Karja Tal Trading Post

Karja Tal


Self-governed. Unofficial leaders are leaders of the Guilds that are present in town.


The two-story tower that sits on a hill in the southeastern part of town serves as the headquarters for the local town guardsmen. There are usually six actively employed guards, but in times of need, they will conscript and/or deputize others who are willing to help.


The Karja Tal Trading Post has two smaller ports on the banks of the Sea of Monsters. This port acts as the principle trading route between Hedeby and Ildebreth.   The North/South road that leads to the Karja Tal Trading Post stems from the Western Trading Road, that begins in Lankhmar and ends in Blüm.   The settlement has a two-story tower that houses six hired mercenaries. These mercenaries act as town guards and are paid by the local guildmasters.


  • The Mercantile - This open air market sits southwest of the harbor. Nearly all market stalls are transient and some are seasonal. The merchants here pay a daily permit fee which is collected by the Stone Mason. These funds are used to pay for the upkeep to the local roads, the harbor ports, bridges, the two-story tower, and other such municipal projects.
  • The Labor Camp - This area serves both as a living area for the merchants that comprise the Mercantile and for temporary day laborers that travel to Karja Tal in search of daily work. The camp is primarily populated with various tents, lien-tos, but there are three bunkhouses there as well. Like the Mercantile, a daily camping fee is collected from everyone by the town guard. The funds collected are used to feed and equip the guardsmen.
  • The Trading District - These are the permanent merchants of the area that are principally ran by guild members. This district includes the Harbor ports and Church as well. There are no fees collected from members of this district.

Guilds and Factions

All guilds in Karja Tal ultimately report to their respective guilds' headquarters in Lankhmar. Representatives from the Lankhmarian Guilds typically travel to Karja Tal on a monthly or quarterly basis to collect dues and fees, and to ensure the guild is operating within guild standards. Most guildmembers in Karja Tal are Journeymen, but there are a few Masters as well.  
  • Stone Masons' Guild
  • Blacksmiths' Guild
  • Leatherworkers' Guild
  • Wainwrights' Guild
  • Toters' and Carters' Guild
  • Merchants' Consortium
  • Deck Hands' Clan
  • Laborers' and Toilers' Brotherhood
  • Netmakers' Guild
  • Sailmakers' Guild
  • Cheesemakers' Guild
Founding Date
2223 RJ
Inhabitant Demonym
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