Donblas the Justice Maker

Donblas the Justice Maker is a powerful deity in the pantheon, revered for his embodiment of justice and righteousness. His divine role is complemented by his overwhelming beauty, a transcendent quality so profound that beings of less than the 12th level feel compelled to fall down and worship him, regardless of their own alignment or creed. This involuntary adoration is a testament to his divine presence, radiating a purity and majesty that few can withstand.  

Attributes and Symbolism:

Donblas is often depicted holding a unique weapon, a rod that combines a mace of disruption, a hammer of thunderbolts, and a rod of lordly might. This weapon symbolizes the multifaceted nature of justice – the disruption of evil, the force of righteousness, and the commanding authority of law.  

Divine Conflict and Exile:

Historically, Donblas was driven from the Prime Material Plane by the forces of Chaos. This expulsion represents a significant event in the cosmic balance between Law and Chaos. Despite this setback, he is known as the Justice Maker and awaits an opportunity to be summoned back, intending to reestablish justice and order.  

Role in Worship and Society:

His priests and worshipers, often including lawmakers, judges, and those seeking justice, view him as a symbol of the relentless machinery of justice. His clerics, depicted as paladins, crusaders, and zealots, are dedicated to upholding his ideals in a world often torn between Law and Chaos.  

Influence and Legacy:

Donblas's influence extends beyond mere worship; he embodies an ideal, a beacon of hope for those who strive for fairness and order in a tumultuous world. His legacy is one of an implacable juggernaut of justice, driving forth the machinery of law and crushing the guilty under its weight.   In essence, Donblas the Justice Maker stands as a celestial testament to the ideals of law, order, and righteousness, waiting for his prophesied return to reinstate his vision of justice in the world.
Favored Weapon:
Donblas wields a unique and formidable weapon, a rod that is an amalgamation of several mighty weapons: a mace of disruption, a hammer of thunderbolts, and a rod of lordly might. This composite weapon symbolizes the multifaceted nature of justice – the disruption of evil, the force of righteousness, and the commanding authority of law. Each aspect of the weapon serves a specific purpose in the pursuit and execution of divine justice.  
The symbol of Donblas is a complex emblem that represents the combined aspects of his favored weapon. It typically features representations of the mace, hammer, and rod, intertwined or overlaid in a manner that signifies unity and strength. This symbol is revered by his followers and feared by his adversaries, as it represents the ultimate enforcement of celestial law and order.  
The temple of Donblas, known as the Hall of Celestial Order, is a magnificent structure, reflecting the god’s grandeur and the solemnity of his purpose. Since being driven off the Prime Material Plane by the forces of Chaos, these temples serve as bastions of hope for his return. They are designed with elements that symbolize balance and justice, and often feature an altar dedicated to the ritual of summoning Donblas back to the material realm.  
Worshipers of Donblas are a diverse group, united by their desire for justice and righteousness. They include paladins, judges, and lawful beings who seek to uphold order. These devotees are often involved in battles against the forces of Chaos, striving to create a world where Donblas can once again reign. They believe fervently in his return and work tirelessly to prepare for the day when he will come back to make justice prevail.  
The servitor of Donblas is a celestial entity of awe-inspiring power and authority, acting as his emissary in the realms where Donblas himself cannot tread. This being assists the worshipers of Donblas in their endeavors, guiding them in matters of law and justice, and providing them with the strength to combat chaos and evil.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Donblas the Justice Maker by ArgoCityArtworks


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