The Trading Settlement of Hedeby


Like The Tundra, the people of Hedeby can be seen as cold and distant to those they don't know. Over time, as traders become more familiar to them, and prove themselves to be more trustworthy trading partners, Hedebians warm up to them.   All full-time permanent residents of Hedeby are Human.

Industry & Trade

The Clans of The North come to Hedeby with pelts, logs made from the towerings trees near The Tundra's edge, animals such as fox, snow serpents, and mammoth, geodes, leather goods and sturgeon fish. In Hedeby, these goods are exchanged and bartered for the goods found in the rest of Western Nehwon. The principle trading cities that connect to Hedeby through established trading routes are Ildebreth, Karja Tal, both via the Sea of Monsters, and Cold Corner, via land route.   Among the most interesting items in Hedeby are the Wood Wardens, crafted by the clan’s master artisans. These enchanted items, made from the cross-sections of ancient trees, offer protection to those who possess them. The intricate patterns in the wood grain are both beautiful and mesmerizing, reflecting the magic infused within them. Wood Wardens are rarely sold as their price is hefty, often exceed 2,000 gold rilks, depending on the size, shape, and unique ring patterns they have.


The founding of Hedeby began with the vision of Skaldor, a great chieftain who recognized the potential for unity and prosperity among the scattered Snow Clans of The North. Observing their common struggles and shared heritage, Skaldor proposed creating a central trading post that would serve as both a sanctuary and a hub of commerce.


The settlement itself is constructed from the robust logs of ancient pines and reinforced with stone and ice. Encircled by a towering wooden palisade, Hedeby is protected from both the harsh elements and potential threats from The Tundra.   At the center of Hedeby lies the Great Hall, a huge structure where the leaders of the Snow Clans gather. Here, they make decisions affecting the future of the clans and their trading post. The hall also serves as a communal space where stories are shared, disputes settled, and alliances forged. The warmth of the roaring hearth and the scent of hearty stew provides a comfortable refuge from the frigid elements outside.


Hedeby by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  Hedeby is found at the apex of the Sea of Monsters, where it meets with the mouth of the River Grim. The positioning serves as the perfect crossroads for trading by sea with Ildebreth and Karja Tal Trading Post, and by land with Cold Corner.


Life in Hedeby is difficult. The ever-present cold, the threat of roaming beasts, and the political intricacies of the Snow Clans require constant vigilance. Yet, the settlement thrives, its people united by a shared purpose and a deep-rooted sense of community. The Snow Clans take pride in their heritage, teaching their children the ancient ways and instilling in them the values of courage, loyalty, and resilience.
Alternative Name(s)
Head, The Head, Horde Bee
Trade post
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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