
Titania's earliest known stories relate to her saving the infant god Lugh from death after being thrown into the ocean by Balor. In this time the Fey were largely a hidden folk, working in between the larger forces of the Eladrin, the Fomorians and Tuatha Dé Danann where they could, doing what was possible to influence events in their favor.   The Queen of Air and Darkness was born as the echo of Titania at her birth. The two were in opposition from the beginning, and when Una and Finvarra disappeared, along with the influence of the Tuatha Dé Danann over The Feywild, it created a power vacuum that the two were only too willing to fill. The Queen of Air and Darkness did not create the corruption within the hearts of the Fey, but in her heart it had deep roots, tendrils that spread to those closest to her.   Things began to grow hopeless for Titania's forces when her strongest allies- the Elves began to leave the plane due to the actions of the Fomorians. The Fey had pushed against the forces of the fallen titans once before, but with the Queen of Air and Darkness bringing further destruction and blight to The Feywild it became impossible to spare the resources needed to defend the Elves and survive. When the last remaining great clan of Shinaelestra took the dark gift of Pale Night, they routed the Fomorians, pushed them underground, and prevented the spread of Shabbith-Ka's influence. With the influence of the Outer Gods reduced, Titania and the Queen of Air and Darkness became the two strongest entities on the plane, which was always the intention of The Dark Lady.   The Queen of Air and Darkness called upon her General Cegilune and the other high members of her Unseelie Court. Auril was ordered to bring her forces South, pushing towards the Murkendraw, trying to eliminate any Seelie forces North of the great swamp, while Cegilune and the other hags participated in a ritual with The Queen of Air and Darkness and agents of Lolth. A sacrifice was placed upon an altar deep underground in the forest, East of the Lake of Dreams, an eladrin demigod named The Rose King would be the tribute, and his death sealed the fate of the entire plane.   The Feywild was thrown into chaos as the Plane of Shadows was overlapped with The Feywild, bringing forth the Long Night, a period of unending darkness in the plane and pressing chaos, cementing the rule of the Queen.   The Queen of Air and Darkness was not stopped by Titania and The Seelie Court. Despite all efforts whenever the two clashed neither was able to finish the other off, and even with a stalemate the Long Night was ever-present.   The Long Night could not be ended until the ascension of Tiandra and the creation of the new Fey courts.  
She is the wife of Oberon, the mother of both Verenestra and Damh, and her matriarchal role in her court is unquestioned thanks to their influence. She is attended by four sprites named Cobweb, Peaseblossom, Moth, and Mustardseed who are always nearby as well as a Human child that she keeps as an adopted son (although their name is a mystery to all but Titania and Oberon). Titania is somewhat distant from her granddaughter Tiandra, who feels as though she was forced to expel the Unseelie Court on her own terms.   Titania is considered the superior of each of the other courts of Fey as well and most evil aligned Fey at the very least regard her with respect. Titania was the twin of The Queen of Air and Darkness. Titania is opposed to Chernovog, Auril, and the remaining members of the Unseelie Court. She is also strongly opposed to Karontor and his fomorian followers, whose constant machinations against the denizens of The Feywild have been a constant threat.

Divine Domains

  • Nature and Fertility: Titania is closely linked to the natural world, embodying the vitality and fertility of the earth. She has dominion over forests, flowers, and the cycles of growth and decay.
  • Magic and Enchantment: As the queen of the fairies, Titania has control over powerful magical forces. Her domain includes the enchantment of the natural world, the manipulation of dreams, and the casting of spells.
  • Love and Beauty: Titania is often associated with love, beauty, and sensuality. Her influence can inspire passion and romance, as well as the aesthetic appreciation of the natural world.
  • Protection and Guardianship: She serves as a protector of the natural realm and its inhabitants, ensuring the balance and harmony of the fairy world and the environment.
  • The Moon: Reflecting her nocturnal and mystical nature, she may be connected to the moon and its phases, influencing emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind.
  • Creativity and Inspiration: Titania's connection to dreams and the ethereal realm often makes her a muse for artistic and creative endeavors.


Fairy Crown: Titania's crown symbolizes her status as the queen of the fairies. It is often depicted as a delicate and ornate piece, adorned with natural elements like flowers, leaves, and gemstones, representing her connection to nature and magic.   Moonstone Necklace: A necklace made of moonstones, symbolizing her connection to the moon and its magical influence. Moonstones are believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, aligning with Titania's enchantment powers.   Enchanted Scepter: A scepter that Titania uses to channel her magical powers. This artifact represents her authority and ability to command the forces of nature and the fairy realm.   Fairy Dust: A pouch or vial of fairy dust, which Titania can use to cast spells, enchant objects, and influence dreams. Fairy dust is a quintessential element of fairy magic, often associated with granting wishes and bestowing magical abilities.   Flower Garlands: Titania is often depicted wearing or carrying garlands made of flowers, particularly those with magical properties, such as the love-in-idleness flower (a type of wild pansy). These garlands symbolize her intimate connection with the natural world and her role in overseeing its beauty and fertility.   Mirror of Visions: A mystical mirror that allows Titania to see into other realms, glimpse the future, or reveal hidden truths. This artifact emphasizes her role as a seer and a guardian of hidden knowledge.

Holy Books & Codes

While Titania doesn't have a canonical set of holy books or codes, various creative and spiritual texts inspired by her serve as sources of inspiration and guidance for those who feel a connection to her character and the themes she represents.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Butterflies: Representing transformation, beauty, and the ethereal nature of the fairy realm, butterflies are often associated with Titania. They symbolize the delicate and magical aspects of her domain.
  • Flowers: Flowers, especially those mentioned in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" like the love-in-idleness (wild pansy), are significant symbols. They represent fertility, beauty, and the enchanting power of nature.
  • Moon and Stars: As a figure often connected with the night, the moon and stars symbolize Titania's mystical and magical attributes. They reflect her connection to dreams, intuition, and the supernatural.
  • Fairy Wings: Depictions of delicate, shimmering fairy wings are common in representations of Titania and her realm. They signify her status as the fairy queen and the light, airy nature of her world.
  • Oak Leaves and Acorns: Symbols of strength, endurance, and fertility, oak leaves and acorns represent Titania's connection to ancient, powerful natural forces and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Mushrooms and Fairy Rings: Often associated with the fairy world, mushrooms and fairy rings (naturally occurring circles of mushrooms) are symbols of Titania's presence and the boundary between the mundane and the magical.
  • Pearls and Dewdrops: These delicate symbols represent purity, beauty, and the subtle magic of the natural world. Pearls and dewdrops can be seen as gifts from the fairy realm, embodying Titania's grace and elegance.
  • Elven or Fairy Crowns: Often depicted as delicate crowns made of intertwined vines, flowers, and leaves, these crowns symbolize Titania's royal status and her dominion over the fairy realm.
  • Scepter or Wand: A scepter or wand adorned with natural elements like flowers, vines, or crystals represents Titania's authority and magical power.
  • Dragonflies: Like butterflies, dragonflies are symbols of transformation, light, and the mystical qualities of the fairy world. They are often associated with Titania due to their delicate and enchanting appearance.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Nature and Its Cycles: Honor and protect the natural world. Recognize the beauty and power of nature, and live in harmony with its rhythms and cycles.
  • Celebrate Beauty and Creativity: Appreciate and create beauty in all forms. This can include artistic expression, personal adornment, and the cultivation of gardens and natural spaces.
  • Foster Love and Compassion: Promote love, compassion, and understanding in relationships. Celebrate romantic love as well as deep, meaningful connections with others.
  • Respect the Magical and Mystical: Acknowledge the presence of magic and the unseen world. Develop and honor intuition, dreams, and mystical experiences.
  • Protect the Innocent and Vulnerable: Care for those who are innocent or vulnerable, whether they are children, animals, or the natural environment.
  • Promote Joy and Playfulness: Embrace joy, laughter, and play. Celebrate life with a sense of wonder and delight, much like the fairies in their revelries.
  • Honor the Feminine: Respect and honor the feminine aspects of life, including intuition, nurturing, and the creative forces of the universe.
  • Seek Balance and Harmony: Strive for balance in all aspects of life, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms. Recognize the interconnectedness of all things.
  • Cherish Independence and Freedom: Value personal freedom and independence. Encourage self-expression and the pursuit of one’s own path.
  • Guard the Sacred and Mystical Places: Protect sacred natural sites, such as forests, groves, and springs, as well as places of mystical significance. Ensure these areas are respected and preserved for future generations.


  • Beltane (Mörder Day): Celebrated on the 1st of Mörder, Beltane marks the beginning of summer and is a festival of fertility, growth, and the blooming of flowers. It is a time of joyous celebration, dancing around the Maepole, and lighting bonfires. As a goddess associated with fertility and nature, Titania is honored during Beltane with rituals and festivities that celebrate the blossoming of life.
  • Midsummer (Litha): Held on the summer solstice around 21 Dröhnen , Midsummer is a celebration of the longest day of the year. It is a time of abundance, light, and the peak of the growing season. Titania, as a queen of the fairies and a symbol of natural beauty and magic, is honored with rituals that celebrate the sun, nature, and the mystical energies of the season. This holiday often includes bonfires, feasting, and the gathering of magical herbs.
  • Samhain (Halloween): Celebrated on 31st Schwarzhexe, Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It is a time when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is believed to be thinnest, making it a powerful time for magic and divination. Titania, as a mystical and magical figure, is honored during Samhain with rituals that connect with the spirit world, honor ancestors, and celebrate the cycle of life and death.
  • Imbolc (Brigid's Day): Celebrated on 1st or 2nd Samen, Imbolc marks the midpoint between winter and spring. It is a festival of light and renewal, celebrating the first signs of spring and the return of the sun. Titania is honored during Imbolc with rituals that invoke her blessings for fertility, new growth, and the coming season of abundance.
  • Fairy Festivals: In addition to the traditional neopagan holidays, some communities celebrate specific festivals dedicated to fairies and the fairy realm. These festivals, often held in spring or summer, include activities such as fairy-themed parades, arts and crafts, music, and storytelling. Titania, as the queen of the fairies, is a central figure in these celebrations.
  • Full Moon Rituals: As a mystical and magical figure, Titania is often honored during full moon rituals. The full moon is a time of heightened magical energy and is associated with intuition, dreams, and the feminine divine. Followers may conduct rituals that include offerings, invocations, and meditations to connect with Titania's energy and seek her guidance.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Protect and Preserve Nature: Titania is deeply connected to the natural world. One of her primary goals is to protect and preserve the environment, ensuring the health and vitality of forests, flowers, animals, and all living things.
  • Promote Harmony and Balance: Titania seeks to maintain harmony and balance within the natural world and among its inhabitants. This includes balancing the forces of growth and decay, light and darkness, and ensuring that all creatures live in harmony.
  • Encourage Love and Compassion: As a goddess associated with love and beauty, Titania aims to foster love, compassion, and understanding among beings. She promotes the creation and nurturing of meaningful relationships and the celebration of love in all its forms.
  • Inspire Creativity and Beauty: Titania's presence encourages artistic expression and the creation of beauty. She inspires humans and fairies alike to engage in creative endeavors, whether through art, music, poetry, or the cultivation of beautiful gardens.
  • Enhance Magical Knowledge and Practice: Titania is a powerful magical figure, and she seeks to enhance the knowledge and practice of magic among her followers. She encourages the exploration of mystical arts, the development of intuition, and the respectful use of magical abilities.
  • Protect the Innocent and Vulnerable: Titania is a guardian of those who are innocent and vulnerable, including children, animals, and the natural environment. She strives to ensure their safety and well-being, protecting them from harm and exploitation.
  • Celebrate Joy and Playfulness: Titania values joy, laughter, and play. She encourages her followers to embrace the lighter side of life, to find delight in the world around them, and to celebrate with dance, song, and festivity.
  • Promote Independence and Freedom: Titania values personal freedom and independence. She supports the pursuit of one's own path, self-expression, and the right to live authentically and freely.
  • Preserve Sacred and Mystical Places: Titania seeks to protect and preserve sacred natural sites and places of mystical significance. These areas are vital to the spiritual health of the world and are often sources of magical power.
  • Foster Connection with the Unseen World: Titania encourages a deep connection with the unseen world, including the realms of fairies, spirits, and other mystical beings. She promotes respect for these entities and the wisdom they offer.
Source: https://speex-realms.fandom.com/wiki/Titania
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Appears as a 28-year-old human
Emerald Green
Long, golden blonde
140 lbs

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Titania by Chad Watson via ChatGPT


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