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Due to your extensive research into magic, you have discovered dweomercraft - esoteric methods that allow you to shape, sculpt, and otherwise modify your spells.

Dweomercraft Initiate

3rd-Level Dweomercrafter Feature
You learn your first two dweomercraft discoveries. Choose from the list below. You learn additional discoveries at 6th, 10th, and 14th level. You can use only one dweomercraft discovery on a spell when you cast it, unless otherwise noted. Spells modified by dweomercraft cannot also be modified by Metamagic:
  • Accurate Spell. When you cast a spell that requires an attack roll, you have advantage on that roll. If the spell requires multiple attack rolls, you have advantage on only one (your choice).
  • Branding Spell. When you hit a single creature with a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, the creature is marked by an invisible rune. Until the end of your next turn, any spell attack rolls against the same target have advantage if the are from spells that deal damage of the same type as the triggering spell.
  • Disarming Spell. When you hit a single creature with a spell that deals force damage, you can attempt to disarm it. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop one object of your choice that it is currently holding. The dropped object lands in the target's space.
  • Forceful Spell. When you hit a single creature that is Large or smaller with a spell that deals force damage, the creature must succeed on a Strenth saving throw or be pushed up to 15 feet away from you.
  • Penetrating Spell. You increase the spell save DC of the spell by an amount equal to half your Wisdom modifier.
  • Piercing Spell. When you hit a single creature with a spell that deals damage, the spell ignores the creature's resistance to a single damage type of your choice. Creatures that are normally immune to your chosen damage type take half damage instead of no damage.
  • Redirect Spell. When you cast a spell that targets a single creature but that has no effect on the target (such as due to a successful saving throw or missed attack roll), you can redirect the spell to another elibigible target within 15 feet of the initial target. If the spell requires any attack rolls, you must roll new ones against the new target. If the spell has no effect on the new target, the spell is lost.
  • Accurate Spell. When you cast a spell that requires an attack roll, you have advantage on that roll. If the spell requires multiple attack rolls, you have advantage on only one (your choice).
  • Sculpt Spell. When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, you can change that damage type to another type from that list.
  • Selective Spell. When you cast a spell that forces targeted creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect some of those targets from the spell's full force. Choose a number of targets up to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). A chosen target automatically succeeds on its saving throw against the spell.
  • Upcast Spell. You cast a spell that is treated as if it were cast using a spell slot of one level higher. This spell does not actually use a higher-level spell slot though.

  • You can use any combination of the dweomercraft discoveries you know a total number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). You cannot use more until you finish a long rest. Saving Throws. If a dweomercraft discovery requires your target to make a saving throw, it is against your theurge spell save DC.


    6th-Level Dweomercrafter Feature
    When you cast a spell that affects an area, you can increase or decrease its area of effect. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain expended uses of this feature upon completing a long rest.
    When you reach 11th level, you regain expended uses of Spellweaver when you finish a long or short rest.
    Area of Effect Modification
    Cone Increase or decrease the cone's size by up to 10 feet
    Cube Increase or decrease the cube's sides by up to 10 feet each
    Cylinder Increase or decrease the cylinder's height or diameter by up to 10 feet
    Line Increase or decrease the line's length by up to 10 feet
    Sphere Increase or decrease the sphere's radius by up to 10 feet


    Dweomercraft Adept

    10th-Level Dweomercrafter Feature
    You can use the dweomercraft discoveries you know a total number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier + your Wisdom modifier. In addition, you can use two dweomercraft discoveries you know on a single spell you cast. Alternatively, you can use a dweomercraft discovery on each spell you cast using the Spell Synthesis feature.

    Dweomercraft Master

    14th-Level Dweomercrafter Feature
    You recover all expended uses of your dweomercraft discoveries when you finish a short or long rest.

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