
Mid-World is an off-limits zone to most outlanders that encounter it. Rumors of curses, death, and decay keep most away. Even the adventurous peoples of nearby Tôp keep away from its borders.   Mid-World is a vast and decaying parallel universe that serves as a nexus point for the multiverse. It is a place where multiple worlds and times intersect, featuring a mix of magical elements, decaying technological artifacts, and a post-apocalyptic society. The landscape of Mid-World is varied, including deserts, mountains, forests, and ruined cities, reflecting its once-great civilizations that have since fallen into decline.   Central to Mid-World is the Dark Tower, a mysterious and omnipresent edifice that is said to be the linchpin of time and space. It holds various worlds together, and its stability is crucial to the existence of all universes. The Caves of Ningauble are somehow interconnected to, or part of, the Dark Tower, but it is uncertain exactly how the two are related. Ningauble was once asked, and true to his nature, the answer was cryptic:  
"Where the eyes of wisdom pierce the veils of mere reality, there lies a path unseen, a thread in the cosmic tapestry that weaves through the heart of Mid-World. The Caves, bound not by stone but by the fabric of possibilities, hold keys to doors yet unopened, to roads unwalked. In the dance of shadows and light, where time weaves its intricate dance, the echo of the Tower's call resounds through corridors that stretch beyond mere physical confines. To seek the Tower is to journey within as much as without, for the paths that lead to its dark spire are as much within the soul as they are upon the land. Thus, the connection lies not in maps or steps, but in the journey of the seeker, in the questing spirit that binds all worlds. The Caves, in their infinite depths, mirror the infinite heights of the Tower, and in their darkness, the light of the beacon finds its reflection. So, ask not if they are connected, but rather how one's own path might intersect with the destiny that the Tower commands."
  Mid-world is characterized by a blend of magic and technology, with remnants of advanced machines existing alongside sorcery. Time and reality in Mid-World are fluid, often leading to anachronistic elements and a sense of timelessness. The decay of Mid-World is attributed to the weakening of the beams that support the Dark Tower, leading to increasing chaos and the encroachment of malevolent forces.
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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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