Keesha Knight meets Mentaur

The Conflict


The Encounter
  • Before her meeting with The Order of Ix, she goes to her apartment, rests and refreshes, and then summons her familiar, Alexander. Alexander rides on her shoulder as she goes about her day from this point forward.
  • The Order of Ix temporarily re-assigns Keesha to assist with some issues regarding the preparation of the Platinum Dragon Lair the Order is preparing in the mountains of the Great Tundra of the North.
  • Before departing, Keesha has a few pieces of business to conduct. First, she visits her favorite armory and its owner, Shazzik the Armorer, in the Plaza District.
  • From there, Keesha heads down Plaza West Street towards the Plaza of Dark Delights to collect on a debt. She intends on visiting Diana Masters afterwards, staying the night with her, then departing to the north early in the following morning.
  • Just as Keesha enters the Plaza of Dark Delights and walks past the Fountain of Dark Abundance, Mentaur attempts to make a sneak attack on Keesha, and garrot her, in broad daylight.
Fountain of Dark Abundance by Chad Watson via Midjourney


The Plaza of Dark Delights, near the Fountain of Dark Abundance.  
The Fountain of Dark Abundance Location


  • The weather is 10 degrees hotter than it usually is for this time of year. 88 F / 31 C.
  • The air is still, with no wind.
  • There is no precipitation.
  • The Plaza of Dark Delights is busy with people and there are 36 people within a 60' radius of the Fountain of Dark Abundance.

The Engagement

Mentaur, a High-Elven male dressed in casual clothing of blacks and greys, stands 5'9" and weighs 145 lbs. He is armed with an Assassin's Garrote, Black Silence (a named magical dagger), a Vorpal Longsword, and is wearing Protector of the Dark (magical mithral suit of armor) underneath his clothing. .   Keesha Knight, a high-elven female stands 5'10" and weights 147 lbs. She is armed with her Dagger of Venom, her magical hand crossbows Give and Take, a Vorpal Longsword, and is wearing a Dragon Ring of Blinking and Blackened Elven Chain Mailshirt.    
The Weapons
Mentaur: Assassin's Garrote; Black Silence, a named magical dagger; a Vorpal Long Sword; and Protector of the Dark, a magical suit of black and gold mithral chain (worn underneath his clothing). Starting hit points: 172   Keesha Knight: Dagger of Venom, a Dagger +1, Archfey's Gift, aka "Archfey" , (named hand crossbow), Give (named hand crossbow on her left hand) and Take(named hand crossbow on her right hand)a Vorpal Longsword. She wears Blackened Elven Chain Mail Armor +1. Starting hit points: 225    
The Duel
Round 1
: Mentaur sneaks up behind Keesha successfully (27 Stealth vs. 24 passive perception). He successfully wraps his Assassin's Garrote around her neck and begins to choke her. Alexander immediately alights from Keesha's shoulder and flies up to a point of safety on a nearby rooftop. His garrote causes an immediate 37 points damage, and his sneak attack causes an additional 23 points damage. He then takes an Action Surge to get an additional attack, thus he pulls the Assassin's Garrote even tighter around her neck, causing an additional 32 points damage.   Total Damage: 92 HP   Keesha uses her Ring of Free Action which breaks the restraining feature of the Assassin's Garrote. She spins on her heel looking back to her attacker, flicks out her handcrossbows, Give and Take from their resting positions, and fires Give at Mentaur. Her roll misses him but she uses her Stroke of Luck and makes it a hit. She deals 44 points of damage. Mentaur uses his Uncanny Dodge reaction to halve this damage, making it only 22 points damage. Keesha then fires with Take, using the Hold Person spell that it contains, however Mentaur makes his Wisdom Saving throw with a Natural 20, for a total of 23 (vs. the DC 14 he need to meet or exceed), so he avoids its effects.   End of Round 1: Mentaur: 150 HP :: Keesha: 130 HP  
Round 2
  Mentaur pulls Black Silence and his Vorpal Longsword and rushes to attack Keesha. He rolls a 24 with Black Silence causing 13 points of damage. He then hits her with his Vorpal Longsword for another 13 points of damage. Keesha uses her Uncanny Dodge and halves the damage from Black Silence against her, reducing the damage to 6. Total damage : 19 points.   Keesha pops the charge on her Dagger of Venom and stabs it at Mentaur's head. She misses with a roll of a 13. She then uses her Dragon Ring of Blinking to start the Blink cycle, however she does not blink on this round (rolled a 9, needs 11 or higher to blink).   End of Turn: Mentaur: 150 HP :: Keesha: 111 HP  
3rd Round
Mentaur once again attacks her with Black Silence, hits her with a roll of 17, and causes 24 points of damage. She uses Uncanny Dodge to cut the damage in half to 12 points. He then rolls a 24 on his Vorpal Longsword attack causing an additional 10 points of damage. Total Damage : 22 points.   Keesha has a look of shock on her face as she realizes just how quickly Mentaur is cutting her up. She uses the Cure Wounds at 4 charges from Give, which gives her 29 points back. She once again attempt to hit with her Dagger of Venom and successfully strikes him with a roll of 23. She delivers 6 points slashing damage with 6 more points of poisoning damage, since he failed his Constitution save and rolled 7 ( he needed 15). This poisoning gives him disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for the next 10 rounds. Mentaur takes Uncanny Dodge and halves his damage down to 6 points total. Her Dragon Ring of Blinking then blinks her into the Ethereal Plane. There, she drinks a Draconic Potion of Healing and regains 25 HP.   End of Round: Mentaur: 144 HP :: Keesha 143 HP  
4th Round
Mentaur blinks his eyes in confusion as Keesha apparantly slips out of existence. Mentaur is able to do nothing as Keesha isn't there. He instead readies himself for her return. Meanwhile, a crowd of people begin to watch their battle.   Keesha pops back into the Material Plane just behind Mentaur. She rolls a 34 for stealth, gaining advantage against Mentaur's 28 perception roll. She hits with both her Dagger of Venom and her Vorpal Longsword. She gets 46 hp damage from the Dagger ( 23 points because of Uncanny Dodge for Mentaur) + 7 Points from the Vorpal Longsword for a total of 30 hp damage. Her Dragonring of Blinking does not blink her out this round (rolled a 3).   End of Round: Mentaur: 114 :: Keesha: 143  
5th Round
  Mentaur mutters a word and extends his left hand at Keesha, hurling a bubble of acid towards her face. Keesha however rolls a 29 on her dexterity vs. the DC 18 , so she dodges the bubble of acid. The bubble instead go over her right shoulder and plops right onto the face of an onlooker, causing him 15 points of acid damage (the spectator has 16 points so he lives). He writhes in pain on the cobblestone street screaming and clutching on his now melted face. Mentaur smiles a little at this and attempts to stab Keesha with Black Silence . He misses her, rolling a 14 when he needs a 16. He uses his Second Wind and heals himself for 15 points.  
A bystander recieves collateral damage from Keesha Knight's and Mentaur's street fight. by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  Keesha yells "who the fuck are you, you fucking fuck?" , to which Mentaur replies "Your death", then smiles from ear to ear. Mentaur's face looks filled with delight. Keesha notes that he appears to be on drugs of some sort. She's seen the look so many times in the streets of Lankhmar; she guesses that he is on cocaine. Keesha shakes her head slightly and shoots a Hold Person spell once again from Take. Once again, Mentaur rolls a 20, but because he has to roll on disadvantage while he is poisoned, he rolls again and get a 7, failing the spell. Keesha then rushes to him, pulling out a bit of rope from her bag, and ties his hands behind his back. Mentaur's weapons drop to the ground. Keesha does not blink this round.   End of Round: Mentaur: 119 HP :: Keesha : 143 HP  
Round 6
Mentaur attempts to break free from the Hold Person spell. He fails with a disadvantage roll of 12 (he needs a 14 to succeed).   Keesha picks up his weapons, then takes his Assassin's Garrote and begins to choke Mentaur. As she does, she whispers "how do you like that, you fuck?". She causes 60 HP damage (she has automatic crit hit as he is incapacitated, so her attack roll is considered a natural 20. Because she has advantage, again, due to his incapacitation, she causes 22 points damage from Sneak Attack, then 8 points damage from slashing). Mentaur can not Uncanny Dodge as he, again, is incapacitated. Keesha flicks her Dragonring of Blinking to stop its effects.   End of Round: Mentaur: 59 HP :: Keesha : 143 HP  
Round 7
Mentaur tries to break from the hold person spell ; rolling a 4. He fails.   Keesha applies more pressure on the Assassin's Garrote causing 48 HP damage. Her 2nd attack is again, the Assassin's Garrote; knowing that he is close to death, she instead is wanting him to fall unconscious instead of dying. She succeeds in bringing him to unconsciousness as she pulls back at getting him to 0 points ( a full damage cut would have been 42 points damage).


Keesha takes Mentaur as a prisoner of war. She enlists the help of the local guard in the Park District to help her carry Mentaur's unconscious body to the Order of Ix headquarters. There, he is stripped naked, searched in and out, and restrained in magical manacles and shackles inside a magically protected cell. The Order takes no shortcuts and ensures that his cell is heavily guarded by 20 of their finest guards.   Keesha takes all of Mentaur's possessions, gaining :  
  • Assassin's Garrote
  • Black Silence
  • Blood Bow
  • Vorpal Longsword
  • Cloak of Arachnida
  • Protector of the Dark
  • Boots of Elvenkind
  • 2 Bags of Holding
  • Bag of Devouring
  • Assassin's Blood (poison)
  • 5 potions of Draconic Healing
  • Bag of Cocaine (1 ounce / 8 Eightballs)
Isian Prison by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Black Silence by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
11 Zepter 3022
Ending Date
11 Zepter 3022
Conflict Result
Keesha takes Mentaur as a prisoner of war.



Both Mentaur and Keesha Knight are 20th level characters, both having extremely deadly skills.


None, but the bystander who got hit in the face with the acid came really close.


Mentaur's objective was to murder Keesha Knight, with the hopes of critically damaging The Order of Ix.   Keesha Knight did not know of Mentaur's existence before this conflict, but now that she knows, her objective is to keep him alive enough to interrogate him until he is no longer useful.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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