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Feat statblock for Dungeons and Dragons 5e
ID Name Tags
Coven Witch
Cloud Hopper
Bumbling Fool
Boomerang Expert
Rebirth Serum
Vampire Lord
High Elf Domination
Beastial Shifting
Elven Supremacy
Human Determination
Everybody's Friend
Critter Friend
Barbed Hide
Wood Elf Magic
Thieves Magic
Khajiit Nimbleness
Second Chance
Revenant Blade
Orcish Fury
Flames of the Ancestors
Highborn Teleportation
Fade Away
Elven Accuracy
Dark Elf Magic
Nordic Fortitude
Scaled Hide
Fear of the Wolf
Bountiful Luck
Weapon Master
War Caster
Vigor of the Hill Giant
Tavern Brawler
Strike of the Giants
Spell Sniper
Soul of the Storm Atronach
Skill Expert
Shield Master
Shadow Touched
Savage Attacker
Rune Shaper
Ritual Caster
Polearm Master
Mounted Combatant
Metamagic Adept
Light Armour Master
Martial Adept
Magic Initiate
Mage Slayer
Lightly Armoured
Child of the Sky
Keen Mind
Ancient Nord Smithing
Orcish Smithing
Elven Smithing
Dwemer Smithing
Inspiring Leader
Heavy Armour Master
Heavily Armoured
Great Weapon Master
Fury of the Frost Atronach
Fighting Initiate
The Gift
Ember of the Fire Atronach
Elemental Adept
Eldritch Adept
Dungeon Delver
Dual Wielder
Defensive Duelist
Crossbow Expert
Artificer Initiate
Divine Intervention KJ
Destroy Undead KJ
Stormborn KJ
Divine Strike KJ
Thunderbolt Strike KJ
Gift of the Metallic Dragon: Protective Wings feat
Manual del cuerpo toxico completo Manual completo
Manual del Dragon Imperial (Alas del Dragon)
Flash Step Transcendence
Giant Sized Transcendence
Automata Modifications Automata Artificer Feat
Born to Saddle
Alert KJ
Magic Initiate KJ
Actor KJ
Though KJ
Great Weapon Master KJ
Boon of the Wind Stone
Juggernaut Launch [pf:2a]
Crystalline Arms
Fey Step [pf:2a]
Nimble Escape [pf:ra]
Oath of Shelter erenel subclass paladin
Breath Weapon [pf:2a]
Threatening Approach [pf:2a]
Frenzy Kj
Danger Sense KJ
Reckless Attack KJ
Military Rank KJ
Savage Attacks KJ
Relentless Endurance KJ
Unarmored Defense KJ
Rage KJ
Metamagic: Subtle Spell KJ
Metamagic: Twinned Spell KJ
Metamagic KJ
Flexible Casting KJ
Sorcery Points KJ
Position of Privilege KJ
Drow Magic KJ
Superior Darkvision KJ
Tides of Chaos KJ
Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath KJ
Wrath of the Storm KJ
Boon of the Lightning Stone
College of Pyrotechnics erenel subclass bard
Imala Wings I
Boon of the Soul Stone
Wind Caller
Hauch der Fey
Chromatophoric Skin
Weapon Master
Fighting Style (Fighter)
Fighting Style (Ranger)
Fighting Style (Paladin)
Spell-Refueling Ring artificer infusion
Returning Weapon artificer infusion
Resistant Armor artificer infusion
Repulsion Shield artificer infusion
Replicate Magic Item artificer infusion
Epic Boon of Truesight
Epic Boon of Spell Recall
Epic Boon of Fate
Weapon Training
War Caster
Spell Sniper
Mystic Arcanum (6th) Warlock Feature
Fathomless Plunge Warlock Feature
Grasping Tentacle Fathomless Feature
Shield Master
Ritual Caster
Polearm Master
Mounted Combatant
Mudeium Armor Master
Mage Slayer
Lightly Armored
Radiant Weapon artificer infusion
Mind Sharpener artificer infusion
Homunculus Servant artificer infusion
Helm of Awareness artificer infusion
Enhanced Weapon artificer infusion
Enhanced Defense artificer infusion
Enhanced Arcane Focus artificer infusion
Boots of the Winding Path artificer infusion
Armor of Magical Strength artificer infusion
Arcane Propulsion Armor artificer infusion
Keen Mind
Inspiring Leader
Heavy Armor Master
Heavily Armored
Great Weapon Master
Battle Smith subclass artificer
Artillerist subclass artificer
Armorer subclass artificer
Alchemist subclass artificer
Epic Boon of the Unfettered
Epic Boon of Undetectability
Epic Boon of Speed
Epic Boon of Skill Proficiency
Epic Boon of Recovery
Epic Boon of Peerless Aim
Epic Boon of Night Spirit
Epic Boon of Luck
Epic Boon of Irresistable Offense
Epic Boon of Fortitude
Epic Boon of Energy Resistance
Epic Boon of Dimensional Travel
Epic Boon of Combat Prowess
Elemental Adept
Dual Wielder
Defensive Duelist
Crossbow Expert
Tavern Brawler
Savage Attacker
Magic Initiate
Channel Divinity: Charm Animal and Plants KJ
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead KJ
Channel Divinity KJ
Mask of the Wild KJ
Trance KJ
Fey Ancestry KJ
Beast Shape KJ
Combat Wild Shape KJ
Wild Shape KJ
Wanderer KJ
Speak with Small Beasts KJ
Natural Illusionist KJ
Dark Vision KJ
Gnome Cunning KJ
Druidic KJ
Pact of the Chain KJ
Eldritch Invocation: Mask of Many Faces KJ
Eldritch Invocation: Agonizing Blast KJ
Eldritch Invocations KJ
Breath Weapon KJ
Fire Resistance KJ
Dark One's Blessing KJ
Ritual Casting KJ
Monstrous Roar feat adaptation racial orc
Sun Seeker erenel subclass ranger
Soul of the Storm Giant
Paradox Vibes Aevari
Emotional Support Critter
Terrain Savvy
Martial Savant
Ranged Specialist
Strengthened Limbs
Thematic Magic New Brew
Strength of the Defeated
Spiritual Bond
Scholarly Intuition
Anomalous Awareness
Chaotic Radiance
Wild Deflect Missiles
Temporal Chaos Surge
Healing Rainbows D&D 5e feat homebrew paladin
Fey Teleportation (Erdenfold) feat adaptation racial
Squire of Eilrisia
Knight of Eilrisia
Energy Beam
Flight (Enigma)
Overwhelming Energy
Conjure Weapon
Summoner Initiate
Fighting Styles
Awesome Blow
Improved Grappling Attack
Deflect Missiles
Stunning Fist
Grappling Attack
Flurry of Blows
Unarmed Fighting
Perfect Parry
Bashing Finish
Shield Bash
Shield Slam
Greater Shield Focus
Shield Focus
Saving Shield
Great Weapon Fighting
Forge Brawler Brawler Smithing Feat
Two-Weapon Feint
Dive Bomber
Reborn Fortitude
Pseudopod Limbs
Whirlwind Attack
Two-Weapon Rend
Crossed Blade Defense
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Vital Strike
Great Cleave
Shatter Defenses
Gory Finish
Beast Magic
Vital Strike
Cursed Might
Lycan Mastery
Shield of Swings
Moonlit Senses
Power Attack
Greater Distance Thrower
Devastating Throw
Noble Roar
Off-Hand Training
Quick Draw
Distance Thrower
Mounted Archery
Mounted Shield
Evasive Mount
Trick Riding
Greater Mimicry
Dwarven Fortitude (Rework)
Mage Slayer mage slayer feat
Ride-by Attack
Mounted Combat
Shot on the Run
Crossbow Mastery
Parting Shot
Close Quarters Master
Improved Precise Shot
Rapid Reload
Bendicion Divina Heroica divino bendiciones
Deadly Aim
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Point-Blank Shot
Far Shot
Eldritch Invocations
Extraplanar Body Racial Resistance Immunity Physical Resistance
Metamagic Options
Vril Caster subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Fey Mage subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Doomsayer subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Combat Maneuver
Ocean Lord Patron subclass warlock Kobold Press Deep Magic
Swarm Patron subclass warlock Kobold Press Deep Magic
Ability Score Improvement
Barbed Hide
Shadow Bloodline subclass sorcerer Kobold Press Deep Magic
Doomridden subclass sorcerer Kobold Press Deep Magic
Oath of the Spellsworn subclass paladin Deep Magic
Oath of Annihilation subclass paladin Deep Magic
Circle of Spirits subclass druid Kobold Press Deep Magic
Circle of Scavengers subclass druid Kobold Press Deep Magic
Saints Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Pestilent Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Labyrinth Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Doom Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Darkness Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
College of Fortune subclass bard Kobold Press Deep Magic
College of Festivals subclass bard Kobold Press Deep Magic
College of Cuisine subclass bard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Uj'Valpar Mind Uj&039;Valpar
Udani Sacrifice Udani
Tadmali Intuition Tadmal
Selgish Horror Selgir
Persk Socialite Persk
Nereifi Senses Nereif
Coven of the Verdent Wood subclass witch Kobold Press Deep Magic
Coven of the Roiling Hearth subclass witch Kobold Press Deep Magic
Coven of the Hidden Moon subclass witch Kobold Press Deep Magic
Wai'ish Barrier Magic Ki Wai
Gahen Past Gahai
Arcilian Focus Arcilo
Elemental Essence subclass sorcerer Kobold Press Deep Magic
Warlock's blessing feat favorite D.blood
Mannish Determination
Goblinoid Aggression
Squat Nimbleness
Orcish Fury
Fade Away
Elven Accuracy
Dwarven Fortitude
Dragon Fear
Serophage subclass sorcerer Kobold Press Deep Magic
Farseer subclass sorcerer Kobold Press Deep Magic
Boreal subclass sorcerer Kobold Press Deep Magic
Oath of Thunder subclass paladin Deep Magic
Oath of Radiance subclass paladin Deep Magic
Vampire Slayer subclass ranger Deep Magic
Griffon Scout subclass ranger Deep Magic
Genie Lord subclass warlock Kobold Press Deep Magic
Horrific Wintry Visage warlock eldritch invocation Deep Magic
Boreal Aura warlock eldritch invocation Deep Magic
Frozen One subclass warlock Kobold Press Deep Magic
Prescient Knight subclass fighter Kobold Press Deep Magic
Circle of Roses subclass druid Kobold Press Deep Magic
Circle of Owls subclass druid Kobold Press Deep Magic
Circle of Oaks subclass druid Kobold Press Deep Magic
Travel Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Time Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Speed Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Prophecy Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Ocean Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Mountain Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Moon Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Lust Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Nanite Restoration Feat Netrunner
Metadomain - Heightened Spell Feat Netrunner Metadomain
Metadomain - Extended Spell Feat Netrunner Metadomain
Metadomain - Empowered Spell Feat Netrunner Metadomain
Metadomain - Careful Spell Feat Netrunner Metadomain
Death Strike Feat Rogue Assassin
Impostor Feat Rogue Assassin
Infiltration Expertise Feat Rogue Assassin
Thief’s Reflexes Feat Rogue Thief
Use Augmented Device Feat Rogue Thief
Supreme Sneak Feat Rogue Thief
Stroke of Luck Feat Rogue
Elusive Feat Rogue
Slippery Mind Feat Rogue
Blindsense Feat Rogue
Reliable Talent Feat Rogue
Justice Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Maneuvers - Trip Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Tactical Assessment Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Sweeping Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Rally Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Quick Toss Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Pushing Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Precision Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Menacing Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Maneuvering Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Lunging Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Grappling Strike Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Goading Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Feinting Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Evasive Footwork Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Distracting Strike Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Disarming Attack Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Commanding Presence Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Brace Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Bait and Switch Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
External Replication Feat Netrunner Scarlet Runner
Nanite Sägesalmler Feat Netrunner Scarlet Runner
Not on my watch Feat Netrunner Restoration Runner
Triage Feat Netrunner Restoration Runner
Ready for War Feat Bato
Outer Thrust Feat Bato
Danger Allowance Feat Bato
Full Body Control Feat Bato
Missile Blow Feat Bato
Extended Immunity Feat Bato
Indomitable Feat Fighter
Two-Weapon Fighting Feat Fighter
Great Weapon Fighting Feat Fighter
Dueling Feat Fighter
Defense Feat Fighter
Archery Feat FIghter
Relentless Feat Fighter Battle Master
Improved Combat Superiority Feat Fighter Battle Master
Know Your Enemy Feat Fighter Battle Master
Student of War Feat Fighter Battle Master
Maneuvers - Ambush Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Survivor Feat Fighter Champion
Remarkable Athlete Feat Fighter Champion
Superior Critical Feat Fighter Champion
Rapid Intentional Disassembly Feat Bato Predator
Reverberating Strike Feat Bato Predator
Resounding Slaps Feat Bato Spencer
Gentle Knock Feat Bato Spencer
Improved Critical Feat Fighter Champion
Protection Feat Fighter
Weapon Training
Weapon Master
War Caster
Spell Sniper
Skill Expert
Shield Master
Ritual Caster
Polearm Master
Epic Boon of Undetectability
Epic Boon of Truesight
Epic Boon of the Unfettered
Epic Boon of the Night Spirit
Epic Boon of the Elements
Epic Boon of Spell Recall
Epic Boon of Spell Mastery
Epic Boon of Speed
Epic Boon of Skill Proficiency
Epic Boon of Resilience
Epic Boon of Recovery
Epic Boon of Peerless Aim
Epic Boon of Luck
Epic Boon of Irresistible Offense
Epic Boon of Invincibility
Epic Boon of High Magic
Epic Boon of Fortitude
Epic Boon of Fate
Epic Boon of Energy Resistance
Epic Boon of Dimensional Travel
Epic Boon of Combat Prowess
Mounted Combatant
Moderately Armoured
Medium Armour Master
Martial Adept
Mage Slayer
Keen Mind
Inspiring Leader
Heavy Armour Master
Heavily Armoured
Great Weapon Master
Fighting Initiate
Elemental Adept
Dual Wielder
Defensive Duelist
Crossbow Expert
Ability Score Improvement
Trencher erenel subclass rogue
Hunting Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Scholar of Lore homebrew-feat
Orator homebrew-feat
Mental Acuity homebrew-feat
Expert Learner homebrew-feat
Quarterstaff Practitioner homebrew-feat
Guild Magic Adept homebrew-feat
Mounted Cavalry homebrew-fighting-style
Horsemanship Supplies homebrew-tool
Counter Slap Feat Bato Spencer
Deafening Slap Feat Bato Spencer
Stillness of Mind Feat Bato
Evasion Feat Bato Rogue
Boon of the Efreeti blessing elemental fire magic
Hunger Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Frost Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Dragon Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Cat Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Fearsome Roar feature leonine
Metadomain - Subtle Spell Feat Netrunner Metadomain
Metadomain - Distant Spell Feat Netrunner Metadomain
Nanite Resilience Feat Netrunner Scarlet Runner
Overloaded Feat
Nanite Ward Feat
Rapid Response Nanites Feat Netrunner Restoration Runner
Telepathic Speech Feat Netrunner Restoration Runner
Spellcasting Ability (Netrunner) Feat Netrunner
Metadomain - Twinned Spell Feat Netrunner Metadomain
Beer Domain subclass cleric Kobold Press Deep Magic
Angelic Scribe subclass cleric wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Greenleaf College subclass bard Kobold Press Deep Magic
College of Wyrdsingers subclass bard Kobold Press Deep Magic
White Necromancer subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Timekeeper subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Ring Warden subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Necrophage subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Master of Fiends subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Illuminator subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Entropist subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Elementalist subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Dragon Mage subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Blood Mage subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Alkemancer subclass wizard Kobold Press Deep Magic
Spell Siphon subclass theurge Kobold Press Deep Magic
Mystic subclass theurge Kobold Press Deep Magic
Dweomercrafter subclass theurge Kobold Press Deep Magic
Deathlike Stillness Feat Bato Predator
Bato-Empowered Strikes Feat Bato
The Gift of the Patrons Warlock Feature
Beguiling Defense Archfey Feat
Misty Escape Archfey Feat
Fey Presence Archfey Feat
Karma Archfey Feat
Benefits of the Fey Archfey Feat
Actor Feat
Way of the Arcane Hand - Meditative Casting Monk Way of the Arcane Hand 17th Level
Way of the Arcane Hand - Spell Resistance Monk Way of the Arcane Hand 11th Level
Way of the Arcane Hand - Focus Power Monk Way of the Arcane Hand 11th Level
Way of the Arcane Hand - Arcane Empowerment Monk Way of the Arcane Hand 6th Level
Way of the Arcane Hand - Spellcasting Monk Way of the Arcane Hand 3rd Level 1/3 Caster
Way of the Arcane Hand - Eldritch Flurry Monk Way of the Arcane Hand 3rd Level
Way of the Arcane Hand - Erudite Education Monk Way of the Arcane Hand 3rd Level
Strengthened Bond
Monk Subclass - Way of the Arcane Hand Monk Subclass Way of the Arcane Hand 1/3 Caster Dexterity Wisdom
Adept Aim
Be Careful What You Wish For Warlock Feature
Sanctuary Vessel Warlock Feature
Grasping Tentacle Warlock Feature
Draconic Resilience Warlock Feature
Fiendish Resilience Warlock Feature
Nanite Host Feat Netrunner Scarlet Runner
Nanite Replicator Feat Netrunner
Metadomain - Quickened Spell Feat Netrunner Metadomain
Strixhaven Initiate
Beast Master - Shared Spells Ranger Beast Master 15th Level
Beast Master - Beastial Fury Ranger Beast Master 11th Level
Beast Master - Exceptional Training Ranger Beast Master 7th Level
Beast Master - Primal Companion Ranger Beast MAster 3rd Level
(Archetype) Beast Master Ranger Beast Master 3rd Level 7th Level 11th Level 15th Level
Foe Slayer Ranger 20th Level
Feral Senses Ranger 18th Level
Vanish Ranger 14th Level
Nature's Veil Ranger 10th Level
Land's Stride Ranger 8th Level
Extra Attack Ranger 5th Level
Primal Awareness Ranger 3rd Level
Ranger Archetype Ranger 3rd Level
Spellcasting (Ranger) Ranger 2nd Level
Fighting Style (Ranger) Ranger 2nd Level
Deft Explorer Ranger 1st Level 6th Level 10th Level
Favored Foe Ranger 1st Level 6th Level 14th Level
Arcana Domain - Arcane Mastery Cleric Arcana Domain 17th Level
Arcana Domain - Potent Spellcasting -OR- Blessed Strikes Cleric Arcana Domain 8th Level
Arcana Domain - Spell Breaker Cleric Arcana Domain Level 6
Arcana Domain - Channel Divinity: Arcane Abjuration Cleric Arcana Domain 2nd Level 5th Level 6th Level 11th Level 14th Level 17th Level
Arcana Domain - Arcane Initiate Cleric Arcana Domain 1st Level
Arcana Domain Cleric Arcana Domain Domain Spells
Divine Domain Cleric 1st Level 2nd Level 6th Level 8th Level 17th Level
Spellcasting Cleric 1st Level
Feat Cleric 4th Level 8th Level 12th Level Cleric 16 Cleric 19
Divine Intervention Cleric 10th Level 20th Level
Cantrip Versatility Cleric 4th Level
Channel Divinity: Harness Divine Power Cleric 2nd Level
Channel Divinity: Turn/Destroy Undead Cleric 2nd Level 5th Level 8th Level 11th Level 14th Level 17th Level
Channel Divinity Cleric 2nd Level
Ability Score Improvement
Signature Spells Wizard 20th Level
Respiracion Barbara ( Entrenado por Tophanga )
Ritual Caster
Spectral Attachment
Mule Kick
Dead Eye
Crippling Shot
Agonizing Shots
Pact of The Trigger
Rune Shaper Background Feature Rune Carver Background Glory of the Giants
Strike of the Giants Feat Must Have Martial Weapons Proficiency or have Giant Foundling Background Glory of the Giants
Strike of the Giants Background Feature Giant Foundling Background Glory of the Giants
Rune Shaper Feat Must Have Spellcasting Feature or have Rune Carver Background Glory of the Giants
Maneuvers - Riposte Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Parry Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Maneuvers - Commander's Strike Feat Fighter Battle Master Maneuvers
Combat Superiority Feat Fighter Battle Master
Second Wind Feat FIghter
Action Surge Feat Fighter
Complex Firearms Specialist feat
Firearm Specialist feat
Artificer: Battle Mech erenel subclass artificer
Air Crystal Bearer - Rage Air Crystal Emotion Rage Kazimier
Žsikalt’s Storm prince of storms gift feat
Wings Like Fire patriarch of wildfires gift feat
Ninth Life patron of quiet skies gift feat
Acqidrian Control bringer of tides gift feat
Weapon Master
War Caster
Tavern Brawler
Spell Sniper
Shield Master
Savage Attacker
Polearm Master
Mounted Combatant
Moderately Armoured
Medium Armour Master
Martial Adept
Magic Initiate
Mage Slayer
Lightly Armoured
Keen Mind
Inspiring Leader
Heavy Armour Master
Heavily Armoured
Great Weapon Master
Elemental Adept
Dungeon Delver
Dual Wielder
Defensive Duelist
Crossbow Expert
Override Limiter Feat Augmentation Override Limiter
Assassinate Feat Rogue Assassin
Fast Hands Feat Rogue Thief
Uncanny Dodge Feat Rogue
Cunning Action Feat Rogue
Thieves’ Cant Feat Rogue
Sneak Attack Feat Rogue
Iron Strider erenel subclass ranger
Demon of Luxtrec
Stared into the Abyss
Void Child
Lightly Armoured
Savage Attacker
Magic Initiate
Kinesthetics erenel subclass wizard
the eye of the hero
Goblin Casting
Stunning Strike Feat Bato
Extra Attack Feat Bato Fighter
Slow Fall Feat Bato
Deflect Missiles Feat Bato
Shadow Tracking Feat Bato Predator
Explosive Movement Feat Bato
Step of the Wind Feat Bato
Patient Defense Feat Bato
Flurry of Blows Feat Bato
Bato (Feat) Feat Bato
Martial Arts Feat Bato
Unarmored Defense Feat Bato
Droid-Combatmode Feat Tungsten
Unlucky D&D 5e homebrew feat luck
Shadow Weaver D&D 5e feat homebrew shar darkness shadow
Lupescu.exe impalefaction lupescu.exe
Titan Drinker
Lazy D&D 5e feat homebrew IsntMyMain
Nilbog Trickery D&D 5e feat homebrew goblin sarguro
Martial Adept
Touched by Formus
Deflecting Shroud
Arcane Deflection
Tactical Wit
Power Surge
Durable Magic
Transmutation Savant
Minor Alchemy
Transmuter’s Stone
Master Transmuter
Necromancy Savant
Command Undead
Inured to Undeath
Undead Thralls
Grim Harvest
Improved Minor Illusion
Illusory Reality
Illusion Savant
Illusory Self
Malleable Illusions
Evocation Savant
Empowered Evocation
Potent Cantrip
Sculpt Spells
Enchantment Savant
Alter Memories
Split Enchantment
Instinctive Charm
Hypnotic Gaze
Greater Portent
The Third Eye
Expert Divination
Divination Savant
Benign Transposition
Durable Summons
Focused Conjuration
Minor Conjuration
Conjuration Savant
Spell Resistance
Improved Abjuration
Projected Ward
Arcane Ward
Abjuration Savant
One with the Word
Master Scrivener
Manifest Mind
Wizardly Quill
Awakened Spellbook
Event Horizon
Violent Attraction
Gravity Well
Adjust Density
Convergent Future
Arcane Abeyance
Momentary Stasis
Temporal Awareness
Chronal Shift
Song of Victory
Song of Defense
Extra Attack - Bladesinger
Training in War and Song
Signature Spells
Spell Mastery
Ability Score Improvement
Arcane Tradition
Arcane Recovery
Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Field Medic D&D 5e feat homebrew fighter
Connected background feature
Name Dropping background feature
Shielded Wing Sweep
Shield Master
Bad Reputation background feature
Mercenary Life background feature
Steady background feature
Retainers background feature
Official Inquiry background feature
Discover background feature
Heart of Darkness background feature
Harvest the Water background feature
Supply Chain background feature
Carnival Fixture background feature
Military Rank background feature
Ship's Passage background feature
I'll Patch It! background feature
Down Low background feature
Legalese background feature
Researcher background feature
Safe Haven background feature
Dual Personalities background feature
Library Access background feature
By Popular Demand background feature
Inside Informant background feature
Position of Privilege background feature
Knightly Regard background feature
Never Tell Me the Odds background feature
Feywild Connection background feature
Criminal Contact background feature
Respect of the Stout Folk background feature
Watcher’s Eye background feature
Echoes of Victory background feature
False Identity background feature
Divine Contact background feature
Historical Knowledge background feature
Adept Linguist background feature
Shelter of the Faithful background feature
Necromantic Alchemist
Arcane Spiritualist
Koch Utility Heilung Stufe 1
The Archive
Great Old One
The Dragon
Nightmare Spider
Instant Step Transcendence
Lastenschlepper Utility Kampf Stufe 1
Sand Nomad
Oath of the Judge
Oath of the Hunt
Way of the Four Elements
Combat Medic
Path of the Berserker
College of Reflections
College of Command
College of Fools
Fate: Divine Domain
Hearth: Divine Domain
Madness: Divine Domain
Another Attack Transcendence
Tempered Explosive Failsafe D&D 5e feat homebrew death
Enduring Speed D&D 5e feat homebrew
Sweeping Attack Transcendence
Attack Flurry Transcendence
Fallen Warpgrafter Homebrew Feat Grafting
Deathless Fleshgrafter Homebrew Feat Grafting
Rustic Hospitality background feature
Court Functionary background feature
City Secrets background feature
All Eyes on You background feature
Inheritance background feature
Guild Membership background feature
Wanderer background feature
Ear to the Ground background feature
Aspect of the Dragon Warlock Feature
Going Places Warlock Feature
Produce Dragon Flame Feature Warlock Feature
Spellsong Virtuoso
Spellcraft Master
Incantation Master
High Magic Adept
Epic Spell Adept
Arcane Expert
Explosive Failsafe D&D 5e feat homebrew death
Teleportation Sentinel D&D 5e feat homebrew
Blademaster D&D 5e feat homebrew melee martial sword
Knight of the Rose
Knight of the Sword
Knight of the Crown
Squire of Solamnia
Divinely Favored
Adept of the White Robes
Adept of the Red Robes
Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the Black Robes
Death Bane rules
Psychic Shield D&D 5e feat psionic INT homebrew
Mycelian Zombism Mutation Infection Supernatural Non-Feat transformation
Component Caster homebrew
Arcane Archer (Martial Archetype)
Anti-Magus (Roguish Archetype)
Blade of Murderous Intent table
Path of Obsession
Vermin Beast Shapes table
Vermin (Roguish Archetype)
Wild Magic Origin
Bugbear’s Rest D&D 5e feat homebrew Sarguro
Elegant Blade D&D 5e feat homebrew weapon
Attack of Vulnerability D&D 5e feat homebrew ranged weapon
Surface Dweller D&D 5e feat homebrew
Shapechanger Heritage D&D 5e feat homebrew
Survival Instinct D&D 5e feat homebrew goblin hobgoblin bugbear goblinoid
Idiot Savant D&D 5e feat homebrew
Menagerist D&D 5e feat homebrew pet
Poison Expert D&D 5e feat homebrew poison
Last Dying Breath D&D 5e feat homebrew
Maestro D&D 5e feat homebrew bard
False Face D&D 5e homebrew rogue assassin KibblesTasty
Enhanced Umbral Sight D&D 5e gloom stalker ranger feat homebrew
Against All Odds D&D 5e feat homebrew
Chosen of Eilistraee D&D 5e feat homebrew drow
At Home in the Underdark D&D 5e feat druid land underdark homebrew
Twice the Pride, Double the Fall Eldritch Invocations
Lucky Rabbit's Foot D&D 5e feat homebrew harengon Stuffies_12
Hopping Kick D&D 5e feat homebrew harengon Stuffies_12
Greater power Divinity spell casting
Parallel Thought Transcendence spell casting concentration
Superior Language Learning
Equilibrado Dotes
Bastion erenel subclass fighter
FLF template dm
Chimebearer erenel subclass wizard
Mechanical Expert D&D 5e feat warforged homebrew Kingslayer059
Construct Expertise D&D 5e feat artificer homebrew MrLunaMx
Upgrade D&D 5e feat homebrew Sarguro
Pact of the Bullet Warlock pact boon
Orog Training Initiate D&D 5e feat homebrew
Epic Boon of Truesight priest group 20th level
Epic Boon of Spell Recall
Epic Boon of Fate
Poisoner (Updated / Reworked)
Elemental Earth Exposed
Skill Jockey feats skills homebrew
Mastery of the Dark Soul II
Zermalmer Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Von Feen berührt Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Vom Schatten berührt Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Telepath Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Telekinetiker Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Schütze Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Schauerlicher Adept Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Metamagie-Adept Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Messerstecher Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Koch Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Kämpferlehrling Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Hauer Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Giftmischer Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Fertigkeitsexperte Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Artifizientenlehrling Talente TCE Deutsch PsychoWedge
Ki Cooking
Speech of the Ancient Beasts humblewood feat Speech ancient beasts
Strixhaven Initiate strixhaven feat
Part of the Pack tome-of-heroes feat
Harrier tome-of-heroes feat
Forest Denizen tome-of-heroes feat
Diehard tome-of-heroes
Perceptively Observant feat observant
Fiendish Pact
Tattoo of Sins
Acrobat acrobat
Seasoned Insomniac feat
Elemental Prowess
Fey Touched
Awareness feat
Lycanthropy Supernatural Non-Feat Curse transformation
Blessing of Eilistraee D&D 5e feat drow eilistraee homebrew
Verdant Talisman D&D 5e feat druid
Strong Vessel Transcendence
Blessing of The Gloaming Son
Petty feat favorite
Unsettling Presence D&D 5e official hollow one
Apothecary D&D 5e feat homebrew
Oath of Christmas Spirit erenel subclass paladin
Cleave D&D 5e feat homebrew
Sling Expert
Archery Expert Homebrew
Actor Feat +1 Charisma Basic Rules
Valzer del Gigante
Dono della Stella Verde
Follow My Lead D&D 5e feat homebrew
Aberrant Curse-Mark
Spellblade Spellblade Homebrew Feat
Susinct Like The Trinket Pact of the Bullet
Smoke Grenade Pact of the Bullet
More Ammo Pact of the Bullet
Bayonets Pact of the Bullet
Then I Started Blasting Pact of the Bullet
Flipping the Scales Pact of the Bullet
Gripping the Scales Pact of the Bullet
Tipping the Scales Pact of the Bullet
Field Commander
Ghostly Visage Boon Stealth Ghost Quest
Covenant of the Blood Beast
Covenant of the Executioners
Zealot's Poise Zealots Poise Homebrew Feat
Whirling Dervish Whirling Dervish Homebrew Feat
Bulwark Bulwark Homebrew Feat
Covenant of the Cainhurst Vilebloods
School of the Cat
School of Blood
School of Onomancy
Order of the Scribes
School of Graviturgy
School of Chronurgy
School of War Magic
School of Bladesinging
School of Transmutation
School of Necromancy
School of Illusion
School of Evocation
School of Enchantment
School of Divination
School of Conjuration
School of Abjuration
Way of the Water Elementalist
Way of the Tranquility
Way of the Ki Blocker
Way of the Inner Light
Way of the Fire Elementalist
Way of the Earth Elementalist
Way of the Bladeless Sword
Way of the Avoidance
Way of the Air Elementalist
Way of the Abundant Step
Way of the Living Weapon
Way of the Soul Knife
Way of the Sun Soul
Way of the Shadow
Way of the Open Hand
Way of the Mercy
Way of the Long Death
Way of the Kensei
Four Elements Disciplines
Way of the Four Elements
Way of the Drunken Master
Way of the Astral Self
Way of the Ascendant Dragon
Specialty of the Forge Adept
Specialty of the Bonesmith
Steel Defender Upgrades
Specialty of the Battle Smith
Specialty of the Augmented
Specialty of the Artillerist
Specialty of the Armorer
Specialty of the Animator
Specialty of the Alchemist
Reputation of the Dread Pirate
Reputation of the Cunning Pirate
Path of the Giant
Path of the Zealot
Path of the Totem Warrior
Path of the Storm Herald
Path of the Stone Warden
Path of the Lightning Rager
Path of the Juggernaut
Path of the Heartstoker
Path of the Gravedigger
Path of the Graceful Rage
Path of the Elemental Fury
Path of the Drake Blood
Path of the Depths
Path of the Crusader
Path of the Crash
Waffenmeister Utility Stufe 1
Kampferprobter Zauberwirker Zauber Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Zielgenauer Zauberschütze Zauber Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Leichtfüßig Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Schleicher Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Scharfschütze Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Wächter Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Ritualwirker Zauber Utility Stufe 4
Belastbar Utility Stufe 4
Stangenwaffenmeister Kampf Stufe 4
Aufmerksam Utility Stufe 4
Berittener Kämpfer Kampf Stufe 4
Mittelschwer gerüstet Kampf Utility Stufe 1
Meister der mittelschweren Rüstung Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Magiertöter Kampf Stufe 4
Leicht gerüstet Kampf Utility Stufe 1
Scharfer Verstand Utility Stufe 4
Inspirierender Anführer Utility Stufe 4
Meister der schweren Rüstung Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Schwer gepanzert Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Meisterschaft schwerer Waffen Kampf Stufe 4
Ringer Kampf Stufe 4
Elementarer Adept Kampf Stufe 4
Wiederstandsfähig Kampf Utility Stufe 4
Path of the Colossus Weapon
Path of the Broken Chains
Path of the Brawler
Path of the Berserker
Path of the Beast
Path of the Battlerager
Path of the Ancestral Guardian
Pact of the Undying
Pact of the Undead
Pact of the Seeker
Pact of the Raven Queen
Pact of the Kraken
Pact of the Hexblade
Pact of the Great Old One
Pact of the Genie
Pact of the Fiend
Pact of the Fathomless
Pact of the Elemental
Pact of the Earthmother
Pact of the Dragon
Pact of the Celestial
Pact of the Beholder
Pact of the Beast King
Pact of the Asgardian
Pact of the Archmage
Pact of the Archfey
Pact of the Archangel
Pact of the All-Knowing
Pact of the Aboleth
Zwei-Waffen-Kämpfer Kampf Stufe 4
Defensiver Duellant Kampf Stufe 4
Order of the Profane Soul
Armbrustexperte Kampf Stufe 4
Origin of the Mancy
Stürmer Kampf Stufe 4
Athlet Utility Stufe 4
Origin of the Storm Soul
Origin of the Shadow
Origin of the Sea Blood
Origin of the Runechild
Origin of the Lunar Magic
Origin of the Great Old One Bloodline
Origin of the Giant Soul
Origin of the Fey-Touched
Origin of the Draconic Bloodline
Origin of the Divine Soul
Origin of the Clockwork Soul
Origin of the Beholder Bloodline
Origin of the Astral Warden
Origin of the Aberrant Mind
Schauspieler Utility Stufe 4
Zäh Utility Verteidigung Stufe 1
Kneipenschläger Kampf Stufe 1
Begabt Utility Fertigkeiten Stufe 1
Wilder Angreifer Kampf Stufe 1
Musiker Instrument Handwerk Utility Stufe 1
Eingeweihter der Magie Zauber Stufe 1
Heiler Utility Heilung Stufe 1
Handwerker Handwerk Stufe 1
Wachsam Utility Kampf Stufe 1
Order of the Troll
Order of the Siren
Blood Hunter Mutagens
Order of the Mutant
Order of the Mimic
Order of the Medusa
Order of the Lycan
Order of the Ghostslayer
Order of the Freelancer
Order of the Curse Eater
Order of the Culler
Order of the Cloaker
Order of the Bloodletter
Order of the Aberrant
Oath of Watchers
Oath of Vigilance
Oath of Vengeance
Oath of Time
Oath of Sacrifice
Oath of Redemption
Oath of Open Sea
Oath of Judgement
Oath of Heroism
Oath of Guardian
Oath of Glory
Oath of Devotion
Oath of Death
Oath of Crown
Oath of Courage
Oath of Conquest
Oath of Beast
Oath of Ancients
Oath of Aid
Mastery of the Spear Master
Mastery of the Sharpshooter
Mastery of the Samurai
Mastery of the Rune Knights
Mastery of the Psi Warrior
Mastery of the Myriad Knight
Trick Shots
Mastery of the Gunslinger
Lone Survivor Feat
Personal Hoard Racial Feat Dragonborn
Speak of the Devil Racial Feat Tiefling Devil
Mastery of the Eldritch Knight
Mastery of the Echo Knight
Mastery of the Duelist
Mastery of the Chrono Knight
Mastery of the Champion
Mastery of the Cavalier
Mastery of the Brute
Mastery of the Blood Knight
Battle Master Maneuvers
Mastery of the Battle Master
Mastery of the Banneret
Arcane Shots
Mastery of the Arcane Archer
Mastery of the Anti-Magic Warrior
Mastery of the Ancestral Weapon Master
Domain of Zeal
Domain of Wealth
Domain of War
Domain of Unity
Domain of Twilight
Domain of Trickery
Domain of Travel
Domain of Time
Domain of Tempest
Deactivate Pain Inhibitors
Domain of Sun
Domain of Strength
Domain of Rage
Domain of Protection
Domain of Peace
Domain of Order
Domain of Ocean
Domain of Nature
Domain of Moon
Domain of Mind
Domain of Luck
Domain of Lighting
Domain of Light
Domain of Life
Domain of Law
Domain of Knowledge
Domain of Justice
Domain of Hunt
Domain of Healing
Domain of Grave
Domain of Giant
Domain of Forge
Domain of Fire
Domain of Fate
Domain of Elemental
Domain of Earth
Domain of Dream
Domain of Dragon
Domain of Disease
Domain of Death
Domain of Darkness
Domain of Creation
Domain of Corruption
Domain of Corrosion
Domain of Community
Domain of Cold
Domain of Clockwork
Domain of Chaos
Domain of Chance
Traveling Innkeeper Feat
Domain of Blood
Domain of Battle
Domain of Balance
Domain of Astral
Domain of Arcana
Domain of Ancestors
Domain of Ambition
Domain of Air
Domain of Aegis
Guild of the Wild Card
Guild of the Thief
Guild of the Swashbuckler
Guild of the Soulknife
Guild of the Scout
Guild of the Phantom
Guild of the Mastermind
Guild of the Inquisitive
Guild of the Ghost
Guild of the Assassin
Guild of the Arcane Trickster
Guild of the Abductor
Circle of the Forged
Acts of Faith
Infernal Legacy Racial Feat Tiefling
Quick Learner Racial Feat Human
Human Ingenuity Racial Feat Human
Extra Feat Racial Feat Human
Stout Resilience Racial Feat Halfling Stout
Naturally Swifty Racial Feat Halfling Lightfoot
Child of the Mound Racial Feat Halfling Grove
Halfling Nimbleness Racial Feat Halfling
Brave Racial Feat Halfling
Lucky Racial Feat Halfling
Further Undeath
Second Life
Intimidating Presence Racial Feat Goliath
Stone's Endurance Racial Feat Goliath
Tiny Giant Racial Feat Goliath
Nimble Escape Racial Feat Goblin
Fury of the Small Racial Feat Goblin
Tinker Racial Feat Gnome Rock
Artificer's Lore Racial Feat Gnome Rock
Speak with Small Beasts Racial Feat Gnome Forest
Natural Illusionist Racial Feat Gnome Forest
Tunnelsense Racial Feat Gnome Deep
Gnomish Talent Racial Feat Gnome
Gnome Cunning Racial Feat Gnome
Githzerai Psionics Racial Feat Gith Githzerai
Githzerai Training Racial Feat Gith Githzerai
Githyanki Psionics Racial Feat Gith Githyanki
Githyanki Training Racial Feat Gith
Mental Discipline Racial Feat Gith
Amphibious Racial Feat Genasi Water
Call to the Wave Racial Feat Genasi Water
Inner Embers Racial Feat Genasi Fire
Reach to the Blaze Racial Feat Genasi Fire
Merge with Stone Racial Feat Genasi Earth
Earth Walker Racial Feat Genasi Earth
Mingle with the Wind Racial Feat Genasi Air
Unending Breath Racial Feat Genasi Air
Speech of Beast and Leaf Racial Feat Firbolg
Powerful Build Racial Feat Firbolg
Hidden Step Racial Feat Firbolg
Firbolg Magic Racial Feat Firbolg
Recieve What You Give Eldritch Blast Invocation
But is it Truly Benevolent Eldritch Blast Invocation
Magic Dependency Racial Feat Elf Senses
Stonecunning Racial Feat Dwarf
Earth's Touch
Dwarven Training Racial Feat Dwarf
Dwarven Resilience Racial Feat Dwarf
Drow Weapon Training Racial Feat Drow
True Persona Racial Feat Changeling
Sunlight Sensitivity Racial Feat Drow
Drow Magic Racial Feat Drow
Trance Racial Feat Senses
Fey Ancestry Racial Feat Fey
Keen Senses Racial Feat Drow Elf Senses
Superior Darkvision Senses
Shapechanger Racial Feat Changeling
Changeling Instincts Racial Feat Changeling
Darkvision Senses
Healing Hands Racial Feat Aasimar
Breath Weapon Racial Feat Dragonborn
Draconic Ancestry Racial Feat Dragonborn
Synthsuit Skin Autognome Warforged
Broken Legion Militant Training
Rejuvenator Feat Homebrew Rejuvenator
Shellcracker Feat Homebrew Shellcracker
Spellbreaker Feat Homebrew Spellbreaker
Reinforce Feat Homebrew Reinforce
Breath of Blaze and Blizzard
Conclave of the Swarmkeeper
Conclave of the Primeval Guardian
Conclave of the Monster Slayer
Conclave of the Hunter
Conclave of the Horizon Walker
Null Magic Mantle Feat Homebrew Null Magic Mantle
Bloodbender Feat Homebrew Bloodbender
Conclave of the Gloom Stalker
Conclave of the Fey Wanderer
Conclave of the Drakewarden
Conclave of the Bushwhacker
Nine Lives
Feline Grace (2)
Conclave of the Beast Master
Xargeran: Lancer
Field Medic
Medical Practice
Venomous Bite
Poisonous Spit
Cold Blooded
Serpentine Build
Serpent Senses
Medical Procedures
Circle of the Wildfire
Grappler Str Dex Con
Firearm Adept
Permanency Transcendence
Transcendent Senses Transcendence
Satrunin - Magia
College of Whispers
College of Valor
College of Swords
College of Spirits
College of Satire
Persona Masks
College of Masks
College of Maestro
College of Lore
College of Glamour
College of Eloquence
College of Dire Singer
College of Dance
College of Creation
College of Comedy
College of Bartending
Craven rogue
Circle of the Twilight
Mastery of the Dark Soul I
Circle of the Stars
Circle of the Spores
Circle of the Shepherd
Circle of the Seasons
Circle of the Ocean
Circle of the Moon
Circle of the Life
Circle of the Land
Circle of the Graveyard
Circle of the Fae
Circle of the Elements
Man in the Mirror
Lesser Magnetokinesis
Circle of the Dreams
Circle of the Ash
Selva'zar Mobility
Eldritch Invocations
The Sweet Science Pugilist subclass Benjamin Huffman Fight Club
The Squared Circle Pugilist subclass Benjamin Huffman Fight Club
Piss & Vinegar Pugilist subclass Benjamin Huffman Fight Club
Dog & Hound Pugilist subclass Benjamin Huffman Fight Club
Bloodhound Bruisers Pugilist subclass Benjamin Huffman Fight Club
Arena Royale Cisum Pugilist subclass Benjamin Huffman
Pact Boon
Alert feat alert
Actor feat actor
Enthralled Reanimation Campaign: Dragons Bane Enthralled condition D&D5e feat
Aufmerksam Deutsch PHB Weisheit Intelligenz passive Wahrnehmung sozial
Planar Convalescence
Inspiration Feature
Boon of the Stormlord
Host of Crest Worms
Witcher Alchemy
Witcher Bombs
Witcher Runestones
Witcher Signs
Blood Curse of Purgation blood hunter curse
Blood Curse of Mutual Suffering. blood hunter curse
Blood Curse of the Marked blood hunter curse
Blade Oils
Things as They are
Blood Hunter Curses
Artificer Infusions
Have A TicTac Eldritch Blast Buff
Your Blast Does Nothing For Me Eldritch Blast Buff
Crits FTW Eldritch Blast Buff
Focus Your Force Eldritch Blast Buff
Spell Specialist Feat Spellcasting
Arcane Initiate
Rune Mastery
Rune Knowledge
Spirit Manifestation class-feat samsari
Form Mastery class-feat samsari
Ki Infusion class-feat samsari
Moment of Clarity class-feat samsari
Open Chakra class-feat samsari
Path to Enlightenment class-feat samsari
Spiritual Empathy class-feat samsari
Synergy class-feat samsari
Spirit Guide class-feat samsari
Samsari Level Table class-feat samsari
Spell Sniper
Beast Master subclass ranger
Treinado em Ruuh básico feat ruuh treinamento básico
Metallic Ancestory
Gem Ancestory
Chromatic Ancestory
Gunslinger fighter subclass
Eldritch Knight fighter subclass
Battle Master fighter subclass
Champion fighter subclass
Eldritch Master warlock
Among the Dead warlock the undying
Defy Death warlock the undying
Undying Nature warlock the undying
Aberrant Touched
Slay the Weak
True Miracle Divinity
Divine Presence Divinity
Miracle of Faith Divinity
Arms of Faith Divinity
Armor of Faith Divinity
Healthy Followers Divinity
Powerful Followers Divinity
Worship base Divinity
Inescapable Transcendence
Transcendent Defense Transcendence
Indomitable Spirit Transcendence
Hyper-casting Transcendence
Efficiant Magic Transcendence
Overspell Transcendence
Transcendental Action Transcendence
Invincible Body Transcendence
Heightened Situational Awareness Feat Wisdom Perception
Body of Lean
Bound Curse Mark
Flames of Khorokh Krai
Mountain Born trait racial race resistance goliath
Powerful Build trait racial race buff strength
Tiran's Lore D.forge
Orm's Changes
Mnemonic Courier
Kastus's Dark Gift
Infectious Devotion
Heightening Link
Charging Pulse
Pact of the Brand
Crackling Shell
Eldritch Craving
Vigilant Band
Pact of the Collar
Lotusden Halfling
Ghostwise Halfling
Stout Halfling
Lightfoot Halfling
Svirfneblin (Deep Gnome)
Rock Gnome
Forest Gnome
Fallen Aasimar
Protector Aasimar
Wood Elf
High Elf
Dark Elf
Elemental Adaptation
Dwarven Resilience trait racial race buff dwarf
Fey Ancestry trait racial race buff elf half-elf fey
Darkvision trait racial race buff
Alert feat buff detection
Dwarf (Kaladesh)
Mark of Warding Dwarf
Duergar (Gray Dwarf)
Mountain Dwarf
Hill Dwarf
Armor of Hexes Hexblade Feature
Elemental Gift Genie Patron
Dark One's Own Luck Fiend Feature
Guardian Coil Fathomless feature
Oceanic Soul Warlock Feature
Radiant Soul Celestial feature
Athlete (Racial Feat)
Actor (Racial Feat)
Chef (Racial Feat)
Defensive Duelist
Fade Away (Racial Feat)
Tavern Brawler (Racial Feat)
Keen Mind (Racial feat)
Linguist (Racial Feat)
Martial Adept
Mounted Combatant
Lunari Warrior
Lunari Priest
Solari Priest
Solari Warrior
Yordle Elusion
Innate Telepathic
Innate telekinetic
Weapon Mastery
Terrain Familiarity
Mage Slayer
Mastery of a Minor Domain Feat Cleric BotR
Gift of the Metallic Dragon feat
Gift of the Gem Dragon feat
Gift of the Chromatic Dragon feat
Vital Sacrifice feat
Wood Elf Magic feat
Thrown Arms Master feat
Telepathic feat
Telekinetic feat
Slasher feat
Skill Expert feat
Shadow Touched feat
Squat Nimbleness feat
Spelldriver feat
Second Chance feat
Prodigy feat
Poisoner feat
Piercer feat
Orcish Fury feat
Mystic Conflux feat
Metamagic Adept feat
Remarkable Recovery feat
Infernal Constitution feat
Gunner feat
Fighting Initiate feat
Flames of Phlegethos feat
Fey Touched feat
Fey Teleportation feat
Fade Away feat
Elven Accuracy feat
Eldritch Adept feat
Flash Recall feat
Dwarven Fortitude feat
Drow High Magic feat
Dragon Hide feat
Dragon Fear feat
Crusher feat
Cruel feat
Chef feat
Bountiful Luck feat
Artificer Initiate feat
Weapon Master feat
War Caster feat
Tavern Brawler feat
Spell Sniper feat
Skulker feat
Skilled feat
Shield Master feat
Sharpshooter feat
Sentinel feat
Savage Attacker feat
Ritual Caster feat
Resilient feat
Polearm Master feat
Observant feat
Moderately Armored feat
Mobile feat
Medium Armor Master feat
Martial Adept feat
Magic Initiate feat
Mage Slayer feat
Lucky feat
Linguist feat
Lightly Armored feat
Keen Mind feat
Inspiring Leader feat
Heavy Armor Master feat
Heavily Armored feat
Healer feat
Great Weapon Master feat
Grappler feat
Elemental Adept feat
Durable feat
Dungeon Delver feat
Dual Wielder feat
Defensive Duelist feat
Crossbow Expert feat
Charger feat
Actor feat
Athlete feat
Alert feat
Adept Conduit Feat ISU
Oceanborne Warrior Feat ISU
Blood Magic subclass wizard
Order of Scribes subclass wizard
Bladesinging subclass wizard
Graviturgy Magic subclass wizard
Chronurgy Magic subclass wizard
War Magic subclass wizard
School of Transmutation subclass wizard
School of Necromancy subclass wizard
School of Illusion subclass wizard
School of Evocation subclass wizard
School of Enchantment subclass wizard
School of Divination subclass wizard
School of Conjuration subclass wizard
School of Abjuration subclass wizard
The Undead subclass warlock
The Genie subclass warlock
The Fathomless subclass warlock
The Hexblade subclass warlock
The Celestial subclass warlock
The Great Old One subclass warlock
The Fiend subclass warlock
The Archfey subclass warlock
Clockwork Soul subclass sorcerer
Aberrant Mind subclass sorcerer
Runechild subclass sorcerer
Storm Sorcery subclass sorcerer
Shadow Magic subclass sorcerer
Divine Soul subclass sorcerer
Wild Magic subclass sorcerer
Draconic Bloodline subclass sorcerer
Soulknife subclass rogue
Phantom subclass rogue
Swashbuckler subclass rogue
Scout subclass rogue
Mastermind subclass rogue
Inquisitive subclass rogue
Arcane Trickster subclass rogue
Assassin subclass rogue
Thief subclass rogue
Drakewarden subclass ranger
Swarmkeeper subclass ranger
Fey Wanderer subclass ranger
Monster Slayer subclass ranger
Horizon Walker subclass ranger
Gloom Stalker subclass ranger
Beast Master subclass ranger
Hunter subclass ranger
Oath of the Open Sea subclass paladin
Oath of the Crown subclass paladin
Oath of the Watchers subclass paladin
Oath of Glory subclass paladin
Oath of Redemption subclass paladin
Academy Trained
Criminal Record
Oath of Conquest subclass paladin
Oath of Vengeance subclass paladin
Oath of the Ancients subclass paladin
Oath of Devotion subclass paladin
Way of the Ascendant Dragon subclass monk
Way of the Cobalt Soul subclass monk
Way of the Astral Self subclass monk
Way of Mercy subclass monk
Way of the Sun Soul subclass monk
Way of the Kensei subclass monk
Way of the Drunken Master subclass monk
Way of the Four Elements subclass monk
Way of Shadow subclass monk
Way of the Open Hand subclass monk
Second Chance Feat
Squat Nimbleness Feat
Prodigy Feat
Rune Knight subclass fighter
Psi Warrior subclass fighter
Echo Knight subclass fighter
Gunslinger subclass fighter
Samurai subclass fighter
Cavalier subclass fighter
Arcane Archer subclass fighter
Eldritch Knight subclass fighter
Battle Master subclass fighter
Champion subclass fighter
Circle of the Blighted subclass druid
Circle of Wildfire subclass druid
Circle of Stars subclass druid
Circle of Spores subclass druid
Circle of the Shepherd subclass druid
Circle of Dreams subclass druid
Circle of the Moon subclass druid
Circle of the Land subclass druid
Moon Domain subclass cleric
Blood Domain subclass cleric
Arcane Domain subclass cleric
Twilight Domain subclass cleric
Peace Domain subclass cleric
Order Domain subclass cleric
Grave Domain subclass cleric
Forge Domain subclass cleric
War Domain subclass cleric
Trickery Domain subclass cleric
Tempest Domain subclass cleric
Nature Domain subclass cleric
Light Domain subclass cleric
Life Domain subclass cleric
Knowledge Domain subclass cleric
College of Tragedy subclass bard
College of Spirits subclass bard
College of Eloquence subclass bard
College of Creation subclass bard
College of Maestros subclass bard
College of Whispers subclass bard
College of Swords subclass bard
College of Glamour subclass bard
College of Valor subclass bard
College of Lore subclass bard
Path of the Juggernaut subclass barbarian
Path of the Battlerager subclass barbarian
Path of Wild Magic subclass barbarian
Path of the Beast subclass barbarian
Path of the Zealot subclass barbarian
Path of the Storm Herald subclass barbarian
Path of the Ancestral Guardian subclass barbarian
Path of the Totem Warrior subclass barbarian
Path of the Berserker subclass barbarian
Create Thrall Warlock Great Old One Feats
Thought Shield Warlock Great Old One Feats
Entropic Ward Warlock Great Old One Feats
Awakened Mind Warlock Great Old One Feats
Shelter of the Faithful Acolyte Backgrounds Features
Armorer subclass artificer
Battle Smith subclass artificer
Artillerist subclass artificer
Alchemist subclass artificer
Order of the Profane Soul subclass blood hunter
Order of the Mutant subclass blood hunter
Order of the Lycan subclass blood hunter
Order of the Ghostslayer subclass blood hunter
War Caster Feat
Tracker Feat
Tough Feat
Spell Sniper Feat
Skulker Feat
Shield Master Feat
Sharpshooter Feat
Sentinel Feat
Savage Attacker Feat
Ritualist Feat
Resilient Feat
Precognitive Feat Feat
Pole Arm Master Feat
Poison Master Feat
Observant Feat
Mounted Combatant Feat
Moderately Armored Feat
Mobile Feat
Master of Minor Arcana Feat
Magic Acolyte Feat
Magic Initiate Feat
Mage Slayer Feat
Lightly Armored Feat
Inspiring Leader Feat
Innate Magic Feat
Highly Attuned Feat
Heavily Armored Feat
Healer Feat
Great Weapon Master Feat
Set Snare Feat
Set Small Snare Feat
Martial Adept Feat
Purify Food & Water Feat
DIY Weapon Crafting Feat
Detect Safe Food & Water Feat
Defensible Shelter Feat
Create Deadfall Feat
Camp Security Feat
Camp Chef Feat
Basic Field Medicine Feat
Basic Camp Skills Feat
Advanced Field Medicine Feat
FieldCraft Feat
Faith Healer Feat
Elven Accuracy Feat
Elemental Adept Feat
Dwarven Fortitude Feat
Dual Wielder Feat
Devoted Feat
Crossbow Expert Feat
Connection To The Weave Feat
Combat Training Feat
Charger Feat
Bow Expert (Longbow or Shortbow) Feat
Athlete Feat
Alert Feat
Actor Feat
Fist of Unbroken Air Monk Ki Way of the Elements Monastic Traditions
Elemental Attunement Monk Ki Way of the Elements Monastic Traditions
Hungry Jaws Lizardfolk Race Feat
Hold Breath Lizardfolk Race Feat
Cunning Artisan Lizardfolk Race Feat
Slow Fall Monk LV4 Feat Reaction
Deflect Missiles Monk LV3 Feat
Step of the Wind (Ki) Monk Ki Way of the Elements Monastic Traditions
Patient Defense (Ki) Monk Ki Way of the Elements Monastic Traditions
Flurry of Blows (Ki) Monk Ki Way of the Elements Monastic Traditions
Kamifolk Racial Spells Character Feat Fujioka Yamami
Magma-Touched Feat
Stone-Touched Feat
Slime-Touched Feat
Sea-Touched Feat
Frost-Touched Feat
Storm-Touched Feat
Flame-touched Feat
Smoke-Touched Feat
Dagger Savant
Verminfriend evil ungainable
Evil Brand evil ungainable
Lichloved evil ungainable
Vile spell dark gift
Thrall to Demon dark gift
Sacrificial Mastery dark gift
Quicken Spell dark gift
Mortal Bane dark gift
Disciple of Dark Magic dark gift
Face Deformity dark gift
Eye Deformity dark gift
Base Deformity dark gift
Hand Deformity dark gift
Improved Dark Speech dark gift
Corruption Infusion dark gift
Dark Resistance dark gift
Dark Magic Infusion dark gift
Martial Arts feat
Battle Caster feat
Brawn feat
Street Fighter feat
Arcane Marksman feat
Slinker feat
Highly Skilled feat
Shield Bash feat
Sniper feat
Advantageous Savagery feat
Master of Ceremonies feat
Fortify Ability feat
Pole Fighter feat
Astute feat
Calvary Combat Mastery feat
Medium Armor Expertise feat
Martial Agility feat
Arcane Initiate feat
Mage Hunter feat
Uncanny feat
Interpreter feat
Light Armor Expertise feat
Disciplined Mind feat
Inspiring Orator feat
Heavy Armor Mastery feat
Heavy Armor Expertise feat
Healing Adept feat
Weapons Expertise feat
Grappler feat
Elemental Expertise feat
Dungeon Expertise feat
Two-Handed Combatant feat
Parry's Sting feat
Crossbow Mastery feat
Thespian feat
Athletic Core feat
Ranger Spellcasting 5e class feature ranger spellcasting
Elemental adept