The Fledgling Religion of the Gods of Lankhmar

The Young Priest
Name: Daric Thalvian   Daric Thalvian was a young man of slight build, standing at 5'3" with a naturally thin frame that usually held a weight of around 110 lbs. He had a mop of dark, unruly hair and intense green eyes that shone with the fervor of his faith. Born to a humble family of weavers, Daric grew up in the narrow alleys of Lankhmar, always struggling to make ends meet. His parents, devout followers of various gods, instilled in him a deep sense of spirituality and a yearning to serve the divine. From a young age, he showed a unique sensitivity to the mystical, often having dreams and visions that left his parents in awe.   When he came of age, Daric sought a higher calling and applied to be an acolyte for Aarth the All-Listener. His natural abilities and dedication quickly set him apart from other novices. However, his promising future was abruptly cut short when he rejected the inappropriate advances of High Priest Selvek Valarr, the senior cleric responsible for training the acolytes. In retaliation, Valarr used his influence to have Daric expelled from the temple, leaving him with nothing but the clothes on his back.  
The Priest in Command
Name: High Priest Selvek Valarr   High Priest Selvek Valarr, a tall and imposing figure with piercing blue eyes and a perpetually stern expression, was known for his strict and often harsh methods. Despite his reputation for piety, Valarr harbored a darker side, using his position to exploit those under his tutelage. When Daric refused his advances, Valarr swiftly orchestrated his expulsion, ensuring the young priest had no means to support himself.  
The Secret Movement
After his expulsion, Daric found himself destitute in the cold month of Wölfe, one of the harshest times of the year in Lankhmar. He tried to find work as a day laborer, but the heavy influence of the Guilds made it nearly impossible. All merchants were required to hire only Guild-affiliated employees. Guild membership was a lifelong commitment and required a painstakingly slow process of acceptance and also required money; none of these things were suitable or achievable by Daric. That said, some were willing to break Guild rules if he would work for lower wages and do things that guild members were unwilling to do. Forced to take on these grueling and underpaid side jobs, Daric struggled to survive. He slept in doorways and alleyways, constantly harassed and shooed away by guards, building owners, street urchins, and rats. Exhausted, starving, and freezing, he began to hallucinate due to the extreme conditions and the extreme starvation that his body was going through.   It was on the 21st day of Wölfe, at sunset, that Daric experienced a most vivid hallucination. Weak and skeletal from his ordeal, he saw what seemed to be a glimmer of light that seemed to beckon him. Despite his exhaustion, he followed the glimmer through the streets of Lankhmar. Each time he reached the source, it would fade and reappear further up the street, eventually leading him to The Black Temple, the residence of The Gods of Lankhmar. As he walked, he heard a disembodied voice saying, "You shall build for us. Our time has come and you shall lead the way."   When he reached The Black Temple, Daric entered the red interior chamber, known as the "Wall of Wishes," where people petitioned The Gods of Lankhmar for favors. As he approached the wall, a section pivoted, revealing a passageway filled with the scents of fragrant flowers, spices, and a warm meal. Desperate and hungry, Daric entered without hesitation. The passageway led to a luxurious chamber, where he found a great dining table laden with food and surrounded by The Gods of Lankhmar, who all appeared to be alive, mortal, and in the prime of their life.   At the head of the table sat The Feathered King, who invited Daric to join them. Hesitant and convinced he was dead, Daric was reassured by The Feathered King that he was still alive. Invisible servants set a plate before him, and Daric ate his fill, listening to the gods' casual conversation. After the meal, an invisible servant led him to a luxurious bedroom, where he was bathed before he went to bed where he immediately fell into a deep sleep.   When he awoke 48 hours later, he found a fresh set of luxurious robes waiting for him. The black velvet robes were intricately embroidered with silver and nearly invisible black glyphs. As he donned them and returned to the dining chamber, now transformed into a cozy lounge, he was served a hearty breakfast. The God known as The Architect then appeared and shared the gods' plans for Daric to establish an official religious following in Lankhmar.  
The Secret Movement's Mission
The Architect explained that this new religion was not born of vanity but of necessity. Daric, chosen for his purity, lack of arrogance, and unwavering faith, was the ideal vessel to lead this movement. Over the next few hours, The Architect outlined the initial steps, emphasizing that he would provide guidance and support as needed.   Daric's mission was clear: to build a formal religion around The Gods of Lankhmar. For the past two years, he has worked tirelessly to gather followers, with the current membership standing at 52. This group includes influential members of Lankhmar's government, wealthy and charismatic individuals, and humble, devoted followers. The movement remains secret, as The Architect reveals information on a need-to-know basis.   Despite the challenges, Daric is resolute in his faith and commitment to his divine mission. He continues to build the religion according to The Architect's design, driven by the belief that The Gods of Lankhmar have chosen him for a higher purpose. The fledgling religion's influence slowly grows, inching closer to bringing about a new era of worship in Lankhmar.
Founding Date
Secret, Religious sect

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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