Toters' and Carters' Guild

Toters' and Carters' Guild
  • Entrance fee & dues: 2 GR/ 3 SS
  • Attached Guilds: none
  • Apprentice: 1st social rank
  • Journeyman: 1st social rank
  • Master: 2nd social rank
  • Guild Officials: 3rd social rank
This guild moves large quantities of goods from one place to the other within the city and between the city and nearby agricultural districts. They use a variety of vehicles, ranging from horsedrawn wagons to wheelbarrows. Sometimes they even use backpacks or toting poles. This guild is affiliated with the Laborers' and Toilers' Brotherhood.
Guild, Merchant


The Dark Oak Trading Company is part of the Toters' and Carters' Guild, as all caravans in Western Nehwon are. Dark Oak resents having to pay the monthly fees to Toters', as they feel they are getting nothing in from the relationship. Toters' has heard this opinion from the leaders of Dark Oak, but gently remind them the Protection Contract from Slayer is between Toters' and Slayer, not between Dark Oak and Slayer, and that is the value of the guild membership and where part of the guild dues are spent.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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