordinary deeds, the collective reverence of the citizens, and ancient, powerful magic embedded in the city's foundations. Their bodies were mummified and housed in The Black Temple, where their spirits continued to reside, maintaining a vigilant watch over the city they had dedicated their lives to.   The exact process of their transformation involved several key elements:  
  • Sacred Rituals: Ancient rituals performed by the city's early priests invoked powerful enchantments that bound the spirits of these great men to their mummified remains.
  • Collective Belief: The unwavering belief and reverence of the citizens of Lankhmar played a crucial role in empowering and sustaining the transformation of these men into gods.
  • Divine Intervention: It is believed that the gods themselves, recognizing the extraordinary nature of these men, granted them divine status to ensure the continued protection and prosperity of Lankhmar.
Why They Transformed
The transformation of these founders into gods served several essential purposes:  
  • Eternal Protection: As gods, they could continue to protect Lankhmar from both natural and man-made disasters, ensuring the city's survival and prosperity.
  • Symbol of Unity and Strength: Their presence as gods served as a constant reminder of the city's resilience and the unity of its people, fostering a strong sense of community and purpose.
  • Balance of Power: By becoming gods, they maintained a delicate balance of power within Lankhmar, preventing any one faction or temple from gaining undue influence over the city.
Alignment Shift
In life, these founders were known for their diverse alignments, ranging from noble and just to cunning and strategic. However, upon their transformation into The Gods of Lankhmar, they collectively adopted a Lawful Neutral Alignment with Lawful Evil tendencies. This shift was influenced by the following factors:  
  • Eternal Vigilance: As guardians of the city, their primary focus shifted to maintaining order and stability at all costs. This required a rigid adherence to law and order, often leading to ruthless decisions to protect Lankhmar.
  • Absolute Power: The immense power and responsibility they wielded as gods necessitated a more pragmatic and, at times, harsh approach to governance, resulting in actions that could be perceived as Lawful Evil.
  • Divine Judgment: The need to balance protection with retribution led to a more severe interpretation of justice, often punishing those who threatened the city with ruthless efficiency.
Role as The Gods of Lankhmar
The Gods of Lankhmar are more than just mummified remains or sacred relics; they are the eternal guardians of the city. Their roles include:  
  • Protectors in Times of Crisis: Whenever Lankhmar faces a severe threat, the gods emerge from The Black Temple to defend the city. Their interventions range from creating protective domes during hurricanes to obliterating threats that challenge their supremacy, such as when they destroyed the Temple of Issek.
  • Enforcers of Order: The gods also enforce order by ensuring no other temple is built westward of The Black Temple, maintaining the temple's status as the most important in the city.
  • Collectors of Energy: After defending the city, the gods embark on a rampage to replenish their spent energy, a process that also serves to remind the citizens of their reliance on the gods and the need for better risk management.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
3 of Frost
Date of Death
7th of Mörder
20238 RJ 21338 RJ 1100 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by his brother
Place of Death
Current Residence
In a crypt within the Black Temple of the Gods of Lankhmar
Your Majesty, His Majesty
Dark Brown
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
275 lbs

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
  • 1 RJ

    The Beginning of the RJ Timeline
    Era beginning/end

    The end of the previous era ended in the year 2012 RC, which would have been the year 19,012 AQ.

  • 1 RJ

    9 Ernte

    The Founding of Lankhmar

    The Feathered King and the Thirteen Founding Fathers lay claim to Lankhmar.

  • 2 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    The Year of the Feathered King
    Cultural event

    This marks the first cycle of the 14-year cycle of whereas every 14th year from this year is dubbed "The Year of the Feathered King".

  • 167 RJ

    22 Wölfe 19:00

    The mortal death of Steffen the Brilliant
    Life, Death

    Death overcomes Steffen the Brilliant at the ripe old age of 206 years. He arises as a God of Lankhmar 14 days after his last breath.

  • 189 RJ

    29 Geister 10:00

    Last known dragon in Nehwon eliminated

    A juvenile red dragon had been terrorizing the lands east of Sarheenmar. Not only was it destroying crops and consuming the livestock, it had descended upon a small village during a spring festival and murdered and consumed every last citizen. A party was commissioned by the Kingdom of Lankhmar and Kingdom of Ilthmar to seek out and destroy this dragon. While they were successful, only 1 person survived the melee.

  • 305 RJ

    11 Walder 1600:00

    Birth of the Sea of Monsters
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Sea of Monsters was born from the Cataclysm of the Shimmering Abyss in 305 RJ, when a colossal earthquake violently reshaped Nehwon's geography. This catastrophic event split the land, creating a vast, treacherous sea filled with iridescent minerals and unfathomable depths. The abyss beneath the sea is believed to be a gateway to vast underwater realms beneath M'Brell's crust. The disaster isolated regions, transformed trade routes, and gave rise to new cultures and religious cults, while the sea itself became infamous for its monstrous inhabitants and the legends of those who dared to explore its perilous waters.

  • 410 RJ

    Kingdom of Klesh is formed

    The Kingdom of Klesh is officially formed, encompassing the Jungle of Klesh in Southwestern Lankhmaria.

  • 538 RJ

    7 Wölfe

    Ilik-Ving Founded

    Ilik-Ving was founded by a group of intrepid explorers and scholars seeking a base of operations near the Cold Wastes, drawn by the allure of untapped knowledge and rare resources. Over time, it grew into a small, fortified city as traders and adventurers established it as a key hub for expeditions into the frozen north.

  • 559 RJ

    15 Zepter

    Founding of Kleg Nar

    The tribal leaders in the area now known as Kleg Nar reached an agreement and officially formed the settlement.

  • 1000 RJ

    5 Satyr 23:00

    Assassination of the Feathered King
    Political event

    The brother of The Feathered King, known in the historical text as The Serpent King murdered him. The The Feathered King was approximately 1,100 years old at the time of his demise.

  • 1011 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the Basilisk
    Cultural event

    A year of fear as several sightings of basilisks turned entire villages to stone. The discovery of their lairs and subsequent purges were celebrated victories.

  • 1082 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    The Year of the Horde
    Cultural event

    This marks the first cycle of the 14-year cycle of whereas every 14th year from this year is dubbed "The Year of the Horde".   Historical texts indicate that in this year, Lankhmar was invaded by a large Mingol Horde. The Serpent King was still in power during this invasion. When he saw the horde approaching from the Great Marsh, he hid in a safe room built underneath the Rainbow Citadel until the Lankhmarian Army killed half of the horde and forced the other half to retreat. Later, the Serpent King took credit for the Lankhmarian Army's success, citing that he led the way to their victory.

  • 1139 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    The Year of the Leviathan
    Cultural event

    This marks the first cycle of the 14-year cycle of whereas every 14th year from this year is dubbed "The Year of the Leviathan".

  • 1154 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the Roc
    Cultural event

    The appearance of a gigantic Roc bird that cast shadows over cities and was eventually captured and tamed by a brave adventurer, becoming a symbol of courage.

  • 1197 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the Dragon
    Cultural event

    This year was marked by the slaying of the last known dragon in Nehwon. Balthazar, an ancient red dragon, was slain in an epic battle by a coalition of brave warriors, sorcerers, and adventurers. Balthazar had long terrorized the northern realms with his fiery breath and insatiable hunger for destruction. The battle against him was fierce and costly, with many heroes perishing in the fight. However, their combined might and strategic prowess ultimately led to Balthazar's downfall.   The dragon's hoard, filled with untold riches and ancient artifacts, was discovered in his lair, bringing both wealth and newfound knowledge to Nehwon. The slaying of Balthazar marked the end of an era of fear and chaos, ushering in a time of relative peace and prosperity. The courage of those who faced the mighty dragon became legendary, their names etched into the annals of history, and their deeds celebrated in songs and tales for generations to come.

  • 1240 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the Behemoth
    Cultural event

    Marked by the sighting and eventual slaying of a gigantic sea monster that terrorized coastal cities. The beast was so large that its carcass provided resources for years.

  • 1313 RJ

    13 Frosten
    1340 RJ

    14 Geister

    Ostland Islands swallowed by the Sea
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Ostland Islands, once the center of the Kingdom of Ostland, were engulfed by slowly rising seawater.

  • 1367 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the Ogre
    Cultural event

    The Year of the Ogre was a time marked by the emergence of these fearsome creatures from their hidden lairs in the wilds of Nehwon. Throughout this year, reports of ogre sightings and attacks became increasingly common, terrorizing villages and disrupting trade routes. These brutish giants, known for their immense strength and insatiable appetites, caused widespread fear and chaos.

  • 1373 RJ

    25 Mörder

    Ollvathar's Academy of Alchemy Founded

    Ollvathar's Academy of Alchemy in Illik-Ving founded by Master Alchemist Ollvathar Draycarr.

  • 1424 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the Gorgon
    Cultural event

    The Year of the Gorgon was a time of terror and mystery, marked by the sudden appearance of these mythical creatures known for their petrifying gaze. Tales of travelers and villagers turning to stone after encountering a gorgon spread fear across Nehwon. The gorgons, with their serpent-like hair and menacing eyes, prowled the outskirts of settlements, turning the bravest of warriors into lifeless statues.

  • 1523 RJ

    22 Dröhnen 11:00

    The Desecration of Issek's Temple
    Religious event

    In the annals of Lankhmar's history, few events are as notorious as the Desecration of Issek's Temple. This catastrophic incident unfolded when the priests of Issek attempted to consecrate a new temple west of the revered Black Temple, the westernmost and most significant sanctuary in the city. As the rites commenced, The Gods of Lankhmar emerged from their Crypt, wreaking havoc to defend their sacred domain. The gods' wrath culminated in the obliteration of the new temple and a twelve-hour rampage, leaving hundreds dead and forever etching this day in the collective memory of Lankhmar's citizens.

  • 1593 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the Lamia
    Cultural event

    The Year of the Lamia was a period of dark enchantment and seduction, marked by the emergence of lamias—bewitching creatures known for their ability to mesmerize and drain the life force of their victims. These half-woman, half-serpent beings appeared across Nehwon, using their enchanting beauty and hypnotic powers to lure unsuspecting travelers and nobles into their deadly embrace.

  • 1734 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    The Year of the Sea Serpent

    This marks the first cycle of the 14-year cycle of whereas every 14th year from this year is dubbed "The Year of the Serpent King"

  • 1805 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the Titan
    Cultural event

    The Year of the Titan was an epoch of awe and turmoil, marked by the sudden awakening of ancient titans from their millennia-long slumber. These colossal beings, remnants of a forgotten age, emerged from the depths of the earth, the ocean, and the mountains, causing earthquakes and tsunamis with their every step. Their sheer size and power disrupted the natural order, creating widespread chaos and fear across Nehwon.

  • 1848 RJ

    Year of the Burning Mountain
    Cultural event

    The Year of the Burning Mountain was a time of fiery upheaval and transformation in Nehwon. It began with a sudden and violent eruption of Mount Firepeak, an ancient and long-dormant volcano in the Parched Mountains. The mountain spewed forth rivers of molten lava, ash, and smoke, engulfing nearby villages and creating a nightmarish landscape of destruction.

  • 1919 RJ

    1 Wölfe

    Year of the White Angel
    Cultural event

    The Year of the White Angel was a time of hope, miracles, and divine intervention in Nehwon. It began with the sudden appearance of a radiant, ethereal being known as the White Angel. This celestial figure, with shimmering wings and a glowing aura, brought a sense of peace and wonder wherever it appeared. The White Angel was said to have the power to heal the sick, bless the land with fertility, and protect the innocent from harm.   Throughout the year, tales of the White Angel's miracles spread far and wide. Crops flourished in previously barren fields, plagues were lifted, and those suffering from ailments found relief and renewed strength. Communities once divided by strife found unity and reconciliation under the Angel's guidance.   Pilgrimages to the places where the White Angel had been sighted became common, with people seeking blessings, guidance, or simply the chance to witness the divine presence. The Angel's influence extended beyond physical miracles; it inspired acts of charity, kindness, and goodwill among the people of Nehwon.

  • 1980 RJ

    11 Dröhnen

    Founding of Hedeby

    The founding of Hedeby began with the vision of Skaldor, a great chieftain who recognized the potential for unity and prosperity among the scattered Snow Clans of The North . Observing their common struggles and shared heritage, Skaldor proposed creating a central trading post that would serve as both a sanctuary and a hub of commerce.

  • 2085 RJ

    20 Satyr

    Founding of Kvarch Nar

    The settlement of Kvarch Nar was founded.

    Kvarch Nar
  • 2091 RJ

    30 Mörder

    The Destruction of Marukand

    The Maruk were forced to abandon their homeland within the Mountains of Hunger due to a series of catastrophic earthquakes that devastated their intricate network of lava tubes and vast caverns. These tremors collapsed many of their subterranean dwellings, making the once-stable environment treacherous and uninhabitable. The destruction of their homes and vital infrastructure left the Maruks with no choice but to leave their beloved Marukand in search of safety and stability, beginning their arduous journey across Lankhmaria.

  • 2101 RJ

    26 Wölfe

    Founding of Jing-Shanwei

    Founding of the Village Jing-Shanwei

  • 2136 RJ

    22 Zepter

    The City-State of Ildebreth Founded

    The City-State of Ildebreth was founded in the year 2136 RJ by a coalition of visionary leaders, artisans, and scholars who sought to create a society built on the principles of merit, excellence, and unity. These founders, drawn from various regions of Nehwon, discovered a rich deposit of blackstone along the western coast of the Sea of Monsters and recognized its potential as both a formidable building material and a symbol of their new society. They established Ildebreth atop these deposits, crafting the city’s first structures from the very stone that would come to define its identity. The founders envisioned a city where power and influence would be earned through personal achievement rather than birthright, and they laid the foundation for a Meritocratic government that would guide Ildebreth’s growth into a prosperous and resilient city-state, renowned for its unique culture and enduring strength.

  • 2142 RJ

    18 Walder

    The Resettlement of Marukand
    Population Migration / Travel

    Driven by a deep yearning to reconnect with their ancestral roots and restore their cultural heritage, the Maruk decided to repopulate Marukand.

  • 2211 RJ

    21 Weißhexe

    The Festival of Corellon
    Cultural event

    The Festival of Corellon was first organized in the year 2211 RJ, marking the start of a revered tradition in Nehwon. Originating at the confluence of the River Tilth and the River Silma, this festival was founded by a group of wandering Elves who experienced a divine vision of Corellon Larethian blessing the site. Celebrating life, unity, and creativity, the festival quickly grew to welcome all races and cultures, evolving into a vibrant, inclusive gathering held four times a year.

  • 2223 RJ

    23 Mörder

    Karja Tal Founded

    Karja Tal was founded as a small, fortified settlement on the shores of the Sea of Monsters. Initially established by nomadic tribes seeking refuge from relentless raiders, the settlement grew into a vital trade hub due to its strategic location along the Western Merchant's Road. Over time, Karja Tal evolved into a thriving trading center, renowned for its diverse population and the rich exchange of cultures, goods, and ideas that passed through its gates.

  • 2372 RJ

    12 Mörder
    2377 RJ

    30 Zepter

    The War of the Nobles
    Political event

    In 2372 FK, Queen Embriss died in her sleep. She left no heir and thus the throne was open to the any eligible noble that was interested -- all of them were.

  • 2372 RJ

    6 Dröhnen

    Slayer's Brotherhood

    The Slayer's Brotherhood was founded during the "War of the Nobles". They organized the guild as a mafia, forming their own subculture, rules and enforcements amidst the chaos the city was experiencing during that time. While its beginnings were humble, today it stands as a huge multifaceted mafia organization and is considered to be single-most powerful guild in all of Nehwon. Slayer protects the common citizens within the districts it claims territory over from harrassing city guards, domestic abusers, sexual predators and other such violators of the general peace. Because of this, Slayer is often seen as a guardian organization that benefits the neighborhood, regardless of the crimes they commit in order to stay in power.

  • 2377 RJ

    19 Wölfe

    City Council and District Councils are created
    Civil action

    Following the War of the Nobles, King and Overlord Tedakis stabilized the government and set up city council and district councils in order to facilitate this stabilization.

  • 2412 RJ

    22 Zepter

    Gods of Nehwon Protect Lankhmar
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A particularly powerful hurricane battered the city and its winds began tearing down segments of the seawall and destroying buildings randomly throughout town. The Gods of Lankhmar emerged, stood in a circle in the middle of the Street of the Gods, raised their staves above their heads, and created an invisible magical protective dome over the city. While the hurricane raged outside the dome, the interior climate of Lankhmar returned to the clime it had immediately prior to the storm.

  • 2500 RJ

    Candlekeep's Spud Date
    Construction beginning/end

    The keep that in 102 years from this date would become the world renowned Candlekeep is erected.

    Mythan Belanore
  • 2790 RJ

    21 Walder
    2841 RJ

    20 Geister

    Erro Tedakis becomes Overlord of Lankhmar
    Political event

    Erro Tedakis succeeds the throne after his father King Raze Tedakis dies.

  • 2841 RJ

    20 Geister
    2893 RJ

    25 Weißhexe

    Glipkerio Kistomerces becomes Overlord of Lankhmar
    Political event

    Glipkerio Kistomerces become Overlord of Lankhmar.

  • 2872 RJ

    2962 RJ

    The Life and Times of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
    Cultural event

    Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser lived and adventured throughout Western Nehwon, becoming legends in their own time and were the subjects of many tales and bardic songs. Many Nehwonians consider this era to be the "Golden Age" of Nehwon.

    Western Nehwon
  • 2893 RJ

    25 Weißhexe
    2899 RJ

    25 Zepter

    Radomix Kistomerces becomes Overlord of Lankhmar
    Political event

    Radomix takes over the throne from his cousin, Glipkerio Kistomerces.

  • 2899 RJ

    25 Zepter
    2919 RJ

    11 Satyr

    Pulgh Arthonax becomes Overlord of Lankhmar
    Political event

    Pulgh Anthonax has Radomix Kistomerces assassinated and become Overlord of the Kingdom of Lanhkmar.

  • 2919 RJ

    11 Satyr
    2939 RJ

    13 Dröhnen

    Zepp Arthonax becomes Overlord of Lankhmar
    Political event

    Zepp Arthonax inherits his father's throne after his death in 2919.

  • 2939 RJ

    13 Dröhnen
    2999 RJ

    16 Dröhnen

    Edwynn Werrish I becomes Overlord of Lankhmar
    Political event

    Edwynn Werrish I becomes Overlord of Lankhmar

  • 2966 RJ

    9 Schwarzhexe
    2966 RJ

    13 Schwarzhexe

    The Plague of Apples
    Plague / Epidemic

    One unfortunate night, an apple farmer brought in a huge cartload of apples into Lankhmar that ended up being infected with a toxic mold. Hundreds of citizens fell ill, some of which died.

  • 2999 RJ

    16 Dröhnen

    Edwynn Werrish II becomes Overlord of Lankhmar
    Political event

    Edwynn Werrish II inherits the throne from his father, King Edwynn Werrish I after his death.

  • 3001 RJ

    28 Satyr

    Bartar the Ancient Red Dragon
    Era beginning/end

    The Shiield encountered and fought an Ancient Red Dragon named Bartar. Up to this point, a dragon had not been spotted for millenia.

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