The Order of the Golden Heart

In the winding alleys and shadowed corners of Lankhmar, a new faith has quietly taken root, drawing together those who yearn for a return to compassion and integrity. This clandestine religion, known as Zeppism, venerates the late King Zepp Arthonax, a ruler whose life and untimely death have become symbols of sacrifice and benevolence.  

The Martyr King: Zepp Arthonax

King Zepp, known for his unwavering kindness and dedication to his people, has posthumously emerged as a figure of near-divine reverence. His brutal end at the hands of his successor, King Edwynn Werrish I, marked him as a martyr in the eyes of many. Zepp’s life, characterized by selfless acts and a profound empathy for the least fortunate, resonates strongly with those who felt abandoned and oppressed under the current regime.  

Origins of The Order of the Golden Heart (OGH)

OGH began as whispered conversations among the disillusioned citizens of Lankhmar. These informal gatherings of the faithful coalesced into a structured belief system over time. Goldenhearts, as they are called, believe that King Zepp's spirit continues to guide and watch over Lankhmar, offering solace and strength to those who follow his example of love and selflessness.   The religion's core tenets emphasize compassion, community support, and non-violence. Goldenhearts engage in acts of charity, much like their revered King, providing aid to the poor and sick. Secret meetings are held under the cover of night, often in abandoned buildings or hidden chambers, where followers share stories of King Zepp's deeds and teachings.  

Symbolism and Practices

The primary symbol of OGH is a golden heart, representing the boundless love and generosity that King Zepp embodied. Goldenhearts wear small tokens bearing this symbol as a sign of their faith and as a reminder of their commitment to uphold the virtues of their martyred King.   Rituals within OGH are simple yet profound. They include communal meals shared among the poor, candlelit vigils to remember the suffering of King Zepp, and the recitation of his teachings, which emphasize kindness, moral integrity, and the importance of caring for one another.  

The Future of OGH

As OGH continues to grow, it faces challenges from the current establishment, which views the new faith as a threat to its authority. However, the religion's message of hope and compassion has found a resonant chord among many in Lankhmar, offering a counter-narrative to the reign of King Edwynn Werrish I.   The followers of OGH remain determined to honor the legacy of King Zepp Arthonax, spreading his teachings of love and empathy. In a city that has seen its share of darkness, OGH shines as a beacon of light, guiding Lankhmar towards a future where kindness reigns supreme.   As one devout Goldenheart stated, "In our hearts, King Zepp lives on, guiding us to build a world that he would have been proud of - a world where every soul is valued, and compassion is the law of the land."   In a time of turmoil and strife, the emergence of OGH in Lankhmar represents not only a spiritual resurgence but also a social movement. It embodies the collective longing for a return to the values that King Zepp Arthonax so deeply cherished. As this new faith continues to spread, it carries with it the potential to transform the very fabric of Lankhmar society.

Tenets of Faith

  • Compassion Above All: Embrace and practice unconditional compassion towards all beings, seeing the intrinsic value in each individual.
  • Service to the Vulnerable: Prioritize aid and support to the most vulnerable members of society, including the poor, the sick, the elderly, and children.
  • Nonviolence and Peace: Uphold the principles of nonviolence in thoughts, words, and actions. Seek peaceful resolutions and harmonious coexistence.
  • Community and Unity: Foster a sense of community and unity, recognizing that each person's well-being is interconnected with the well-being of others.
  • Humility and Simplicity: Live a life marked by humility and simplicity, focusing on spiritual and emotional richness rather than material wealth.
  • Stewardship of Nature: Show respect and care for the natural world, understanding humanity’s role as stewards of the earth.
  • Personal Growth and Reflection: Engage in continuous personal growth and self-reflection, striving to embody the virtues of kindness, empathy, and moral integrity.
  • Sharing and Generosity: Practice generosity not only in material terms but also in kindness, time, and knowledge, sharing these freely without expectation of return.
  • Forgiveness and Understanding: Offer forgiveness readily, seeking to understand and empathize with others, even in the face of wrongdoing.
  • Celebration of Zepp’s Legacy: Honor the life and teachings of King Zepp Arthonax through rituals, storytelling, and the preservation of his legacy of love and selflessness.


  • Every day, try and do better than yesterday.
  • Failure is ok, resignation is not
  • Think of those less fortunate than yourself, and help them in any way that you can. If you can not, feel no guilt or shame.
  • Respect Nature over ALL, as M'Brell is our loving Mother, without whom none of us would live. Replant what you harvest, replenish what you take.


"Worship in actions, not in words" is one of OGH's sayings. While storytelling and sharing wisdom is definitely part of this movement, there is little dogma, as Goldenhearts believe that King Zepp is revered in the "doing of good", rather than the "talking about the doing of good".

Political Influence & Intrigue

Followers of OGH are not seen favorably by King Edwynn Werrish II, as his father, Edwynn Werrish I is portrayed as a murderer and "thief of the throne". While this is true, the observation is obviously not a popular with King Edwynn Werrish II.

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Religious, Other
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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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