
Tisilinilit, a city of legend and allure, nestles along the Southern coastline in the central part of the vast continent of Nehwon. This opulent city-state, renowned for its architectural marvels, is particularly famous for its sky-piercing spires that gleam in the sunlight. The skyline of Tisilinilit, visible from afar, presents an enchanting silhouette, drawing the gaze of travelers and dreamers alike.   Despite its grandeur, Tisilinilit remains shrouded in mystery, particularly to those hailing from the western regions of Nehwon. Few have embarked on the journey across the diverse terrains of the continent to witness the splendor of this city. Those intrepid enough to traverse the distance and reach Tisilinilit often return with tales that stir the imagination.   One of the most striking and unique aspects reported by these visitors is the physical appearance of Tisilinilit's citizens. The people of this city-state are distinguished by their complete lack of hair, a trait that has intrigued and baffled many. This distinctive feature contributes to the enigmatic aura surrounding the city and its inhabitants.   Furthermore, this trait extends beyond the Human residents to the animal companions they keep. Pets and animals that would normally bear fur within Tisilinilit are also completely hairless. This unusual characteristic of both humans and animals in Tisilinilit adds to the city's mystique and has become a subject of fascination and speculation among those outside its borders.   This hairlessness, whether a result of a unique cultural practice, an adaptation to the local environment, or some other mysterious cause, sets Tisilinilit apart in the annals of Nehwon. It imbues the city with an otherworldly charm, making it not just a place of architectural wonder but also of biological intrigue.


The Tisine territory is primarily limited to the boundaries of this city-state and the farmlands that ring the city.

Foreign Relations

The Tisine government is in contact with the governments of Western Nehwon, however they do so infrequently.

Trade & Transport

The Tisine economy is diverse, with a significant focus on trade, arts, and craftsmanship. They are known for their exquisite handicrafts, especially textiles and ceramics, which are highly sought after in distant lands. Their trading skills have established Tisilinilit as a vital commercial hub in Central Nehwon.


The Tisine are renowned for their architectural prowess, as evidenced by the slender, opalescent spires that dominate Tisilinilit’s skyline. These structures are not just visually stunning but also symbolize the Tisine’s aspirations and achievements. The city’s layout reflects a blend of functionality and art, with wide boulevards, public squares, and a harmonious blend of natural and constructed elements.

"In Lumine Spires, In Unitate Fortitudo"

Founding Date
1050 RC
Alternative Names
Tissiliniliit, Tissy, Tissa, Tillet, Till
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Artistic pieces and the professional services of Tisine architects are the most sought after items from other cultures.
Major Imports
The Tisine enjoy the arts and crafts from the Kleshite and import as many goods as they can from their Kingdom.
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Tisilinilit

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: by Chad Watson


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