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Way of the Ki Blocker

Ki Blockers are Monks who have trained in the art of finding and either enhancing or blocking the flow of Ki in their opponents. A Ki Blocker recognizes that by using their own Ki they can disrupt the Ki of others, letting them disrupt their mind, body, or even their connection to the weave.    

Art of Ki

At 3rd level, upon taking up this monastic tradition you gain the following.
  • Blocker's Nimbleness: You gain proficiency in perception and acrobatics if you do not already have these proficiencies.
  • Changing One's Own Flow: As a Bonus Action you may expend 3 Hit Points to gain 1 Ki point.
  • Ki Empowered Strike Master: When striking with an unarmed strike you may subtract 2 from your attack roll deal an extra 1d4 damage.

Ki Blocking

Also, at 3rd level you have learned new ways to use your Ki. All of these abilities last for 1 minute, and the target may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns
  • Strength Draining Strike: When you hit an opponent with your unarmed strikes twice during your turn, you may expend a Ki point to make the target roll a Constitution save, upon a fail they have disadvantage on all attack rolls using melee weapons.|
  • Weave Severing Strike: When you hit an opponent with your unarmed strikes three times during your turn, you may expend a Ki point to make the target roll a constitution save, upon a fail they become unable to cast spells and all spells they have cast are dispelled.
  • Paralyzing Strike: When you hit an opponent with your unarmed strikes during your turn, you may expend a Ki point to make the target roll a constitution save, upon a fail their Movement speed gets reduced to 0.
  • Sensory Deprivation: When you hit an opponent with an unarmed strike during your turn, you may expend a Ki point to make the target roll a constitution save, upon a fail they are either blinded or deafened.

Ki Defense

Starting at 6th level, you protect your body from harm by enhancing your own Ki:
  • As a reaction to being hit with an attack you may expend two Ki points to gain resistance to the triggering damage type and deal an extra 1d6 damage of the triggering damage type with your next unarmed strike.
  • As a reaction to being hit with a melee attack you may expend a Ki point to counterattack the target with one of your Ki blocking abilities. This ability does not require you to fulfill the number of attacks needed, however it does need you to fulfill the Ki cost needed.

    Opening the Gate

    Starting at 11th level you can open and close your own gates to gain different abilities. You may only use one of these abilities at a time:
    • First Gate: Enhanced Reflexes: As an action, you may lose a -5 to attack rolls for 1 minute to gain a +5 to your AC.
    • Second Gate: Enhanced Strikes: As an action, you may double the damage die on unarmed attacks for 1 minute, but also suffer double the damage dealt to you by enemy attacks or spells.
    • Third Gate: Enhanced Muscles: As a bonus action you may gain advantage on all ability checks and saving throws and double your movement speed for up to 1 minute, this ability is considered concentration. After the effects dissipates, you take 1 point of exhaustion and take damage equal to your wisdom modifier for each round you used this ability.

    Ki Destruction

    Starting at 17th level, you can permanently render opponents weak. If the enemy passes any of these saving throws you take damage equal to your Monk Level as the destructive force of your Ki recoils towards you instead.
    • Sever the Connection: When you take the attack action to hit an opponent with Weave Severing Strike on your turn, you may expend Ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier + 2 to make them roll a Constitution saving throw on the very same turn. If they fail they will be unable to cast magic forever.
    • Destruction of Body: When you take the attack action to hit an opponent with a Strength Draining strike on your turn, you may expend Ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier + 2 to make them roll a Constitution saving throw on the very same turn. If they fail their Strength and Dexterity scores fall to 4 forever, and they will suffer a permanent disadvantage to all attack rolls.
    • Sever the Halves: When you take the attack action to hit an opponent with a Paralyzing Strike on your turn, you may expend Ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier + 2 to make them roll a Constitution saving throw on the very same turn. If they fail the lower half of their body is cut off by the nerves, unable to make use of their legs and knocking them Prone forever.
    • Destruction of Mind: When you take the attack action to hit an opponent with a Sensory Deprivation strike on your turn, you may expend Ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier + 2 to make them roll a Constitution saving throw on the very same turn. If they fail they become permanently Blind or Deaf.

    Gate of the Mind

    Also starting at 17th level, you are able to open the fourth gate:
    • Gate of the Mind: As an action you are able to apply the effects of all of the Gate's at the same time, without suffering their penalties. Additionally, it no longer costs ki points to use your Ki Blocking abilities for the duration. When this effect dissipates you become paralyzed for 1 minute and take damage equal to your Monk Level multiplied by 3, and you suffer five points of exhaustion for 24 hours as the massive overflow of Ki energy exacts a very heavy toll on your body.


    Created by

    Lord Mcberry.

    Statblock Type

