Session 0007 - Return to Karja Tal

General Summary

Game Session 7 (1 Jan 2023)
  Roll 20, Discord, Syrinscape  
  • Verbena and Cathlynn get Matteu and ask him to come and help them check for traps. Matteu agrees. Verbena decides to take Tigleth into the dungeon rather than leaving him by himself by the entrance.
  • As the party travels westward back down the corridor just before it turns an angle to the Northwest, the northern doorway opens out jump two human male guards. They gain advantage and attack the party immediately. The most severely wounded of the fray is Tigleth who was hit squarely on his head with the pommel of a sword. He lost half of his his points. There were three guards in total. The party killed two of the three, but the third got away and ran down the corridor yelling for his compatriots to help.
  • The Heretic decide to leave the dungeon quickly, exiting out the corridor shaft they entered through. Just as they were nearing the exit, they heard the sounds of footsteps running towards them, but in the far distance. Because of this, once they existed, they decided flee to the northwest of the tunnel's entrance, to remain out of direct line of sight (LOS) of whoever would be pursuing them.
  • Because Tigleth is injured, Verbena decided not to ride him. Instead, she rode with Cathlynn on her horse, Tigleth running along side. They were able to get back to Karja about 8pm.
  • The party checked into the Black Swan for the evening. Cathlynn healed Tigleth to make sure he was okay for the evening. Matteu and Verbena stayed at the hotel to get the room and board secured while Cathlynn wanted to go and seek out Klegg.
  • Cathlynn's intent was to ask Klegg to gather the town at the Black Swan to try and gather the details of what everyone may know about the disappearance of the children.
  • She finds Klegg by the stream near his cheese store, knee deep in the water sitting by its edge. Cathlynn is able to talk Klegg through her thoughts and share with him what she has found to this point, which of course isn't much.
  • Cathlynn is aware that she must be very cognizant not to reveal anything about the Black Dragons but she must try to find someone for others to bring forth information without revealing what knowledge she and the Heretic know when it trespasses into classified information.
  • Klegg agrees to gather the town at the Black Swan on the next morning at 10am. Satisfield, Cathlynn begins to return to the Inn but stops off at the trading post first to gather more appropriate gear for traveling, as they were greatly under-prepared the night before.
A passageway
The Moathouse Region
Report Date
01 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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