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Spells (2020)

Spell Statblock for D&D 5e created by Tillerz
ID Name Tags
Hellish Rebuke spells
Speak with Animals spells
Hunter's Mark spells
Fog Cloud spells
Assisting Ice Spell Buff Co-op Ice Elemental
Wrath of Nature
Annihilate Matter
Arc Lightning
Wind Strike ryoko
Wind Drake ryoko
White Water Wall ryoko
Water Wyrm ryoko
Water Whip ryoko
Wanyudo’s Fury ryoko
Tempestuous Transformation ryoko
Switcheroo ryoko
Sundering Sky ryoko
Steelskin ryoko
Spark ryoko
Soften Descent ryoko
Snakebite ryoko
Smokescreen ryoko
Slatestorm ryoko
Shielding Word ryoko
See Future Death ryoko
Ryoko’s Revelation ryoko
Rock Tomb ryoko
Riptide ryoko
Repulsing Palm ryoko
Reinforce ryoko
Redirect Lightning ryoko
Raiko’s Rending Rage ryoko
Protection ryoko
Pins & Needles ryoko
Nomi’s Adamantine Carapace ryoko
Mirror of Reflection ryoko
Mireball ryoko
Magatsuchi’s Lantern ryoko
Lion’s Roar ryoko
Lifesap Aura ryoko
Inner Flame ryoko
Incendiary Strike ryoko
Iminada’s Umigiri ryoko
Ice Moon ryoko
Flashbang ryoko
Flash ryoko
Flaming Tiger Leap ryoko
Feverskin ryoko
Extract Shirikodama ryoko
Eruption ryoko
Endure ryoko
Endoleech ryoko
Earthen Uppercut ryoko
Earthen Fist ryoko
Earthskin ryoko
Depth Charge ryoko
Dash Strike ryoko
Cyclone ryoko
Concussion ryoko
Cloud Stride ryoko
Calm Waters ryoko
Calm Flames ryoko
Calm Earth ryoko
Calm Air ryoko
Cage of Frozen Tears ryoko
Bloodweave ryoko
Blinding Radiance ryoko
Bakuryo’s Blessèd Blizzard ryoko
Acid Rain ryoko
War Sonata
Cloud of Daggers spells
Prayer of Healing spells
Charm Person spells
Detect Magic spells
Bane spells
Thaumaturgy spells
Ray of Frost spells
Sacred Flame spells
Spare the Dying spells
Zone of Truth
Warding Bond
Spiritual Weapon
Scorching Ray
Protection of Poison
Prayer of Heaing
Lesser Restoration
Hold Person
Gentle Repose
Flaming Sphere
Find Traps
Enhance Ability
Continual Flame
Calm Emotions
Blindness Deafness
Magic Missle
Feather Fall
Chameleon Cloak
Chill Touch
Mending Transmutation
Stone Fist Transmutation
Trinketry Transmutation
Toyify Curse Spell Trap Transmutation
Serpentine Spark
Catapult 1stleveltechnique utilitytechnique
Jump spell 1st level
Thunderwave spell 1st level
Create or Destroy Water spell 1st level
Purify Food and Drink spell 1st level
Goodberry spell 1st level
Detect Poison and Disease spell 1st level concentration
Charm Person spell 1st level
Longstrider spell 1st level
Fog Cloud spell 1st level concentration
Detect Magic spell 1st level
Animal Friendship spell 1st level
Mending spell cantrip
Produce Flame spell cantrip
Shillelagh spell cantrip
Poison Spray spell cantrip
Resistance spell cantrip concentration
Thorn Whip spell cantrip
Druidcraft spell cantrip
Eldritch Blast Spell Warlock Cantrip
Acid Arrow
Falling Sword
Druidic Domain (Conc)
Shin Shai's Servants
Radiant Burst
Ambush Prey 2-level ranger illusion
Misty Step PHB SRD
Moonbeam PHB SRD
Zone of Truth PHB SRD
Warding Bond PHB SRD
Protection From Poison PHB SRD
Prayer of Healing PHB SRD
Magic Weapon PHB SRD
Locate Object PHB SRD
Lesser Restoration PHB SRD
Gentle Repose PHB SRD
Find Steed PHB SRD
Branding Smite PHB SRD
Ice Moon ita Lv 1 Ryoko Dominatore (Aria) Druido Stregone Warlock Mago
Earthen Uppercut ita Lv1 Ryoko Dominatore (Terra) Druido Mago
Cloud Stride (Rituale) ita Lv 4 Ryoko Guide Dominatore (Aria Acqua) Druido Ranger Stregone Addestratore Mago
Tempestuos Transformation ita Lv 4 Ryoko Guide Dominatore (Aria) Druido Stregone
Depth Charge Ita Lv 3 Ryoko Guide Dominatore (Aria) Druido Stregone Warlock Wizard
Earthen Fist Ita Trucchetto Ryoko Guide Dominatore (terra) Druido
Extract Shirikodama ita Lv 3 Ryoko Guide Dominatore (Acqua) Chierico Warlock Druido (Yokai)
Mirror Of Reflection ita Lv 2 Ryoko Guide Bardo Dominatore (acqua) Chierico Druido Ranger Addestratore
Pelle di Pietra ita Lv2 Ryoko Guide Dominatore (Terra) Druido Ranger Stregone Addestratore Mago
Protection Ita Lv 2 Ryoko Guide Dominatore (terra) Bardo Chierico Druido Paladino Ranger
FlashBang ita Lv 3 Ryoko Bardo Dominatore (Aria) Ranger Stregone Warlock Mago
Wind Strike ita Lv 2 Ryoko Guide Dominatore (Aria) Paladino Ranger Mago
Illusory Script
Luna de Runa Sangrienta magia de sangre
Abscondi spell Charm 2nd ritual
Alchemical Circle Rune Warrior Spells
Delirious Visions
Zone of Truth
Yartraak's Darkness
Wrathful Smite
Word of Radiance
Witch Bolt
Wind Wall
Wind Walk
Watery Sphere
Water Walk
Water Breathing
Warding Wind
Warding Bond
Wall of Water
Wall of Thorns
Wall of Stone
Wall of Sand
Wall of Light
Wall of Force
Wall of Fire
Vitriolic Sphere
Virixia's Speedy Courier
Vicious Mockery
Vault of Amber
Vampiric Touch
True Strike
True Seeing
True Resurrection
True Polymorph
Tree Stride
Transport via Plants
Transmute Rock
Toll the Dead
Tiny Shelter
Time Stop
Tidal Wave
Thunderous Smite
Thunder Step
Thorn Whip
Terrgenden's Hideous Laughter
Teleportation Circle
Telepathic Bond
Synaptic Static
Summon Fey
Summon Elemental
Summon Beast
Sudden Awakening
Storm Sphere
Storm of Vengeance
Stone Shape
Stinking Cloud
Steel Wind Strike
Staggering Smite
Spiritual Weapon
Spirit Shroud
Spirit Guardians
Spike Growth
Spider Climb
Speak with Plants
Speak with Dead
Speak with Animals
Spare the Dying
Sleet Storm
Skill Empowerment
Silvery Barbs
Silent Image
Sickening Radiance
Shocking Grasp
Shield of Faith
Shape Water
Shadow Shield
Shadow Blade
Sense Emotion
See Invisibility
Searing Smite
Scorching Ray
Rotan's Earthen Grasp
Reverse Gravity
Resilient Sphere
Remove Curse
Ray of Sickness
Ray of Frost
Ray of Enfeeblement
Radiant Flame
Purify Food and Drink
Psychic Scream
Psychic Lance
Psychic Crush
Protection from Poison
Protection from Evil and Good
Protection from Energy
Project Image
Programmed Illusion
Produce Flame
Private Sanctum
Prismatic Wall
Prismatic Spray
Primordial Ward
Power Word: Stun
Power Word: Pain
Power Word: Kill
Power Word: Heal
Power Word: Deafen
Power Word: Blind
Poison Spray
Plant Growth
Plane Shift
Phantom Steed
Phantasmal Killer
Phantasmal Force
Pass Without Trace
Nessalima's Light
Move Earth
Motivational Speech
Mold Earth
Modify Memory
Misty Step
Mirror Image
Mirage Arcane
Minute Meteors
Minor Illusion
Mind Whip
Mind Spike
Mind Sliver
Mind Blank
Meteor Swarm
Mental Prison
Meld into Stone
Mass Suggestion
Mass Polymorph
Mass Healing Word
Mass Heal
Mass Cure Wounds
Major Image
Magic Weapon
Magic Mouth
Magic Missile
Mage Hand
Mage Armor
Maddening Darkness
Locate Object
Locate Creature
Locate Animals or Plants
Lightning Bolt
Lesser Restoration
Legend Lore
Irresistible Dance
Invocation of Healing
Investiture of Wind
Investiture of Stone
Investiture of Ice
Investiture of Flame
Intellect Fortress
Insect Plague
Inflict Wounds
Incendiary Cloud
Illusory Script
Illusory Dragon
Ice Storm
Ice Knife
Ice Ball
Hypnotic Pattern
Hold Person
Hold Monster
Heroes' Feast
Heat Metal
Healing Word
Healing Spirit
Hallucinatory Terrain
Gust of Wind
Guiding Bolt
Guards and Wards
Guardian of Light
Green-Flame Blade
Greater Restoration
Greater Invisibility
Gravity Well
Grasping Vines
Glyph of Warding
Globe of Invulnerability
Giant Insect
Gentle Repose
Gate Seal
Gaseous Form
Freedom of Movement
Force Blast
Fog Cloud
Flesh to Stone
Flaming Sphere
Flame Strike
Flame Blade
Fire Storm
Fire Shield
Fire Bolt
Find Traps
Find the Path
Find Steed
Find Greater Steed
Find Familiar
Feign Death
Feather Fall
Fast Friends
Far Step
False Life
Faerie Fire
Expeditious Retreat
Erupting Earth
Ensnaring Strike
Enhance Ability
Enemies Abound
Elemental Weapon
Elemental Bane
Earth Tremor
Dust Devil
Druid Grove
Dominate Person
Dominate Monster
Dominate Beast
Dissonant Whispers
Dispel Magic
Dispel Evil and Good
Disguise Self
Dimension Door
Detect Thoughts
Detect Poison and Disease
Detect Magic
Detect Evil and Good
Destructive Wave
Delayed Blast Fireball
Death Ward
Dancing Lights
Cure Wounds
Crusader's Mantle
Crown of Stars
Create or Destroy Water
Create Homunculus
Create Food and Water
Create Bonfire
Cosmic Contact
Control Winds
Control Weather
Control Water
Control Flames
Continual Flame
Conjure Woodland Creatures
Conjure Minor Elementals
Conjure Fey
Conjure Elemental
Conjure Animals
Cone of Cold
Comprehend Languages
Compelled Duel
Commune with Nature
Color Spray
Circle of Power
Chromatic Orb
Chill Touch
Charm Person
Charm Monster
Chain Lightning
Cause Fear
Calm Emotions
Call Lightning
Burning Hands
Branding Smite
Borrowed Knowledge
Booming Blade
Bones of the Earth
Blade Ward
Bestow Curse
Beast Sense
Beast Bond
Beacon of Hope
Banishing Word
Banishing Smite
Aura of Vitality
Aura of Purity
Aura of Light
Aura of Life
Arcane Lock
Arcane Hand
Arcane Gate
Arcane Eye
Anti-Magic Field
Anti-Life Shell
Animate Objects
Animal Shapes
Animal Messenger
Animal Friendship
Alter Self
Air Bubble
Acid Stream
Acid Splash
Absorb Elements
Water Walk
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Shield of Faith
Word of Radiance
Hooves of Hadar
Mind Sliver
Mage Armor
Negative Image
Dark Path
Talon's Acid Bath
Slow Spell Bard Druid Wizard Artificer 3rd
Cloak of Shadow
Shadow Armor
Black Ribbons
Shadow Bite
Gift of Gab
Douse Light
Claws of Darkness
Wither and Bloom
Thronstrom's Villainous Movement
Nagai Cloak of the Ascended
Grim Dark's skeleton crew
Awaken Undead
Keren's Manikin
Harmon Sho Bloated Expulsion
Foxy's Fetch
Throng's Jolt
Communion Through Water
Ray of Frost KJ
Cloud of Daggers KJ
Moonbeam KJ
Zone of Truth KJ
Prayer of Healing KJ
Detect Thoughts KJ
Unseen Warrior (Perfected Unseen Servant)
Chromatic Orb
Cure Wounds
Dancing Lights
Create or Destroy Water
Spare the Dying
Sacred Flame
Throw Fire
Screams of the Damned
Tempest Wave
Wind Wall spell wind wall
Water Walk spell water walk
Water Breathing spell water breathing survival buff
Tree Stride spell tree stride
Swift Quiver spell swift quiver archery ranger
Summon Fey spell summon fey tasha
Spike Growth spell spike growth
Speak with Plants spell speak with plants
Speak with Animals spell speaking with animals
Silence spell silence control
Protection from Poison spell protection from poison
Protection from Energy spell protection from energy
Plant Growth spell plant growth
Pass without a Trace spell stealth buff pass without a trace
Locate Object spell locate object detection
Locate Creature spell locate creature detection
Locate Animals or Plants spell locate animals or plants
Lightning Arrow spell ranger lightning arrow
Lesser Restoration spell lesser restoration healing
Hail of Thorns spell hail of thorns
Grasping Vine spell grasping vine
Goodberry spell goodberry healing
Freedom of Movement spell freedom of movement
Fog Cloud spell fog cloud aoe
Flame Arrows spell flame arrows fire
Find Traps spell find traps
Ensnaring Strike spell ensnaring strike
Detect Poison and Disease spell detect poison and disease
Detect Magic spell detect magic
Daylight spell daylight
Darkvision spell darkvision
Cure Wounds spell cure wounds healing
Cordon of Arrows spell cordon of arrows
Conjure Woodland Beings spell conjure woodland beings
Conjure Volley spell conjure volley
Conjure Barrage spell conjure barrage
Conjure Animals spell conjure animals
Commune with nature spell commune with nature
Beast Sense spell beast sense
Antimagic Field spell antimagic field
Beast Bond spell beast bond
Barkskin spell barkskin
Animal Messenger spell animal messenger
Animal Friendship spell animal friendship
Alarm spell alarm
Absorb Elements spell absorb elements
Hunter's Mark spell hunter&039;s mark ranger
Light light spell bard cleric sorcerer wizard artificer
Dancing Lights spell dancing lights bard wizard sorcerer artificer
Heroism spell heroism paladin bard
Mallemor's Mad Gate
Celestial Fire 1stleveltechnique radiant offensetechnique
Fog Cloud 1stleveltechnique fog obscurementtechnique
Light Burst 1stleveltechnique light utilitytechnique
Flame Wraps 1stleveltechnique fire offensetechnique
Sleep 1stleveltechnique sleep
Sickly Bestow
Bathed In Blood
Torturous Boil
Quickened Refill
Aetherial Bolt 1stleveltechnique radiant offensetechnique
Magic Missile 1stleveltechnique force offensetechnique
Celestial Chains 1stleveltechnique restraint defensetechnique
Thunderwave 1stleveltechnique thunder offensetechnique
Ethereal Veil 1stleveltechnique buff
Ice Knife 1stleveltechnique cold offensetechnique
Gleaming Ray 1stleveltechnique radiant offensetechnique
Phantom Voices 1stleveltechnique psychic
Shield 1stleveltechnique ward defensetechnique
Ember Strike 1stleveltechnique fire offensetechnique
Beast Bond 1stleveltechnique tametechnique
Bane 1stleveltechnique debuff
Rite of Possession
Rite of Haunting
Rite of Exorcism
Rite of Warding
Rite of the Pact
Rite of Entrapment
Rite of Anchoring
Rite of Seance
Rite of Repulsion
Rite of Presence
Rite of Echoes
Rite of Attraction
Rite of the Poltergeist
Rite of Observation
Angst verursachen
Arms of Hadar 1stleveltechnique necrotic defensetechnique
Armor of Agathys 1stleveltechnique cold defensetechnique
Beast Bond 1stleveltechnique tametechnique
Watcher's Mark 1stleveltechnique defensetechnique ritual
Absorb Elements 1stleveltechnique defensetechnique
Word of Radiance cantrip offensetechnique holy
True Strike cantrip offensetechnique buff
Death Knell cantrip offensetechnique necromancy
Thunderclap cantrip thunder defensetechnique
Miracle Play cantrip controltechnique
Blade Cyclone cantrip offensetechnique
True strike
Shocking Grasp
Produce Flame
Poison Spray
Chill Touch
Blade Ward
Acid Splash
Unearthly Chorus (UA) Unearthed Arcana Spell Bard
Unearthly Chorus (UA) Unearthed Arcana Spell Bard
Electrocute Storm Magic Artificer Sorcerer Wizard 3rd Level
Electrify Storm Magic Artificer Ranger Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Electric Arc Storm Magic Artificer Necromancer Sorcerer Witch Wizard Cantrip
Preservation Necromancer Artificer Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard Cantrip
Lightning Shot Storm Magic 3rd Level
Lightning Charged Storm Magic 2nd Level
Lightning Tendril Storm Magic Druid Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 1st Level
Static Storm Magic Artificer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard Cantrip
Dehydrate Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard Cantrip
Buzzer Storm Magic Artificer Bard Wizard Cantrip
Water Whip Hydromancy 1st Level
Lightning Rod Storm Magic 1st Level
Ball Lightning Storm Magic 2nd Level
Power Word: Cringe Spell Bard Paladin Sorcerer Warlock Third Meme
Chilling Breeze Cryomancy 2nd Level
Snowdrift Cryomancy 1st Level
Death's Reprieve cantrip necromancy healing
Jonah’s Hospitable Whale Hydromancy Artificer Druid Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 5th Level
Shocking Grasp cantrip offensetechnique .lightning
Shilleigh cantrip offensetechnique buff
Shape Water cantrip water controltechnique
Riptide Hydromancy Artificer Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Divine Blaze cantrip radiant offensetechnique
Resistance cantrip ward defensetechnique
Frost Beam cantrip offensetechnique. ice
Liquid Sentinel Hydromancy Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Warlock Witch Cantrip
Produce Flame cantrip fire controltechnique
Trickster cantrip controltechnique illusion
Poison Spray cantrip poison offensetechnique
Minor Illusion cantrip illusion
Message cantrip communication
Mending cantrip healing controltechnique
Magic Stone cantrip mage controltechnique
Essence Grasp cantrip mage controltechnique
Light cantrip light controltechnique
Sanguine Storm Hemomancy 7th Level
Tidal Vortex Hydromancy 9th Level
Water Rings Hydromancy 5th Level
Blessed Droplets Hydromancy 4th Level
Water Spout Hydromancy 3rd Level
Blinding Smite Blinding Smite Paladin
Ice Capsule Cryomancy 3rd Level
Control Blood Hemomancy 3rd Level
Gust cantrip defensetechnique air
Guidance cantrip ward defensetechnique
Frostbite cantrip offensetechnique ice
Fire Bolt cantrip fire offensetechnique
Eldritch Blast cantrip eldritch offensetechniqur
Nature's Touch cantrip nature
Dancing Lights cantrip light controltechnique distraction
Summon Flame cantrip fire controltechnique
Control Flame cantrip fire controltechnique
Ghastly Grasp cantrip defensetechnique
Booming Blade cantrip offensetechnique
Blade Aegis cantrip ward defensetechnique
Corrosive Flick cantrip acid
Chilling Stomp Cryomancy 3rd Level
Sanguine Strike Hemomancy 2nd Level
Swirling Waves Hydromancy 2nd Level
Aqua Blade Hydromancy 2nd Level
Flashfreeze Cryomancy
Aquatic Impact Hydromancy 1st Level
Pressure Stream Hydromancy Artificer Druid Sorcerer Wizard Cantrip
Water Crash Hydromancy Cantrip
Minor Hydromancy Hydromancy Cantrip
Incinerating Beam Pyromancy 7th Level
Bluefire Ignition Pyromancy 8th Level
Phoenix Ascent Pyromancy 5th Level
Flameform Pyromancy 5th Level
Flamejet Flight Pyromancy 4th Level
Aura of Radiance Lumomancy 4th Spell
Piercing Light Lumomancy 3rd Spell
Burning Steps Pyromancy 3rd Level
Blaze Bomb Pyromancy 3rd Level
Melt Pyromancy 2nd Level
Flame Phalanx Pyromancy 2nd Level
Searing Bolt Pyromancy 1st Level
Blazing Ejection Pyromancy 1st Level
Scorch Pyromancy Cantrip
Minor Pyromancy Pyromancy Cantrip
Chasm Geomancy 8th Level
Sandstorm Geomancy 7th Level
Boulder Crash Geomancy 5th Level
Demolishing Tremors Geomancy 4th Level
Rock Armor Geomancy 3rd Level
Earthen Rift Geomancy 3rd Level
Acid Bomb Acidomancy 3rd Level
Sand Surge Geomancy 2nd Level
Seismic Sense Geomancy 1st Level
Rock Surfing Geomancy 1st Level
Uplift Geomancy Cantrip
Stone Slam Geomancy Cantrip
Voltaic Field Storm Magic 2nd Level
Thundercrash Aeromancy 2nd Level
Great Gale Aeromancy 8th Level
Updraft Aeromancy 5th Level
Skyfall Storm Magic 5th Level
Wind Cannon Aeromancy 4th Level
Vacuum Burst Aeromancy 4th Level
Tornado Toss Aeromancy 4th Level
Riding the Winds Aeromancy 3rd Level
Echoing Burst Aeromancy 3rd Level
Guarding Winds Aeromancy 2nd Level
Accelerating Winds Aeromancy 2nd Level
Air Barrage Aeromancy 1st Level
Absorbing Vortex Aeromancy 1st Level
Soul Trap
Wind Bolt Aeromancy Cantrip
Minor Aeromancy Aeromancy Cantrip
Crown of Madness KJ
Gust of Wind KJ
Rime Spear Druid Sorcerer 3rd Level
Speak with Object Bard Sorcerer Warlock Witch 3rd Level
Speak With Animals
Cure Wounds
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Vicious Mockery
Guidance BUFF
Speak with Animals
Ice Knife
Counterspell Sorcerer Warlock Wizard Abjuration
Symbol of Insanity
Speak with Inanimate Objects Divination
Create Item Conjuration
Courtier's Cover Enchantment
Animate Wood Transmutation Geomancy
Undead Servant Undead Servant Necromancy
Alter Corpse Alter Corpse Necromancy
Wasser erschaffen oder zerströren (create or destroy water)
Verstricken (entangle)
Tierfreundschaft (animal friendship)
Springen (jump)
Person bezaubern (charm person)
Nahrung und Wasser reinigen (purify food and drink)
Mit Tieren sprechen (speak with animals)
Magie entdecken (detect magic)
Lange Schritte (longstrider)
Heilendes Wort (healing word)
Gute Beeren (goodberry)
Gift und Krankheiten entdecken (detect poison and disease)
Feenfeuer (faerie fire)
Donnerwoge (thunderwave)
Shillelagh (shillelagh)
Resistenz (resistance)
Göttliche Führung (guidance)
Gift versprühen (poison spray)
Dornenpeitsche (thorn whip)
Ausbessern (mending)
Fog Cloud
Earth Tremor
Charm Person
Beast Bond
Animal Friendship
Absorb Elements
Purify Food and Drink
Protection from Evil and Good
Inflict Wounds
Healing Word
Guiding Bolt
Faerie Fire
Detect Poison and Disease
Detect Magic
Detect Evil and Good
Cure Wounds
Create or Destroy Water
Cause Fear
Burning Hooves
Toll The Dead
Spare The Dying
Hideous Laughter
Dissonant Whispers
Cure Wounds
Charm Person
Vicious Mockery
True Strike
Apprentices Teleport
Eldrich Blast
Lightning Spark
Beacon of Hope
Apprentices Telekinesis
Burning Appendage
Accursed Imbue
Barrier Additional Spell 1st Level
Viscous Transmute
Blood Column
Blood Bowl
Astrales Schutzschild
Pulse Wave
Spare the Dying
Fire Bolt
Fire Bolt
Eldritch Blast
Dancing Lights
Create Bonfire
Control Flames
Chill Touch
Booming Blade
Blade Ward
Acid Splash
Incendiary Cloud
Draconic Transformation
Commune With Nature
Threads of Pursuit
Planar Anchor
Ethereal Grasp
Lashing Circle
Threads of Caution
Spirit Guardians cleric 3rd level conjuration radiant necrotic
Find Familiar
Spiritual Weapon
Detection Pulse
Conjure Barrage spell 3rd
Aura of Purity spell 4th
Aura of Vitality spell 3rd
Ray of Sickness spell 1st
Eldritch Blast
Water Walk PHB Artificer Cleric Druid Ranger Sorcerer
Tiny Servant XGtE Wizard Artificer
Catnap Artificer Bard Sorcerer Wizard XGtE
Blink PHB wizard Artificer Sorcerer
Elemental Bane XGtE Druid Warlock Wizard Artificer
Transmute Rock XGtE Druid Wizard Artificer
Ice Weapon Druid Warlock Wizard Cantrip
Ice Arrow Druid Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Ice Spike Sorcerer Wizard 4th Level
Glacial Crash Druid Sorcerer Wizard 7th Level
Freeze Druid Sorcerer Warlock Cantrip
Form of Ice Druid Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 6th Level
Entomb Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Cold Snap Sorcerer Wizard 2nd Level
Blizzard Druid Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 6th Level
Arctic Breath Druid Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Arctic Aura Druid Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 3rd Level
Become Stone Druid Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 2nd Level
Stone Coffin Druid Sorcerer Wizard 4th Level
Quick Sand Druid Sorcerer Wizard 3rd Level
Stone Fist Druid Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 1st Level
Create Pit Druid Necromancer Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Stone Forming Druid Sorcerer Warlock Wizard Cantrip
Coin Trick Transmutation 4-level
Twist of Fate witch spell divination cantrip
Earthen Spike Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Cackling Plague Bard Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 7th Level
Extract Thoughts Bard Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 7th Level
Mind Blast Bard Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 5th Level
Maddening Whispers Bard Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 3rd Level
Planar Anchor Sorcerer Wizard 7th Level
Thunder Punch Spells
Electrify Spells
Imagem Negativa
Armadura das Sombras magia sombra koboldpress
Apagar Luz magia sombra koboldpress
Fissure Druid Sorcerer Wizard 5th Level
Earth Ripple Druid Sorcerer Wizard 2nd Level
Stone Pillar Druid Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Saviour Stones Geomancy 1st Level
Shatter KJ
Beast Sense KJ
Create Or Destroy Water KJ
Entangle KJ
Shillelagh KJ
Find Familiar KJ
Hellish Rebuke KJ
Hex KJ
Arms of Hadar KJ
Eldritch Blast KJ
Spike Growth KJ
Barkskin KJ
Spiritual Weapon KJ
Blindness/ Deafness KJ
Sanctuary KJ
Healing Word KJ
Speak with Animals KJ
Animal Friendship KJ
Poison Spray KJ
Burning Hands KJ
Disguise Self KJ
Friends KJ
Fire Bolt KJ
Chill Touch KJ
Dancing Lights KJ
Guiding Bolt KJ
Inflict Wounds KJ
Fog Cloud KJ
Spare the Dying KJ
Sacred Flame KJ
Guidance KJ
Shocking Grasp KJ
Thunderwave KJ
Cure Wounds KJ
Minor Illusion KJ
Temporal Barrier Temporal Ritual
Chronal Echoes Temporal Ritual
Invocation of the Temporal Nexus Temporal Ritual
Curse of Temporal Entanglement Temporal Ritual
Rite of Temporal Distortion Temporal Ritual
Caestus of the Battle Mage Sorcerer Wizard 5th Level
Acid Rain Artificer Druid Necromancer Sorcerer Wizard 4th Level
Storm Calling Shot Ranger 5th Level
Crashing Lightning Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard 5th Level
Serpentine Body Druid Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 7th Level
Envenom Druid Necromancr Ranger Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 3rd Level
Poison Rain Druid Necromancer Ranger Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 1st Level
Incite Toxins Druid Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Wizard Cantrip
Fury of Wind
Naargal's Sting
Call the Blizzard
Call Storm
Inflict Poison
Fury of Ice
Veiled Step
Veil of Obscurity
Spirit Echo
Infernal Whisper
Luminous Strike
Call the Sky's Fury
Unseen Servant Control 1st Level Apothecary Bard Warlock Wizard
Stream of Consumption 1st Level Apothecary Cleric Warlock Wizard Sebastian Crowes Guide to Drakkenheim
Sleep Control 1st Level Apothecary Bard Blood Domain Night Domain Oath of Redemption Sorcerer The Archfey Twilight Domain Wizard
Purify Food and Drink Utility 1st Level Apothecary Artificer Cleric Druid Paladin
Jump Movement 1st Level Apothecary Artificer Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard
Illusory Script Communication 1st Level Apothecary Bard Warlock Wizard
Identify Detection 1st Level Apothecary Artificer Bard Forge Domain Knowledge Domain Wizard
Hideous Laughter Control Debuff 1st Level Apothecary Bard The Great Old One Wizard
Healing Word Healing 1st Level Alchemist Apothecary Bard Cleric Druid
Grease Control 1st Level Apothecary Artificer Wizard
Silvery Barbs Bard Sorcerer Wizard Enchantment 1-Level
Absorb Elements Artificer Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard Abjuration 1-Level
Gift of Alacrity Wizard Chronurgy Dunamancy Divination Initiative 1-Level Chronurgy Dunamancy
Fog Cloud Control Environment 1st Level Apothecary Druid Ranger Sorcerer Tempest Domian The Genie Wizard
Floating Disk Movement Utility 1st Level Apothecary Wizard
Feather Fall Utility Exploration 1st Level Apothecary Artificer Bard Sorcerer Wizard
False Life Buff 1st Level Apothecary Artificer Blood Domain Death Domain Grave Domain Sorcerer The Undead The Undying Wizard
Envenom 1st Level Apothecary Druid Sorcerer Wizard Sebastian Crowes Guide to Drakkenheim
Detect Poison and Disease Detection 1st Level Apothecary Cleric Druid Paladin Ranger
Detect Magic Detection 1st Level Apothecary Arcana Domain Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Oath of the Watchers Paladin Ranger Sorcerer Wizard
Detect Evil and Good Detection 1st Level Apothecary Cleric Paladin The Genie
Cure Wounds Healing 1st Level Apothecary Artificer Bard Circle of Wildfire Cleric Druid Life Domain Paladin Ranger The Celestial
Create or Destroy Water Creation 1st Level Apothecary Cleric Druid Oath of the Open Sea The Fathomless
Comprehend Languages Social 1st Level Apothecary Bard Sorcerer Warlock Wizard
Alarm Detection 1st Level Apothecary Artificer Oath of the Watchers Ranger Wizard
Acrid Orb 1st Level Apothecary Ranger Sorcerer Warlock Wizard Sebastian Crowes Guide to Drakkenheim
Thaumaturgy Control Cantrip Apothecary Cleric
Spare the Dying Healing Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Cleric
Shocking Grasp Damage Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Sorcerer Wizard
Resistance Buff Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Cleric Druid
Poison Spray Damage Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Druid Sorcerer Warlock Wizard
Poison Needle Cantrip Apothecary Druid Sorcerer Warlock Wizard Sebastian Crowes Guide to Drakkenheim
Acid Burn Cantrip Apothecary Sorcerer Wizard Sebastian Crowes Guide to Drakkenheim
Acid Splash Damage Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Sorcerer Wizard
Bacterial Barrage Cantrip Apothecary Druid Sorcerer Wizard Sebastian Crowes Guide to Drakkenheim
Chill Touch Damage 1st Level Apothecary Sorcerer Warlock Wizard
Guidance Buff Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Cleric Druid
Light Creation Utility Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Bard Cleric Sorcerer Wizard
Mending Utility Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Sorcerer Wizard
Message Communication Social Cantrip Apothecary Artificer Bard Sorcerer Wizard
Toxic Shield 1st Level Apothecary Bard Paladin Warlock Sebastian Crowes Guide to Drakkenheim
Mystic Whisper
Blaze of the Righteous
Fireball srd fireball wizard
Gate Basic Rules
Поглощение стихий
Ray of Frost
Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm
Charmed Purpose
Curse of Altered Preferences
Necrotic Stitch Sorcerer Necrotic Healing
Steel Wind Strike conjuration wizard ranger
Speak with Animals
Beast Sense
Mold Snow And Ice
Shape of snow and Ice
Become Water spell water kibblestasty primal arcane elemental
Dancing Wave spell water kibblestasty primal arcane elemental
Crashing Wave spell water kibblestasty primal arcane elemental
Water Blast spell water kibblestasty primal arcane elemental
Armor of Agaythys
Shield Sorcerer Wizard The Hexblade Artillerist Battle Smith
Cure Wounds Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Paladin Ranger Life Domain Circle of Wildfire The Celestial
Mending Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Sorcerer Wizard
Fire Bolt Artificer Sorcerer Wizard
Purify Food and Drink Artificer Cleric Druid Paladin
Heroism Bard Paladin Order Domain Peace Domain Oath of Glory Battle Smith
Grease Artificer Wizard
Feather Fall Artificer Bard Sorcerer Wizard
Disguise Self Artificer Bard Sorcerer Wizard
Testicular Torsion
Tier beherrschen 4. Grad Druide Zauberer
Heat metal
Gedankenleere 8. Grad Barde Magier
Tierbote 2. Grad Barde Druide Waldläufer
Tier oder Pflanze aufspüren 2. Grad Barde Druide Waldläufer
Tierfreundschaft 1. Grad Barde Druide Waldläufer
Tierform 8. Grad Druide
Art's Forced Flatulence
Zwang 4. Grad Barde
Zutritt verwehren 6. Grad Kleriker
Zungen 3. Grad Barde Kleriker Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Zorniges Niederstrecken 1. Grad Paladin
Zone der Wahrheit 2. Grad Barde Kleriker Paladin
Zielsicherer Schlag Zaubertrick Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Zerstörerische Woge 5. Grad Paladin
Zerbersten 2. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Zeitstopp 9. Grad Zauberer Magier
Zeichen des Jägers 1. Grad Waldläufer
Wunsch 9. Grad Zauberer Magier
Wunden heilen 1. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide Paladin Waldläufer
Wort der Macht: Tod 9. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Wort der Macht: Heilung 9. Grad Barde
Wort der Macht: Betäubung 8. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Windwandeln 6. Grad Druide
Windwall 3. Grad Druide Waldläufer
Windstoß 2. Grad Druide Zauberer Magier
Wiedergeburt 5. Grad Druide
Wiederbeleben 3. Grad Kleriker Paladin
Wetterkontrolle 8. Grad Kleriker Druide Magier
Wesen des Waldes beschwören 4. Grad Druide Waldläufer
Weissagung 4. Grad Kleriker
Weihen 5. Grad Kleriker
Weg finden 6. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide
Wasser kontrollieren 4. Grad Kleriker Druide Magier
Wasser erschaffen oder zerstören 1. Grad Kleriker Druide
Wasser atmen 3. Grad Druide Waldläufer Zauberer Magier
Weight of Years Cleric Paladin Warlock Witch 1st Level
Time Pierce Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 7th Level
Wankendmachendes Niederstrecken 4. Grad Paladin
Wände passieren 5. Grad Magier
Seismic sense Artificer Druid Ranger 2nd Level
Wahrer Blick 6. Grad Barde Kleriker Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Search Archive Artificer Bard Cleric Necromancer Paladin Warlock Wizard 2nd Level
Wahre Verwandlung 9. Grad Barde Hexenmeister Magier
Sand Vortex Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard 4th Level
Wahre Auferstehung 9. Grad Kleriker Druide
Sand Torrent Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard 3rd Level
Sandblast Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard 1st Level
Rouse Minefield Artificer 5th Level
Read Magic Artificer Necromancer Paladin Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 1st Level
Wächter und Hüter 6. Grad Barde Magier
Vorherbestimmtes Trugbild 6. Grad Barde Magier
Voraussicht 9. Grad Barde Druide Hexenmeister Magier
Verständigung 3. Grad Barde Kleriker Magier
Verschwimmen 2. Grad Zauberer Magier
Verschonung der Toten Zaubertrick Kleriker
Vorahnung 2. Grad Kleriker
Vollständige Genesung 5. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide
Verwünschen 1. Grad Hexenmeister
Verwirrung 4. Grad Barde Druide Zauberer Magier
Vertrauten finden 1. Grad Magier
Verbannendes Niederstrecken 5. Grad Paladin
Verarbeitung 4. Grad Magier
Vampirgriff 3. Grad Hexenmeister Magier
Verlangsamen 3. Grad Zauberer Magier
Vergrößern/Verkleinern 2. Grad Zauberer Magier
Verderben 1. Grad Barde Kleriker
Verbündeter aus den Ebenen 6. Grad Kleriker
Verbergen 7. Grad Magier
Verbannung 4. Grad Kleriker Paladin Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Trugbild projizieren 7. Grad Barde Magier
Traum 5. Grad Barde Hexenmeister Magier
Totstellen 3. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide Magier
Untote erschaffen 6. Grad Kleriker Hexenmeister Magier
Unsichtbares sehen 2. Grad Barde Zauberer Magier
Unsichtbarer Diener 1. Grad Barde Hexenmeister Magier
Unheimliches Schicksal 9. Grad Magier
Unauffindbarkeit 3. Grad Barde Waldläufer Magier
Tsunami 8. Grad Druide
Todeswolke 5. Grad Zauberer Magier
Todesschutz 4. Grad Kleriker Paladin
Todeskreis 6. Grad Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Tiersinn 2. Grad Druide Waldläufer
Tote erwecken 5. Grad Barde Kleriker Paladin
Tote beleben 3. Grad Kleriker Magier
Tor 9. Grad Kleriker Zauberer Magier
Tödliches Phantom 4. Grad Magier
Tensers Schwebende Scheibe 1. Grad Magier
Teleportieren 7. Grad Barde Zauberer Magier
Telepathie 8. Grad Magier
Telekinese 5. Grad Zauberer Magier
Tashas Fürchterlicher Lachanfall 1. Grad Barde Magier
Taschenspielerei Zaubertrick Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Tageslicht 3. Grad Kleriker Druide Paladin Waldläufer Zauberer
Springen 1. Grad Druide Waldläufer Zauberer Magier
Symbol 7. Grad Barde Kleriker Magier
Sturm der Vergeltung 9. Grad Druide
Stinkende Wolke 3. Grad Barde Zauberer Magier
Stille 2. Grad Barde Kleriker Waldläufer
Steinwand 5. Grad Druide Zauberer Magier
Steinhaut 4. Grad Druide Waldläufer Zauberer Magier
Stein formen 4. Grad Kleriker Druide Magier
Seiltrick 2. Grad Magier
Segnen 1. Grad Kleriker Paladin
Sprachen verstehen 1. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Spinnennetz 2. Grad Zauberer Magier
Spinnenklettern 2. Grad Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Spätzündender Feuerball 7. Grad Zauberer Magier
Sonnenstrahl 6. Grad Druide Zauberer Magier
Sonnenfeuer 8. Grad Druide Zauberer Magier
Simulakrum 7. Grad Magier
Sengendes Niederstrecken 1. Grad Paladin
Sengender Strahl 2. Grad Zauberer Magier
Schutzgeister 3. Grad Kleriker
Schützendes Band 2. Grad Kleriker
Schutz vor Gut und Böse 1. Grad Kleriker Paladin Hexenmeister Magier
Schwerkraft umkehren 7. Grad Druide Zauberer Magier
Schweben 2. Grad Zauberer Magier
Schwachsinn 8. Grad Barde Druide Hexenmeister Magier
Schwache Genesung 2. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide Paladin Waldläufer
Schwache Elementare beschwören 4. Grad Druide Magier
Schutzkreis 3. Grad Paladin Hexenmeister Magier
Schutzhülle gegen Lebendes 5. Grad Druide
Schutz vor Gift 2. Grad Kleriker Druide Paladin Waldläufer
Schutz vor Energie 3. Grad Kleriker Druide Waldläufer Zauberer Magier
Schusshagel beschwören 3. Grad Waldläufer
Schockgriff Zaubertrick Zauberer Magier
Schneller Köcher 5. Grad Waldläufer
Schneesturm 3. Grad Druide Zauberer Magier
Schmieren 1. Grad Magier
Schlingranke 4. Grad Druide Waldläufer
Explosive Deflection
Scheingelände 4. Grad Barde Druide Hexenmeister Magier
Blade Vortex
Sanfte Ruhe 2. Grad Kleriker Magier
Sagenkunde 5. Grad Barde Kleriker Magier
Rüstung von Agathys 1. Grad Hexenmeister
Bile Beam
Rückruf 6. Grad Kleriker
Rieseninsekt 4. Grad Druide
Resistenz Zaubertrick Kleriker Druide
Angelic Slash
Regenbogenspiel 7. Grad Zauberer Magier
Redegewandtheit 8. Grad Barde Hexenmeister
Reittier finden 2. Grad Paladin
Regeneration 7. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide
Regenbogenwand 9. Grad Magier
Rarys Telepathisches Band 5. Grad Magier
Pflanzentor 6. Grad Druide
Pfeilspalier 2. Grad Waldläufer
Pfeilsalve beschwören 5. Grad Waldläufer
Quicksand Druid Sorcerer Wizard 7th Level
Portcullis Artificer Paladin 2nd Level
Phantom Trap Artificer Ranger 1st Level
Pass the Torch Bard Cleric Necromancer Warlock Witch Wizard 9th Level
Overlook Bard Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 2nd Level
Old Growth Druid 9th Level
Malicious Misconception Bard Sorcerer Warlock Witch 5th Level
Lycanthropize Druid Witch 9th Level
Livia’s Spectral Theater Bard Cleric Paladin Sorcerer 5th Level
Judgement Cleric Warlock Witch 9th Level
Immortal’s Penance Cleric 9th Level
Fortify Defenses Artificer Paladin Wizard 4th Level
Erase Bard Wizard Cantrip
Engrave Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Necromancer Ranger Witch 2nd Level
Crystallization Artificer Paladin 1st Level
Corpse Explosion Cleric Necromancer Warlock Wizard 2nd
Chain of Solidarity Artificer Cleric Druid Cantrip
Celestial Ray Druid Witch Cantrip
Person beherrschen 5. Grad Barde Zauberer Magier
Buried Blade Artificer Ranger Wizard 4th Level
Skywrite Spell Bard Druid Wizard Artificer 2nd
Blaze of Glory Bard Cleric Sorcerer 8th Level
Analytic Encapsulation Bard Cleric Necromancer Warlock Wizard 4th
Amerac’s Hourglass Cleric Druid Wizard 9th Level
Fog Cloud Spell br conjuration
Guidance Spell cantrip divination concentration cleric artificer druid buff
Nahrung und Wasser erschaffen 3. Grad Kleriker Paladin
Mordenkainens Treuer Hund 4. Grad Magier
Mordenkainens Schwert 7. Grad Barde Magier
Ottos Unwiderstehlicher Tanz 6. Grad Barde Magier
Otilukes Unverwüstliche Sphäre 4. Grad Magier
Otilukes Frostsphäre 6. Grad Magier
Nystuls Magische Aura 2. Grad Magier
Notfall 6. Grad Magier
Nebelschritt 2. Grad Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Nahrung und Wasser reinigen 1. Grad Kleriker Druide Paladin
Mordenkainens Privates Heiligtum 4. Grad Magier
Mordenkainens Herrliches Herrenhaus 7. Grad Barde Magier
Monster festhalten 5. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Monster beherrschen 8. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Mondstrahl 2. Grad Druide
Mit Toten sprechen 3. Grad Barde Kleriker
Mold Earth
Wire Walk Technomancy
System Backdoor Technomancy
Remote Access Technomancy
Snare Artificer Druid Ranger Wizard 1st level Abjuration Trap
Arcane weapon (UA) Artificer 1st level Unearthed Arcana UA
Searing Smite One D&D Unearthed Arcana Divine Casters
Shield of Faith PHB 5E Cleric Paladin War Domain
Healing Word One D&D Unearthed Arcana Bard Cleric Druid
Spare the Dying One D&D Unearthed Arcana Divine Casters Primal Casters
Resistance One D&D Unearthed Arcana Primal Casters Divine Casters
Guidance One D&D Unearthed Arcana Primal Casters Divine Casters
Cure Wounds One DnD Unearthed Arcana Cleric Arcane Casters
Aid One D&D Unearthed Arcana Divine Casters
Temporal Link chronomancy 2nd level
Protection From Ballistics
On/Off Technomancy
Invisibility to Cameras Technomancy
Infallible Relay Technomancy
Commune With City Technomancy
Arcane Hacking Technomancy
Revert Time chronomancy 1st level
Shield of Stasis chronomancy 1st level
Minor Stasis chronomancy cantrip
Delay chronomancy cantrip
Bolt of Time chronomancy cantrip
Force Slam
Power Devive Technomancy
Purveying Glitch Technomancy
Malware’s Personal Assistant Technomancy
Inner-Space Technomancy
Greater Mending Technomancy
Find Vehicle Technomancy
Electromagnetic Pulse Technomancy
Detect Network Technomancy
Black Out Technomancy
Grim Terror Greater Blood Magic Grim Terror Blood 5th Level 5th Lvl
Bend Blood Greater Blood Magic Blood Spell 5th Level 5th Lvl
Agonize Greater Blood Magic Blood Agonize 4th Level 4th Lvl
Hemorrhage Blood Magic Blood Hemorrhage 4th Level 4th Lvl Spell
Carnage Blast Blood Magic Carnage Blast Blood 2nd Level 2nd Lvl
Blood Extraction Blood Magic Necrotic Blood 3rd Level 3rd Lvl Concentration Blood Extraction
Gore Spike Blood Magic Necrotic Blood Gore Spike Spell Cantrip
Blood Boil Blood Magic Cantrip Necromancy Poison Blood Boil
Wave of Insects entomancy
Stinger of the Bee entomancy
Crawling Armor entomancy
Pyromancer's Command commanding magic
Enchanting Command commanding magic
Stellar Flash white magic
Convergence arithmancy
Geometric Function arithmancy
Discrete Set arithmancy
Water Whip hydromancy cantrip
Water Shield hydromancy 3rd level
Steam Blast hydromancy 5th level
Hydro Blast hydromancy 1st level
Frost Shard hydromancy cantrip
Dehydrate biomancy
Spider Legs biomancy
Rust Metal biomancy
Necrosis biomancy dark magic 7th level
Grow Wings biomancy
Frozen Skin biomancy
Flaming Skin biomancy
Envenom biomancy
DOOR's Detect Father
Create Mandrake spell creation stat block
Aether Waxing Surge
Enhance Perception biomancy
Decay biomancy dark magic 5th level
Momentary Sacrifice
Coralskin biomancy
Cardiac Assault biomancy
Biotic Armor biomancy
Bestial Maw biomancy
Aslaug's Mantle white magic
Aslaug Sigestældottir's Magnetism magnetismancy
Flensing dark magic corpsemancy 8th level
Fiendform corpsemancy 6th level
Conjure Minor Undead corpsemancy 4th level
Water Tentacle hydromancy 3rd level
Swim hydromancy 1st level
Riptide hydromancy 1st level
Ripple hydromancy cantrip
Pressure Sphere hydromancy 7th level
Mordenkainen's Capable Caravel hydromancy 6th level
Depthsurge hydromancy 4th level
Cresting Waves hydromancy 1st level
Aquabolt hydromancy cantrip
Air Bubble hydromancy 2nd level
Emissary of Death dark magic 9th level
End of Times corpsemancy 9th level
Curse of the Abyssal Chain dark magic 8th level
Blood Eclipse blood magic
Death's Gambit dark magic 7th level
Ghost Surge dark magic 6th level
Death Wave dark magic corpsemancy 6th level
Obsidian Flame dark magic 5th level
Afflicted Existence dark magic 5th level
Plague dark magic 4th level
Obsidian Blade dark magic 4th level
Blood Command blood magic
Phantasmal Woe dark magic 3rd level
New Moon white magic
Hypochondria dark magic 3rd level
Bone Shield corpsemancy 3rd level
Blood Rush blood magic
Rotting Orb corpsemancy 2nd level
Revulsion dark magic 2nd level
True Strike cantrip arcane spell revision UA 7
Blood Drinker blood magic
Blood Blade blood magic
Grave Warden dark magic 1st level
Gaze of the Deathless dark magic 1st level
Dead Butler corpsemancy 1st level
Curse of the Swallow Grave dark magic 1st level
Corpse Puppetry corpsemancy 1st level
Bone Armor corpsemancy 1st level
Blood Link blood magic
Life Drain dark magic cantrip
Grasp of the Grave dark magic cantrip
Bone Spur corpsemancy cantrip
Bloody Grasp blood magic
Blood Whip blood magic
Blood Betrayal blood magic
Obliterate Evocation 9-level
Water Breathing
Longstrider spell homebrew 1st level
Time Skip chronomancy
Time Removal chronomancy
Redraft chronomancy
Gruesome Demise dark magic 5th level
Frozen in Time chronomancy
Arms of the Giant biomancy
Barkskin (Rework)
Cloud of Daggers
DOOR's Power Word Impregnate 9th level spells DOOR spells power word
Splish Splash cantrip damaging cantrip water
Detect Magic 1st Divination 30 Ft Radius Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Paladin Ranger Sorcerer Wizard Arcana Domain Oath of the Watchers Detection Concentration ritual
Wrathful Smite
Vicious Mockery
Thunderous Smite
Staggering Smite
Shining Smite
Searing Smite
Power Word Kill
Power Word Heal
Hunter's Mark
Find Steed
Protection from Energy Level 3 Spell SRD
Private Sanctum DnD5e SRD SRD
Unearthly Chorus
Unknown Braile Spell
Chromatic Chaos Sorcerer Wizard 6th Level
Cannibalize Druid Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 3rd Level
Sanguine Flow Druid Sorcerer Warlock 3rd Level
Blood of Hadar Warlock 4th Level
Splinter Reality Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 3rd Level
Divine Smite
Conjure Volley
Conjure Barrage
Heartbreak Bard Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock 7th Level
Blinding Smite
Banishing Smite
Ascended Undead Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 9th Level
Heavenly Spear Cleric Druid 5th Level
Aspect of Angels Cleric Paladin 5th Level
Leshen Accordance Druid 7th Level
Forged Revival Artificer 5th Level
Constellate Strings Bard Druid 2nd Level
Starwhip Artificer Druid Wizard 3rd Level
Memories of the World Bard Wizard 8th Level
Carcass Carapace Necromancer Warlock Wizard 2nd Level
Invisibility Wizard Sorcerer Warlock Bard Artificer Moon Domain Circle of the Land (Grassland) Buff
Polymorph Polymorph
Magnetic Parry Abjuration 3-level
Mythic Fist Bard Paladin Ranger 2nd Level
Gravekeeper Cleric Necromancer Paladin Warlock Witch 2nd Level
Gate of Sloth Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 4th Level
Familicide Necromancer Ranger Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 2nd Level
Astral Smite Paladin 5th Level
Causality Anchor Artificer Druid Ranger Sorcerer Wizard 3rd Level
Curse of Paranoia Warlock Witch Wizard 2nd Level
Partial Simulacra Artificer Warlock Wizard 4th Level
Aspect of Prophetium Artificer Cleric Paladin Ranger Witch Wizard 3rd Level
Runic Font Artificer Warlock Wizard 3rd Level
Words of Creation Artificer Warlock Witch Wizard 3rd Level
Fold Reality Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 3rd Level
Hel’s Regrets Necromancer Warlock 2nd Level
Eternal Servitude Bard Cleric Necromancer Warlock Witch Wizard 9th Level
Ossuary Cleric Necromancer Wizard 6th Level
Wings of Death Necromancer Paladin Sorcerer Wizard 5th Level
Wall of Bones Druid Necromancer Wizard 6th Level
Abandon Flesh Necromancer Sorcerer Wizard 9th Level
Gravewalker Necromancer Sorcerer Wizard 5th Level
Allure of the Grave Necromancer Sorcerer Wizard 4th Level
Garden of Bones Druid Necromancer Witch Wizard 3rd Level
Osseous Embrace Necromancer Warlock Wizard 3rd Level
Choir of the Unliving Bard Necromancer Wizard 3rd Level
Voice of the Gravekeeper Cleric Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 2nd Level
Them Bones Necromancer Warlock Wizard 2nd Level
Skull Crown Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Wizard 3rd Level
Spinal Whip Necromancer Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard 1st Level
Shape Bones Druid Necromancer Sorcerer Wizard Cantrip
Bone Dance Necromancer Sorcerer Wizard Cantrip
Chilling Flames
Healing Elixir
Planar Skip Sorcerer Warlock Witch Wizard Cantrip
Wild Instincts Ranger 2nd Level
Sticks to Snakes Snakes Sticks to Snakes
Liquid Sentinel Cantrip Artificer Bard Cleric Druid Shaman Warlock
Fox's Fangs Spell Ranger Warlock 3rd
Falling Spider's Spite Spell Ranger 1st
Lashing Wires Evocation 3-level Concentration
Hymn of Power Bard Cleric Paladin 5th Level
Holy Ward Cleric 3rd Level
Summon Still Revelry 3rd Level
Speech Revelry 3rd Level
Instant Instrument Bard 1st Level
Sorcereous Burst
Setup Revelry 1st Level
Arcane Eruption
Fortify Conjuration 2-level Ritual
Tattoosion Artificer Sorcerer Bard Warlock Witch Wizard Cantrip
Puncture Artificer Witch Cantrip
Pencil Conjuration
Static Discharge Artificer Sorcerer Wizard Cantrip
Magisches Gefäß 6. Grad Magier
Mit Stein verschmelzen 3. Grad Kleriker Druide
Mit Pflanzen sprechen 3. Grad Barde Druide Waldläufer
Meteoritenschwarm 9. Grad Zauberer Magier
Melfs Säurepfeil 2. Grad Magier
Massen-Wunden heilen 5. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide
Massen-Heilung 9. Grad Kleriker
Massen-Heilendes Wort 3. Grad Kleriker
Massen-Einflüsterung 6. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Magische Waffe 2. Grad Paladin Magier
Mächtiges Trugbild 3. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Mächtige Unsichtbarkeit 4. Grad Barde Zauberer Magier
Leuchtfeuer der Hoffnung 3. Grad Kleriker
Leomunds Winzige Hütte 3. Grad Barde Magier
Leomunds Geheime Truhe 4. Grad Magier
Lenkendes Geschoss 1. Grad Kleriker
Leid 6. Grad Kleriker
Lange Schritte 1. Grad Barde Druide Waldläufer Magier
Kugelblitz 6. Grad Zauberer Magier
Kugel der Unverwundbarkeit 6. Grad Zauberer Magier
Krone des Wahnsinns 2. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Kreuzfahrermantel 3. Grad Paladin
Kreis der Teleportation 5. Grad Barde Zauberer Magier
Kreis der Macht 5. Grad Paladin
Kreatur aufspüren 4. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide Paladin Waldläufer Magier
Kontakt zu anderen Ebenen 5. Grad Hexenmeister Magier
Klopfen 2. Grad Barde Zauberer Magier
Klon 8. Grad Magier
Klingenbarriere 6. Grad Kleriker
Klingenbann Zaubertrick Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Kältestrahl Zaubertrick Zauberer Magier
Kältekegel 5. Grad Zauberer Magier
Irrgarten 8. Grad Magier
Hüter des Glaubens 4. Grad Kleriker
Hunger von Hadar 3. Grad Hexenmeister
Insektenplage 5. Grad Kleriker Druide Zauberer
Illusionsschrift 1. Grad Barde Hexenmeister Magier
Identifizieren 1. Grad Barde Magier
Hexenpfeil 1. Grad Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Hellsehen 3. Grad Barde Kleriker Zauberer Magier
Hölzerner Weg 5. Grad Druide Waldläufer
Höllischer Tadel 1. Grad Hexenmeister
Himmlische Wesen beschwören 7. Grad Kleriker
Heldenmahl 6. Grad Kleriker Druide
Heilung 6. Grad Kleriker Druide
Heiligtum 1. Grad Kleriker
Heiliges Gespräch 5. Grad Kleriker
Heilige Aura 8. Grad Kleriker
Hast 3. Grad Zauberer Magier
Halbebene 8. Grad Hexenmeister Magier
Gutes und Böses bannen 5. Grad Kleriker Paladin
Göttliches Wort 7. Grad Kleriker
Göttliche Gunst 1. Grad Paladin
Glyphe des Schutzes 3. Grad Barde Kleriker Magier
Gift und Krankheiten entdecken 1. Grad Kleriker Druide Paladin Waldläufer
Gestalt verändern 2. Grad Zauberer Magier
Geisterross 3. Grad Magier
Gestaltwandel 9. Grad Druide Magier
Hero's Teachings
Imbuement of the Sun
Shade Slip
Heritage of Knowledge
Earthen Grasp
Spiritual Guide
Steam Burst
Image of Blight
Gegenzauber 3. Grad Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Gegenstände beleben 5. Grad Barde Zauberer Magier
Gegenstand aufspüren 2. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide Paladin Waldläufer Magier
Gefühle besänftigen 2. Grad Barde Kleriker
Fluch 3. Grad Barde Kleriker Magier
Flimmern 3. Grad Zauberer Magier
Gebet der Heilung 2. Grad Kleriker
Geas 5. Grad Barde Kleriker Druide Paladin Magier
Gasförmige Gestalt 3. Grad Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Furcht 3. Grad Barde Zauberer Hexenmeister Magier
Fluch brechen 3. Grad Kleriker Paladin Hexenmeister Magier
Infernal Lance Fire Infernal Cambion Warlock
Juju on that Beat
Rose Barrier Homebrew
Eldritch Blast
Flammenkugel 2. Grad Druide Magier