Night of Fear

Legend has it that on 25 Walder of every year (historically the day of the bat, the month of the goat), The Gods of Lankhmar roam the city. They wander the streets to see if the city's citizens have kept Lankhmar in accord with their wishes. It is said that anyone found spying on them dies horribly.   On the day of the Night of Fear, Lankhmarian prepare gifts for their temple. The Lankhmarian wear only black togas, and all conversations are done in low whispers. It is such a day of bad omens, that no business is conducted. That night, all the people of the city stay indoors, behind locked doors and with weapons near at hand. Not even the thieves of Slayer willingly venture into the night.   Actually, The Gods of Lankhmar walk the streets only about once every seventh Night of Fear. However, since it is never a sure thing as to which year it will occur, the people of the city respect this holiday every year.
25th of Walder, Annually
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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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