
Originally known as, and still sometimes called by some, "The Slayer's Brotherhood", Slayer is a guild that includes a network of mercenaries, rogues and assassins. Feuding between rival merchants, nobles, and temples is commonplace enough within the streets of Lankhmar that mercenaries are a mainstay as a resource. Thus, like with any regular business, hiring them requires going through the guild. Although mercenaries often find themselves on opposite sides of such conflicts in the city, they have no particular compunction against this. The person you fight side by side with today might be your foe tomorrow; such is the life of a mercenary.   Structure Entry requirements: you will be recruited if you are spotted by a recruiter doing something that shows promise of the skills worthy of being an assassin.   History The Slayer's Brotherhood was founded during the "War of the Nobles". They organized the guild as a mafia, forming their own subculture, rules and enforcements amidst the chaos the city was experiencing during that time. While its beginnings were humble, today it stands as a huge multifaceted mafia organization and is considered to be single-most powerful guild in all of Nehwon. Slayer protects the common citizens within the districts it claims territory over from harrassing city guards, domestic abusers, sexual predators and other such violators of the general peace. Because of this, Slayer is often seen as a guardian organization that benefits the neighborhood, regardless of the crimes they commit in order to stay in power. Relation with other Guilds All large cities and most small ones have their own Thieves' Guild-although perhaps not so well-developed as that in the City of the Black Toga. Slayer maintains a working relationship with:
  • Dead Masters (aka DMTG or Dead Masters Thieves Guild) of Kvarch Nar
  • Leviathan of Ool Hrusp
  • Sepultura of Gnamph Nar
  • Dimmu Borgir of Kleg Nar
  • Dark Viking of No-Ombrulsk
  • Ndragenta of Horborixen
  • Rakan of Duhn Glorr
  • Burzum which rules the three cities of Klesh
  • Dødheimsgard of Ilik-Ving
  • Abbath of Mlug Nar
  • Windir of Sarheenmar
  • Zodom of Ool Krut
  • Söhne of Ool Plerns
  Relationships between these Guilds are rarely close, but rarely too are they hostile. Each guild claims a territory they operate within and make well known to the other Guilds. For example, Slayer claims Lankhmar and a radius of about 10 miles / 16 kilometers beyond its walls . Other Guilds typically define their areas of influence in similar ways. Of note, the notoriously brutal Guild Abbath of Mlurg Nar, claims not only the city but all piracy activity on the River Mangrishik of which there is a lot. The Guild DMTG in Kvarch Nar might wish to dispute this but doing so would be hazardous to their health. The last time the Guilds of the two cities met on unfriendly terms, the DMTG were, in the argot of the region, "slit up a treat". Territory outside the preserves of any guild is considered to be free for all, meaning any thieves, Guild-aligned or not, are free to ply their trade in such territory.   Thieves of one Guild visiting the territory of another are usually welcomed as (somewhat) respected, if not well liked, colleagues, provided that they , check in with the local Guild's head quarters immediately upon entering the city and that they refrain from practicing their profession while within the local Guild's territory. Any thief from a foreign Guild who ignores either of these requirements is treated the same as any free-lancer. Abbath of Mlurg Nar is the exception, as they consider all foreign thieves as invaders to be killed on sight.   The leaderships of the different Guilds usually keep in contact through various channels (Carrier pigeons, ravens, personally delivered scrolls and such). Information is passed on, resources are exchanged (albeit rarely), and thieves are requested to assist another Guild, although at a steep price. The professional relationship between Guilds doesn't mean that everything is always pleasant. Most Guilds have at least one "mole" installed in all similar organizations; There has only been one known instance where one Guild has entirely taken over two other smaller Guilds turning them into into subsidiaries -- the three cities in Klesh are all ruled by Burzum. Another historical event of note is at one point Slayer, known at that time as The Slayer's Brotherhood, and DMTG both ruled different districts within Lankhmar. These Guilds warred so often and so viciously that each guild was at risk of extinction. Finally after 7 years of fighting, Slayer and DMTG came to a truce where they would both join forces temporarily in order to defeat the then failing thieves guild in Kvarch Nar (whose name has been entirely erased from history), and DMTG would rule that city exclusively. This pact was accepted and successfully executed with 5 weeks time. Because of this, DMTG and Slayer have a closer bond to one another than does any other guild have with any other.

Public Agenda


In the year 2372 RJ, the city of Lankhmar was steeped in turmoil and bloodshed, a turbulent era marked by the "Noble Wars." Following the sudden death of Queen Embriss, a power vacuum engulfed the city as numerous noble houses vied violently for the vacant throne. It was during this chaotic epoch that the Slayer's Brotherhood, a guild of thieves and assassins, emerged from the shadows.  

The Seeds of the Brotherhood

The origins of the Slayer's Brotherhood lay in the clandestine meetings of a few desperate individuals. They were skilled rogues and assassins, once operating independently in the underbelly of Lankhmar. The Noble Wars, however, presented a new opportunity and a dire necessity: the need for unity and organization in their trade.   As the nobles clashed, these individuals found their services increasingly in demand. But with this demand came danger - the risk of betrayal, the volatility of allegiances, and the growing scrutiny of their activities. The solution was a unified front, a guild that could operate with both secrecy and efficiency.  

The Founding of the Brotherhood

The guild was formed in a dilapidated tavern, hidden in one of Lankhmar's darker alleys. Here, under the flickering light of tallow candles, the first members of the Slayer's Brotherhood swore an oath of allegiance to each other. They vowed to share knowledge, resources, and profits, and most importantly, to protect each other from the chaotic forces tearing Lankhmar apart.  

The Code of the Brotherhood

The Slayer's Brotherhood operated under a strict code. Secrecy was paramount; the identities of members were closely guarded secrets, even from each other. Loyalty to the Brotherhood superseded all other allegiances. Contracts were to be honored meticulously, but indiscriminate killing was forbidden. The guild was not a band of mindless murderers; they were professionals.  

The Shadow War

As the Noble Wars raged on, the Slayer's Brotherhood began to assert their influence. They became the unseen hand shaping many of the conflicts' outcomes. Assassinations, espionage, and theft became their tools, wielded with precision and discretion. Nobles who sought an edge in their quest for power soon learned to fear and respect the Brotherhood.   The guild's influence grew, but so did their enemies. Other criminal factions sought to challenge them, leading to a shadow war that played out in the backstreets and hidden corners of Lankhmar. Through cunning, skill, and ruthless efficiency, the Slayer's Brotherhood maintained their dominance.  

The Legacy

The Noble Wars eventually came to an end, leaving Lankhmar in a new era of precarious peace. The throne was filled, but the city had changed. In the aftermath, the Slayer's Brotherhood remained, now an integral part of Lankhmar's underworld.   Their legacy was a testament to their adaptability and cunning. They had emerged from a time of chaos, not just as survivors, but as a formidable force. Their name became whispered legend, spoken of in hushed tones in the taverns and back alleys of Lankhmar.   The Slayer's Brotherhood had transformed from a gathering of individual rogues into an institution, a shadowy entity that would continue to shape the fate of Lankhmar for years to come.

In Shadows We Thrive, In Silence We Strike.

Founding Date
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
Slayer's Brotherhood


The Dark Oak Trading Company frequently hires members from Slayer to protect high value payload deliveries, retrieve stolen goods, or act as personal bodyguards whenever merchants feel they need extra personal protection.

Articles under Slayer

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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