Social Rank

Social Rank:

Any regular XP the character earns while doing something for a Guilds or organization that has social ranks within it, that XP converts to "Social XP" as well as regular level progression XP.   For example: Robin is trying to increase her rep with Slayer. To do this, she goes on a mission assigned to her by one of the guild's leaders. The leader wants her to prove herself by stealing 3 gems from a local jewelry store. Robin is successful in her mission and earns 250 XP for accomplishing the mission. 250 XP goes to her character level (as a rogue) and this same 250 XP goes to her Social Level within Slayer. If she earned another 300 XP during the mission for killing a guard, I would say this would also count towards guild reputation if the guild leader is impressed and takes this act as a "display of commitment". However, let's say she kills a dozen giant rats while walking down an alley on her way to the jewelry store. The rats have nothing really to do with the mission assigned to her and are just a circumstance. She will gain the XP for killing the rats and apply it towards her character level, however, it doesn't apply towards her Social Level.  
  • Social Level 0: 0 - 1,000 XP
  • Social Level 1: 1,001 - 10,000 XP
  • Social Level 2: 10,001 - 50,000 XP
  • Social Level 3: 50,001 - 125,000 XP
  • Social Level 4: 125,001 - 250,000 XP
  • Social Level 5: 250,001 - 500,000 XP
  • Social Level 6: 500,001 +

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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