The Empire of Kang

The Empire of Kang, also known as "The Old World" is a vast realm steeped in a history of conquest and power struggles. This world is characterized by its harsh, unforgiving landscapes, ranging from barren wastelands to imposing mountain ranges, each terrain posing its own set of challenges and dangers. The architecture reflects the militaristic nature of the society, with imposing fortresses, massive walls, and heavily guarded citadels dotting the landscape, often built in strategic locations to exert control and demonstrate power.   The Empire of Kang is shrouded in an air of mystery and impenetrability, largely due to the massive, invisible wall with domed roof that encompasses its entire territory. This remarkable structure, a marvel of arcane engineering, serves as a formidable barrier, preventing unauthorized travel both into and out of the empire. Its presence is felt rather than seen, creating an insurmountable obstacle for those unacquainted with its secrets.   Strategically positioned around the dome are several portals, the only legitimate points of entry and exit. These portals are masterpieces of discretion and security, seamlessly blending into their surroundings, making them nearly impossible to detect by the untrained eye. Guarded by elite soldiers who are as silent as they are deadly, these portals are more than mere passageways; they are the vigilant sentinels of the empire's sovereignty.   Rumors persist among outsiders and even some citizens of hidden routes that bypass this daunting barrier. Whispered tales speak of ancient, forgotten tunnels or magical pathways accessible only to those who possess certain arcane knowledge or relics. However, these stories remain unverified, part myth and part wishful thinking, adding to the enigmatic allure of the Empire of Kang.   In keeping with its isolationist stance, the empire has eschewed the construction of roads leading to neighboring nations. This deliberate lack of connectivity serves as both a physical and symbolic declaration of Tekang's self-sufficiency and determination to remain aloof from external influences. The surrounding landscape, untamed and often treacherous, further discourages would-be travelers or invaders, reinforcing the empire's natural defenses.   In essence, the Empire of Kang is a realm unto itself, a fortress of solitude governed by the enigmatic and unyielding will of its ruler. Its boundaries, marked not by walls but by the unseen dome, create an aura of mystique and power, underscoring its status as a place not easily understood or conquered.


The Empire of Kang keeps a standing army of approximately 1 million troops. All citizens of the Empire are subject to military draft at any given moment.

Throquat uluk. (Devour All)

Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
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Articles under The Empire of Kang

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: by Chad Watson


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