Zepp Arthonax

The city of Lankhmar, long under the shadow of Pulgh Arthonax's ruthless rule, braced itself for the ascent of his son, Zepp Arthonax, to the throne. Pulgh, known for his merciless governance and iron-fisted control, left a legacy of fear and oppression. Citizens of Lankhmar whispered apprehensively about what the reign of Zepp might bring, expecting a continuation of the past's harshness.   However, to the city's surprise, Zepp Arthonax emerged as a ruler starkly different from his father. Where Pulgh was harsh, Zepp was kind; where Pulgh instilled fear, Zepp fostered love. His ascension to the throne marked the dawn of a new era in Lankhmar.   Zepp's reign was characterized by an unprecedented focus on the welfare of his people. He diverted a significant portion of the city's tax revenue toward improving the city's infrastructure. The crumbling roads were rebuilt, the aging bridges were reinforced, and public buildings were renovated.   One of Zepp's most ambitious projects was the revitalization of the Grain Fields south of Lankhmar. Understanding the crucial role of agriculture in the city's economy and the well-being of its citizens, Zepp invested heavily in modern farming techniques and irrigation systems. This initiative not only boosted food yields but also ensured food security for the city's populace.   Perhaps the most heartfelt of Zepp's endeavors were his efforts to aid the city's most vulnerable: the children, the elderly, the sick, and the homeless. He established numerous shelters and food kitchens throughout Lankhmar, providing warmth, food, and care to those in need. His special attention to children and the elderly afflicted with illness reflected a deep empathy rarely seen in the rulers of his time.   Zepp recognized the importance of healthcare, especially for those who could not afford it. He initiated the construction of several hospitals and clinics, focusing on areas of the city where disease and poverty were rampant. These institutions not only provided medical care but also employed many citizens of Lankhmar, further stimulating the local economy.   King Zepp's benevolent actions resonated deeply within the cultural fabric of Lankhmar. He became a beloved figure, often seen walking among his people, listening to their concerns, and sharing in their joys and sorrows. His reign brought a sense of unity and hope to a city once clouded by fear and despair.   Zepp Arthonax's legacy was not measured in wealth or conquests but in the hearts he touched and the lives he transformed. Long after his reign, the people of Lankhmar reminisced about the King who changed their city for the better, who saw beyond the walls of his palace, and who gave himself selflessly to the service of his people.   In the annals of Lankhmar's history, King Zepp Arthonax is remembered not just as a monarch but as a beacon of compassion and humanity, a King who, in stark contrast to his father, chose love over fear, kindness over cruelty, and service over power. His legacy continued to inspire future generations, proving that true leadership is grounded in the well-being and prosperity of all citizens.   Zepp met a tragic end at the hands of his successor, Edwynn Werrish I. Edwynn, perceiving Zepp's compassionate nature as a threat to the kingdom's security, orchestrated a cruel plot against him. He believed that Zepp's open-heartedness was a weakness that put their people at risk. To gain control, Edwynn cunningly created a fabricated crisis: he secretly hired a horde of Orcs to stage a siege on Lankhmar. This orchestrated attack lasted approximately 30 minutes before Edwynn, leading his own forces, heroically "defended" the city by defeating the Orcs. This staged victory earned him the support of the City Council, paving the way for him to claim the throne.


Family Ties

Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
21 Geister
Date of Death
13 Dröhnen
2886 RJ 2939 RJ 53 years old
Circumstances of Death
Tortured and killed by successor King Edwynn Werrish I
Place of Death
Long, chestnut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smooth healthy medium complexion
131 lbs / 59.4 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Articles under Zepp Arthonax

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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