The Gods of Lankhmar

Gods of Lankhmar by Keith Parkinson
  Citizens of Lankhmar regard the founders and the first King of their city as Gods and their remains as corporeal evidence of their existence. They are collectively known as the "Gods of Lankhmar" whose mummified bodies are housed in The Black Temple, located at the westernmost end of the Street of the Gods. There are 14 gods in total.   There is no religion that surrounds the Gods of Lankhmar, and therefore there are no priests, ceremonial services, or dogmatic rules to follow. Despite this, the head priest or priestess from every temple along the Street of the Gods pays respect to the Gods of Lankhmar on a monthly basis by entering the vestibule (also known as the "Red Room") and placing an offering into the white basin. Likewise, some citizens will do the same; some offer a copper tik while others place a bit of food. Children will often leave a toy; and some have been known to leave a folded note, presumably with a petition asking for the gods' favor. The offerings disappear after the offerer(s) leave the vestibule and no one is around. It is speculated that the basin teleports the offerings to the interior rooms of the crypt so that the Gods of Lankhmar may enjoy them, however, no one truly knows or dares enter the crypt in order to find out.   The Gods of Lankhmar are more than mummified remains or sacred relics; as the founders of the city they fought for and loved so much in life, they continue to protect Lankhmar even in "death". Whenever the city faces a natural or man-made disaster, siege, or other danger that threatens its existence, the near-invisible door at the back of the vestibule will slide downwards into the floor, and the Gods of Lankhmar will emerge to defend the city in whatever manner is necessary. For example, in the year 2412 RJ, a particularly powerful hurricane battered the city and its winds began tearing down segments of the seawall and destroying buildings randomly throughout town. The Gods of Lankhmar emerged, stood in a circle in the middle of the Street of the Gods, raised their staves above their heads, and created an invisible magical protective dome over the city. While the hurricane raged outside the dome, the interior climate of Lankhmar returned to the clime it had immediately prior to the storm. While the Gods of Lankhmar are indeed a great benefit in disastrous situations, their protection comes at a price. Immediately after they handle the situation that threatened the city's existence, the Gods of Lankhmar separate and prowl the city streets and kill anyone foolish enough to cross their path or meet their gaze. It is advised that if you are unfortunate enough to see a God of Lankhmar walking towards you, you should immediately avert your eyes downward, lie prone onto the street before you on your belly, and lie as still as quietly as possible. Begging for mercy will only arouse their anger even more. It is said that the purpose of this murderous rampage has two reasons: the Gods need to replenish their spent energy by killing and to ensure that the citizens do not rely upon the Gods to protect the city by creating better risk management techniques to diminish city destroying perils in the first place. The theory of energy replenishment has been posited due to many accounts by people who have witnessed a God murdering someone. They say that after the person is killed, the God touches the victim's body with the staff that each God carries, and that "energy" or "their soul" passes from the corpse, up the staff's shaft, and into the God. This rampage lasts until midnight, so depending on exactly when the Gods emerged and completed their defensive mission, they could be out "collecting their payment" anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours. Discovered in what remains of the archival books written during their life, The Gods of Lankhmar were known in life as: Some who pay homage to the Gods of Lankhmar at The Black Temple will "talk" to a particular God and speak his name in hopes that he will hear. Over the centuries, mythologies have been built around each God that speculate the nature, personality, and the power, benefit, or blessing one receives when they pray to that particular God.  
Worship of the Gods of Lankhmar: The Duality of Reverence
In Lankhmar, the worship of the gods is a complex and multifaceted practice, reflecting the dual nature of the deities themselves. These gods are venerated in two primary ways: for who they were in life and for who they became in death. This dichotomous reverence highlights the intricate relationship between the citizens of Lankhmar and their deities, characterized by both awe and fear.  
Worship of the Mortal Gods
Before their transformation into undead deities, the gods of Lankhmar were mortal beings of great renown, each possessing distinct attributes, values, and teachings that resonated with the people. In life, these individuals were revered for their wisdom, bravery, compassion, and leadership. Citizens of Lankhmar focus on these mortal aspects, drawing inspiration from the gods' Human qualities and achievements.  
The Feathered King (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Graceful leader, master of the skies, and visionary ruler.
  • Values: Freedom, adaptability, and the pursuit of enlightenment.
  • Teachings: The significance of liberty, the power of perspective, and the value of wisdom gained through experience.
Anselm of the North (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Resilient protector, wise elder, and fierce warrior.
  • Values: Strength, endurance, and the preservation of knowledge.
  • Teachings: The virtues of perseverance, the importance of heritage, and the role of strength in safeguarding one's people.
Wolff, Guardian of the Woods (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Nurturing guardian, master of nature, and strategic defender.
  • Values: Harmony with the environment, vigilance, and the nurturing of life.
  • Teachings: The interconnectedness of all living things, the duty of protection, and the wisdom found in nature.
Skade of the Sea (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Courageous navigator, protector of seafarers, and skilled warrior.
  • Values: Bravery in the face of danger, loyalty to one's crew, and respect for the ocean.
  • Teachings: The importance of exploration, the balance between man and nature, and the honor of defending one's homeland.
Steffen the Brilliant (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Genius inventor, insightful scholar, and charismatic leader.
  • Values: Innovation, intellect, and the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Teachings: The value of curiosity, the power of creativity, and the impact of technological progress.
Sewastian the Feared (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Strategic tactician, feared commander, and ruthless warrior.
  • Values: Discipline, power, and authority.
  • Teachings: The importance of strength, the necessity of control, and the effectiveness of fear as a tool.
The Serpent, Orm (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Cunning strategist, master of deception, and formidable foe.
  • Values: Cunning, adaptability, and patience.
  • Teachings: The art of subtlety, the value of patience, and the effectiveness of intelligence over brute force.
The Architect (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Visionary builder, master craftsman, and innovative planner.
  • Values: Precision, creativity, and planning.
  • Teachings: The importance of structure, the value of foresight, and the power of creation.
Knut, Bringer of Light (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Enlightened leader, beacon of hope, and radiant figure.
  • Values: Light, hope, and enlightenment.
  • Teachings: The power of positivity, the importance of guidance, and the strength found in unity.
Odenn the Mighty (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Powerful warrior, inspiring leader, and indomitable spirit.
  • Values: Strength, bravery, and resilience.
  • Teachings: The value of courage, the importance of perseverance, and the power of unity in battle.
Sevve the Dark (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Mysterious figure, master of shadows, and strategic thinker.
  • Values: Secrecy, strategy, and foresight.
  • Teachings: The power of the unknown, the value of secrecy, and the importance of planning.
Rhan the Barbarian Slayer (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Fierce warrior, relentless hunter, and protector of civilization.
  • Values: Vigilance, strength, and protection.
  • Teachings: The necessity of vigilance, the value of strength, and the importance of protecting society.
Falkor the Brown (before transformation):
  • Attributes: Earthly guardian, master of the land, and wise elder.
  • Values: Stability, wisdom, and nurturing.
  • Teachings: The importance of balance, the value of wisdom, and the power of the earth.
Nyxara the Silent(before transformation):
  • Attributes: Elegant spy, master of stealth, and skilled assassin.
  • Values: Secrecy, justice, and loyalty.
  • Teachings: The importance of discretion, the power of information, and the value of silent vigilance
Worship of the Undead Gods
Upon their mortal deaths, these gods underwent a transformation that imbued them with supernatural powers and an aura of fearsome wrath. As undead deities, their attributes shifted to reflect their new, formidable natures. This aspect of their worship focuses on their roles as protectors and enforcers, who demand respect and occasionally exact a heavy toll on the city they guard.  
The Feathered King (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Sovereign of the winds, bringer of tempests, and vigilant watcher of the skies.
  • Values: Authority, vigilance, and swift justice.
  • Teachings: The duality of freedom and control, the might of the elements, and the swiftness of divine retribution.
Anselm of the North (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Master of ice, harbinger of blizzards, and unyielding defender of the cold north.
  • Values: Severity, endurance, and relentless protection.
  • Teachings: The harshness of survival, the strength found in adversity, and the formidable power of the cold.
Wolff, Guardian of the Woods (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Wielder of nature’s fury, conjurer of thorns, and vigilant protector of the wilderness.
  • Values: Vengeance, protection, and the ferocity of nature.
  • Teachings: The raw power of the wild, the necessity of balance, and the unforgiving force of nature’s wrath.
Skade of the Sea (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Dominator of tides, summoner of storms, and relentless guardian of the seas.
  • Values: Control, power, and retribution.
  • Teachings: The unpredictable nature of the sea, the price of protection, and the need for unwavering respect.
Steffen the Brilliant (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Radiant intellect, harbinger of enlightenment, and fierce guardian of knowledge.
  • Values: Brilliance, insight, and enlightenment.
  • Teachings: The power of intellect, the importance of knowledge, and the cost of ignorance.
Sewastian the Feared (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Enforcer of dread, master of tactics, and embodiment of fear.
  • Values: Discipline, power, and dominance.
  • Teachings: The strength in fear, the necessity of control, and the power of dominance.
The Serpent, Orm (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Master of poison, bringer of corruption, and stealthy enforcer.
  • Values: Stealth, corruption, and cunning.
  • Teachings: The power of stealth, the value of corruption, and the effectiveness of cunning.
The Architect (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Master of constructs, bringer of innovation, and relentless planner.
  • Values: Precision, creativity, and foresight.
  • Teachings: The power of structure, the importance of innovation, and the necessity of planning.
Knut, Bringer of Light (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Beacon of hope, bringer of light, and relentless purifier.
  • Values: Light, hope, and purification.
  • Teachings: The strength in light, the power of hope, and the necessity of purification.
Odenn the Mighty (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Wielder of thunder, bringer of storms, and unyielding protector.
  • Values: Strength, power, and resilience.
  • Teachings: The power of storms, the importance of strength, and the necessity of resilience.
Sevve the Dark (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Lord of shadows, bringer of darkness, and master of secrets.
  • Values: Secrecy, power, and strategy.
  • Teachings: The strength in shadows, the power of darkness, and the necessity of secrets.
  • Rhan the Barbarian Slayer (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Bringer of death, master of combat, and relentless protector.
  • Values: Strength, vigilance, and protection.
  • Teachings: The power of death, the importance of strength, and the necessity of vigilance.
Falkor the Brown (after transformation):
  • Attributes: Master of the land, bringer of earthquakes, and relentless guardian of the earth.
  • Values: Stability, power, and resilience.
  • Teachings: The strength of the earth, the power of stability, and the necessity of resilience.
Nyxara the Silent(after transformation)  
  • Attributes: Mistress of shadows, enforcer of silence, and guardian of secrets.
  • Values: Fear, retribution, and unwavering justice.
  • Teachings: The power of darkness, the necessity of fear, and the unyielding pursuit of truth.
The Dichotomous Reverence
The dual nature of the gods' worship in Lankhmar underscores the complexity of their divine personas. Citizens hold these deities in awe for their mortal virtues and inspiration, celebrating their humanlike qualities that once walked among them. Simultaneously, they fear and respect the gods' undead forms, acknowledging the potent and sometimes terrifying powers that now protect the city.   This dichotomy reflects the intricate relationship between the gods and the people of Lankhmar. The gods are seen as both benevolent and malevolent forces, whose protection is vital yet costly. The reverence for their mortal attributes fosters a sense of connection and admiration, while the fear of their undead wrath ensures that the gods are honored and appeased.   The gods' need to replenish their energy through acts that may wreak havoc upon the city is accepted as a necessary sacrifice. This acceptance highlights the citizens' understanding of the delicate balance between receiving divine protection and enduring the occasional devastation that comes with it.

Divine Domains



Each God possesses a 3 foot long staff made of rosewood. Each staff is uniquely decorated as befitting of the possessor's personality in life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Non-Magical Deithar by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  Many who believe in the Gods of Lankhmar wear this pendant known as a Deithar, which is available in most jewelry stores. The value and craftsmanship varies so that anyone from any walk of life can afford one.

Tenets of Faith

Speaking ill of or critizing the Gods of Lankhmar, their hallowed day, or of their means of retribution for protecting the city is illegal in the city of Lankhmar. If convicted, violaters will go to prison for a minimum of 7 days; depending on the severity of the blasphemy, capital punishment is possible.


  • The 2nd week of Satyr every year. Most everyone in the city of Lankhmar stops by The Black Temple and submits an offering during the week of their holiday. This holiday was so chosen as this was the week that Lankhmar officially broke ground. The 7th day of Satyr is that specific date for those interested.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To protect the city of Lankhmar from destruction, whether the destroyer be of natural, divine or man-made sources.
Gods of Lankhmar in DnD Beyond : Gods of Lankhmar
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral with Lawful Evil Tendencies
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Range from 1000 RJ to 1823 RJ
Circumstances of Death
The Feathered King was murdered, while the others died of natural causes
Place of Death
Current Residence
The Black Temple
All Male
Skeletal remains of men dressed in the attire of Kings and Princes
Scarce, if any
Range from 5'10" to 6'5"
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

Articles under The Gods of Lankhmar

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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