
Sharrila, known fearfully as the Dark Druid of the Eastern Woods in Minethol, is a figure whose very name evokes an aura of dread and awe. Born under a blood moon in the heart of the Eastern Woods, her destiny was intertwined with the darker aspects of nature from the outset. Raised in a secluded druidic sect, she was schooled in the ancient and often forgotten arts that embrace the more formidable facets of the natural world – decay, darkness, and the cycle of death and rebirth.   From her early years, Sharrila displayed a remarkable affinity for the shadowy elements of the forest. She communicated with the spirits of the dead flora and fauna, understanding that death was as much a part of the cycle of life as birth. Her mentors, themselves practitioners of these somber arts, honed her innate skills, teaching her to wield the raw, unforgiving powers of nature.   As she matured, Sharrila's prowess grew exponentially. Her presence in the Eastern Woods became synonymous with the unyielding and often brutal forces of nature. She was seen not just as a guardian but as an embodiment of the woods' darker, merciless side. Her title, the Dark Druid, was earned through her unflinching approach to maintaining the balance of nature, often employing methods that others would find harsh or cruel.   Her path crossed with Ambrellus Terzakian, a wanderer whose own past was cloaked in shadow. Their alliance was one of mutual respect, though it was clear that Sharrila's formidable nature and mastery of the darker aspects of druidic magic were the dominant force in their partnership. Together, they ventured on tasks that often blurred the lines between protector and destroyer, always in the name of preserving the natural order as Sharrila saw fit.   In the present day, Sharrila continues her unwavering vigil over the Eastern Woods. Her reputation as the Dark Druid precedes her, a warning to those who would dare disrupt the delicate balance she ruthlessly maintains. With Ambrellus by her side, she remains an enigmatic and powerful force, a reminder of the relentless, often unforgiving cycle of life and death that governs all of nature.  

Physical Description

Sharrila is tall and imposing, standing at nearly 6 feet, with a sinewy build that speaks of her life spent mastering the harsher aspects of the wilderness. She appears as a youthful teenager, when in fact, she is over 200 hundred years old.   Her skin is pale, almost ghostly, contrasting starkly with the deep shadows of the woods she inhabits. Her features are sharp and angular, with an otherworldly beauty that is both mesmerizing and intimidating.   Her eyes are a startling shade of silver, cold and penetrating, like moonlight filtering through dead branches. Her hair is jet black and flows long and wild, often seeming to merge with the darkness of the forest around her.   Sharrila dresses in garments that are as dark as her nature, favoring cloaks and robes that blend seamlessly with the night. Her clothing is adorned with symbols of death and decay, celebrating the more fearsome aspects of nature.   Intricate tattoos depicting scenes of natural decay and rebirth cover her arms and back, a testament to her deep connection with the darkest parts of the natural cycle.   She wears jewelry fashioned from bones and other remnants of the forest, each piece holding significance in her druidic practices.  

Overall Presence

Sharrila's presence is commanding and unsettling, a living embodiment of the relentless and sometimes brutal cycles of nature. Her movements are graceful yet predatory, and her voice, when she chooses to speak, is as haunting as the whispering winds through dead leaves. She exudes a chilling power, a reminder of the omnipresent force of nature in its most raw and unbridled form. In her company, one is acutely aware of the thin line between life and death, and the unyielding grip of nature’s darker side.



Partner (Vital)

Towards Terzak




Partner (Vital)

Towards Sharrila



Date of Birth
16 Satyr
Circumstances of Birth
She was meant as a sacrifice to the god of bears, however a high druid stepped in to stop it, as he prophesized a different future for her.
Empire of Kang
Terzak (Partner)
Jet black, long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Reports

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: by Chad Watson


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