Rhan the Barbarian Slayer

The Tale of Rhan the Barbarian Slayer

In the chronicles of Lankhmar's history, few figures stand as prominently as Rhan, the Barbarian Slayer. His tale is one of valor, strategic brilliance, and fierce dedication to the land that would become one of Nehwon's greatest cities. Rhan was not just a founding father of Lankhmar; he was its protector, visionary, and eventually, its deified guardian.   Before Lankhmar rose to prominence, it was but a nascent settlement, vulnerable and isolated amidst a maelstrom of warring tribes and barbarian hordes. During these tumultuous times, Rhan emerged—a figure of indomitable spirit and unparalleled martial prowess. Renowned for his ability to foresee enemy moves and counter them with decisive and often unconventional strategies, Rhan's leadership was instrumental in defending the fledgling settlement against relentless attacks that sought to ravage and claim the land.   Under his guidance, Lankhmar not only survived but began to thrive. The city's walls, which he helped fortify, stood as a testament to his strategic acumen. His victories brought stability, allowing trade and culture to flourish. Rhan's vision for Lankhmar was not solely martial; he understood that a city's true strength lay in its people. Thus, he fostered a sense of unity and purpose among the settlers, turning a scattered group of survivors into a cohesive community.  


Rhan the Barbarian Slayer is worshipped as the god of war, strategy, and protection. He is depicted as a towering figure clad in battle-worn armor, with a fierce, determined expression and a sword that gleams with an unearthly light. His presence symbolizes the defense of the city and the unity of its people.  
  • Domain: War, Strategy, Protection
  • Symbols: Battle axes, Fortified walls, The Spire of Rhan
  • Attributes: Valor, Strategic Brilliance, Unity

Historical Foundations

Rhan's worship began with the founding of Lankhmar, as his leadership and strategic brilliance were crucial in defending the settlement from barbarian invasions. His contributions to the city's survival and growth earned him reverence even during his lifetime, and his legend grew after his passing. The Spire of Rhan, erected in his honor, became a monumental tribute to his life and deeds.  

Legacy and Folklore

The legacy of Rhan the Barbarian Slayer is deeply embedded in Lankhmar's culture. The Spire of Rhan, with its intricately carved scenes of his heroic deeds and strategic victories, stands as a testament to his enduring influence. Although the carvings have faded over time, the spire remains a revered site where the people of Lankhmar come to remember the man who shaped their city's destiny.  

Adaptations across the Lands

While Rhan is primarily worshipped in Lankhmar, his influence extends to other regions that value martial prowess and strategic acumen. Warriors and generals across Nehwon invoke his name in battle, seeking his guidance and protection.  

Cultural Interpretations

Cultural interpretations of Rhan vary. In Lankhmar, he is seen as a protective guardian and a unifying force. In other regions, he is revered as a god of war and strategy, with his teachings studied by military leaders and scholars alike.  

Literary Echoes

Rhan the Barbarian Slayer has inspired numerous literary works. Epic sagas recount his battles against barbarian hordes, while strategic treatises analyze his unconventional tactics. His character often appears in stories as a wise and formidable warrior, guiding heroes in their quests.  

Artistic Impressions

Artists in Lankhmar and beyond have long been captivated by Rhan's valor and strategic brilliance. Paintings, sculptures, and tapestries depict him in moments of battle, his sword raised high, rallying his troops, and fortifying the city's walls. These artistic impressions celebrate his role as Lankhmar's protector and visionary.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: by Chad Watson


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