
Queen Elara Werrish- Timberlake

Queen Elara of Lankhmar, originally hailing from the distinguished city of Ool Plerns, is a figure of grace and beauty, yet her presence is marked by an air of naivety and simplicity. Despite her noble lineage, Elara's intellectual pursuits are limited, and she finds herself often overshadowed by the cunning and complexity of her husband, King Edwynn Werrish II. Her days are filled with leisure and the company of her loyal ladies-in-waiting, who form a constant and fluttering entourage around her.   Elara's life within the palace walls is one of opulence and indulgence. She is known for her extravagant shopping sprees, lavishing sums on fineries and trinkets that catch her eye. Her fondness for travel is well-known, as she frequently embarks on journeys to neighboring kingdoms. These excursions serve less as diplomatic missions and more as opportunities for her to bask in the adoration and grandeur afforded to her by her royal status. The Queen's love for jewelry, in particular, is legendary; she amasses a collection of the rarest and most exquisite pieces, drawn more to their luster and craftsmanship than any historical significance they might hold.   Despite her penchant for luxury, Queen Elara seems blissfully unaware of the deeper currents that run through the royal court. Her husband's infidelities are an open secret, his neglect of her chambers a testament to the chasm in their union. Yet, so long as her whims are catered to and her coffers remain unfettered, Elara appears indifferent to these slights. Her contentment lies in the superficial pleasures of court life, untouched by the intrigues and machinations that surround her.   In the royal gardens, Elara is often seen in a haze of laughter and idle chatter, her entourage trailing her like petals caught in a breeze. Her excursions into the city are marked by fanfare and spectacle, drawing crowds that are captivated as much by her lavish displays as by her genuine, albeit simple, charm.   Yet, beneath this veneer of simplicity and indulgence, there lies a subtle undercurrent of sadness—a glimmer of understanding that, perhaps, her life is but a gilded cage. This notion, however fleeting, is quickly dispelled by the arrival of a new bauble or the planning of her next grand journey, leaving the Queen in a perpetual cycle of distraction and superficiality, a stark contrast to the dark ambitions and complex scheming of her husband, King Edwynn Werrish II.


Family Ties



Wife (Vital)

Towards Edwynn Werrish II



Edwynn Werrish II

Husband (Important)

Towards Elara




Edwynn and Elara's marriage was arranged and consummated when Edwynn was 19 years old and Elara was 12 years old.

Relationship Reasoning

Their marriage was arranged by each of their fathers. The marriage signifies an alliance between the Kingdom of Lankhmar and the Hruspian Empire. As dowry, Princess Elara's father agreed to supply the Kingdom of Lankhmar with an annual amount of lumber, free of charge.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They have little in common with one another on a personal level, however they both know that they must keep up appearances and attend social functions, sponsor holidays, frequent gatherings and keep up diplomatic relationships, something that they both are very good at doing. To a standard citizen, they appear to be a happy couple who enjoy their roles in society. A keen observer would notice that they scarcely talk to one another and remain adrift from one another at social gatherings moreso than other royal couples do.

Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Princess of Ool Plerns
Date of Birth
14 Frosten
Year of Birth
2986 RJ 36 Years old
Ool Plerns
Edwynn Werrish II (Husband)
Current Residence
The Rainbow Citadel
She is always dressed in cutting edge fashion and in the realm's most expensive and extravagant outfits.
Long, Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, Freckled
117 lbs

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Elara Timberlake by Chad Watson via Midjourney


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