The Midlands


The Midlands of Western Nehwon, a sprawling geographical tapestry, unfolds along the western coast of the mainland, presenting a rich and varied landscape that is as bountiful as it is perilous. It is a region where the past and present coalesce, where the ruins of ancient empires whisper tales of glory and downfall to those willing to listen.   Framed by the verdant expanse of The Great Forest to the northwest, the mysterious and untamed territories of The North to the northeast, and the formidable natural barrier known as The Anvil to the south, the Midlands encompass a realm of diverse cultures, landscapes, and histories. The southern boundary is demarcated by the meandering River Tilth, a lifeline for the communities that flourish along its banks.   The Republic of Sarheen and The Republic of Karja Tal stand as beacons of civilization within the Midlands, each with its own unique heritage and governance. The Ilthmarian Empire casts a long shadow over the region, its influence woven into the very fabric of the Midlands through trade, diplomacy, and sometimes conflict. Blümerfelden and the northern shores of Mÿthanos add to the mosaic of the region, bringing their own traditions and customs to the rich tapestry of cultures. Scattered throughout are dozens of smaller villages and towns, each contributing to the vibrant life of the Midlands.   One cannot discuss the Midlands without mentioning the Caves of Ningauble, a labyrinthine network of caverns that plunge deep into the earth, rumored to be filled with untold mysteries and ancient magic. These caves have been the subject of many a tale and expedition, drawing adventurers and scholars alike to their darkened depths.   The western boundary of the Midlands is caressed by the Sea of the East, its waters a vital artery for trade and travel. The coastline is dotted with ports and fishing villages, where the sea's bounty sustains life and commerce. Inland, the landscape is marked by great forests that have stood since time immemorial, and very old mountains that rise like ancient sentinels, their peaks shrouded in mystery.   North of Karja Tal lies the inland freshwater Sea of Monsters, a name that evokes both awe and fear. This sea is a crucial trading route, leading to Hedeby, a bustling trading village governed by the Northern Barbarian Clans. The waters of the Sea of Monsters are said to hide creatures of great power and mystery, making each voyage a journey into the unknown.   The Midlands is a land rich in ancient history, where the rubble of empires long past can be found scattered across its landscapes. These ruins serve as silent reminders of the transient nature of power and the enduring strength of the land itself. Scholars and treasure hunters are drawn to these remnants, eager to uncover the secrets of Nehwon's storied past.   In the Midlands, the past is never truly gone, and the land holds countless stories yet to be discovered. It is a place where adventure awaits around every corner, and where the legacy of ancient empires influences the present in myriad ways.
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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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