Keesha meets Ambrellus Terzakian

The Conflict


  • Keesha and Duventar hit it off immediately and strike a bargain, which includes Duventar coming to Lankhmar, meeting with Ixian leadership, and discussing a potential alliance in helping one another accomplish greater goals.
  • Terzak feels that Mentaur is owed due process and that he should stand fair trial. He feels that Duventar is being unreasonable and unjust, something that violates Terzak's personal belief system.

The Encounter

  • After her and Duventar's lovemaking, Keesha returns to her chambers to sleep alone (she refuses to sleep all night with any of her sexual partners save Diana Masters). The next morning, Terzak sends soldiers from the Thhesendarium Rangers to bring Keesha before him for further questioning about Mentaur's whereabouts, condition, and treatment. Keesha assures Terzak that Mentaur is being "treated with all the respect he deserves". Terzak senses the sarcasm in her tone, knowing that what she means by "all that he deserves" means that he's being treated poorly.
  • Terzak demands that Keesha turn Mentaur over to him. Keesha tells Terzak that a deal has been struck between Ix and Duventar, and that she means to keep it. Terzak states that Duventaur's authority is null and void and that his will usurps Duventar.
  • Keesha grows silent but becomes very aware of her situation. She watches closely as Terzak orders his rangers to "fetch" Duventar to attend this meeting. After a long ten minute wait, the Rangers report that Duventar is nowhere to be found. Sharilla then scrys that Duventar is in Lankhmar heading towards the Ixian HQ.
  • Terzak sends one of the captains of the Rangers to head to Lankhmar to fetch Duventar. Terzak tells this captain, loudly and in front of Keesha, that he has taken custody of Keesha, who will be taken hostage, and that she shall be traded for Mentaur's unharmed person.
  • Keesha cooly replies to Terzak "you'll have to fucking kill me first, Sai Terzak". At that, she draws Black Silence and her Vorpal Longsword. The Thhesendarium Rangers immediately draw their weapons, aiming them at Keesha. Terzak orders the Rangers to lower their weapons, and says "It won't come to that lass. But I am going to beat the holy living shit out of you before I throw you into that prison." He then commands everyone in the room not to interfere. A duel has been declared.
  • Keesha smiles from the left side of her mouth. "Not before I cut your dick off, fuckface".


The Royal Audience Chamber in Castle Thesendarium.  
The Royal Audience Chamber, Castle Thesendarium by catmanduee


There are 8 Thhesendarium Rangers as well as Sharrila, The Dark Druid of the Eastern Woods in the room, all of whom have been given a direct order not to interfere in the duel.

The Engagement

Keesha rolls initiative, 12 vs. Terzak's 11.  

Round 1

  Keesha: Strikes with Black Silence, rolling a natural 20, for a total score of 31. Stabbing him squarely in the chest, she causes 12 HP damage. She then strikes with her Vorpal Longsword and causes an additional 4 HP damage.   Terzak: Strikes Keesha swiftly twice, causing her 54 points damage and 5 points radiant damage from Improve Divine Smite. Keesha has Uncanny Dodge, and uses her reaction to halve the attack's damage. Keesha is utterly surprised at the sheer power that Terzak has. Terzak's armor seems to glow slightly with an ever increasing light.   Keesha: has an extra turn this round due to her Thief's Reflexes. Thus she tries to hit Terzak with Black Silence but misses. She hits him with her Vorpal Longsword for 9 points of damage. Keesha activates her Ring of Blinking.   End of Round 1: Terzak: 147 HP ::: Keesha: 195 HP  

Round 2

  Keesha: Keesha slashes at Terzak's throat, missing it by a mere millimeter. She then swipes her Vorpal Longsword at him but misses him as well. She ends her turn by disengaging back 15 feet from Terzak. Her Ring of Blinking fails to transport her into the Ethereal Plane (roll of a natural 1).   Terzak: Aims his left forefinger at Keesha and casts True Strike. He then rushes to close in on Keesha and his her with his Great Axe. He causes 14 HP damage, and 5 points radiant damage from Improved Divine Smite, but Keesha takes half (again, Thief's Reflexes) for a total of 10.   End of Round 2: Terzak: 147 HP ::: Keesha: 183 HP  

Round 3

  Keesha: Keesha once again uses Black Silence and her Vorpal Longsword, missing Terzak with each. Once again, her Ring of Blinking fails.   Terzak: Laughs out loud, lowers his axes and says using his Command spell, "Surrender". Keesha fails her Wisdom Saving throw against this, and immediately stops and places her weapons down on the ground before her. She then flicks her Ring of Blinking to stop its effects.  


  Terzak then approaches her gently and with the kindest of eyes and the softest of voices says "Come now. Let's find you a room, draw you a bath, and get you fed. Once we get Mentaur sorted out, I promise I can let you go home. No harm will come to you here, you'll be treated as a welcomed guest. At that Keesha, begins to resist, but Terzak raises his finger and says "Ah come now. We dueled and you surrendered. Fair and square. I assume you fight with honor in Lankhmar?"   Keesha blinked at this. Her brow furrowed then she sighed. "Yes, I fight with honor. Fuck ... me. Gods fucking damn it!!!".   Terzak smiled gently and motioned for a guard to pick up Keesha's weapons off the ground.   "Now then", he continued "we'll keep these for later, along with your other weapons and armor. I'm sure you understand. Once Mentaur is returned to us safely, I promise they will all be returned to you, cleaned up, well oiled and ready to go".   Keesha raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't know that I can guarantee the "safely" part of his return. Seems Duventar has his own ideas in mind as to what to do with him."   Terzak replied patronizingly, "Not to worry, sweetie. Duventar wouldn't dare disobey a direct order from me."   Terzak then looks at Sharrila, The Dark Druid of the Eastern Woods, who smiles back at him slightly. "That, and from what I know, Duventar has fallen head over heels for you. He's smitten as a kitten, as they say. He wouldn't jeopardize your safety in any way".   Keesha furrowed her brow at Terzak, "yeah right. A kitten." At that, Keesha walked compliantly with the Rangers who politely motioned her to walk with them towards her quarters. Upon her arrival at her room, she was quickly attended to. Sisters of the Cloth came and tended to her wounds, while chamber maids drew her a bath of luxeriously warm milk. A short while later, a regal dinner of pheasant, red potato, leeks and tiramisu was placed on her table. A handwritten card on the food platter read "As I said, you are now a guest here in Castle Thesendarium and you shall be treated accordingly."   Later that evening, as Keesha prepared for bed, she went to the window of her room, which overlooked a breathtaking view of Manta Bay. She smiled despite her situation, then called upon her familiar, Alexander. Alexander flew from somewhere outside and landed on her shoulder. "Hey there baby girl! " Keesha then proceeded to kiss Alexander's belly a dozen times. She then said "Ok baby girl, I need you to get a message to Sunnu at Ix". Keesha then walked over to a writing desk within the room and scribbled a few sigils in Thieve's Kant upon it. She rolled it neatly into a tight scroll , then taking a thread from her comforter, tied it deftly to Alexander's left leg -- the left leg being a message in and of itself. Walking Alexander back to the window, Keesha closed her eyes and sent Alexander a telapathic image of the way to The Golden Griffon in Manta, into the room in its basement that leads to The Green Griffon in Lankhmar, and then onto the familiar path to the Ixian HQ to find Sunnu. Alexander sweetly held her eye as closely as she could to Keesha's eye, pulled her head back quickly, making a kissing noise while doing so.. a ritual that Keesha and Alexander had when saying hello or goodbye, then took off swiftly into the night sky.   Keesha frowned slightly then sighed. She then walked back to her bed and fell asleep before her head hit the pillow.
Alexander, Familiar to Keesha Knight by Chad Watson
Conflict Type

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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