Year of the Dragon

Cultural event


This year was marked by the slaying of the last known dragon in Nehwon. Balthazar, an ancient red dragon, was slain in an epic battle by a coalition of brave warriors, sorcerers, and adventurers. Balthazar had long terrorized the northern realms with his fiery breath and insatiable hunger for destruction. The battle against him was fierce and costly, with many heroes perishing in the fight. However, their combined might and strategic prowess ultimately led to Balthazar's downfall.   The dragon's hoard, filled with untold riches and ancient artifacts, was discovered in his lair, bringing both wealth and newfound knowledge to Nehwon. The slaying of Balthazar marked the end of an era of fear and chaos, ushering in a time of relative peace and prosperity. The courage of those who faced the mighty dragon became legendary, their names etched into the annals of history, and their deeds celebrated in songs and tales for generations to come.

Nehwon's Calendar

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