The Unearthed Prophecy: Lord Pranax’s Discovery and the Rise of King Edwynn Werrish II

In a recent turn of events, in Zepter 3022 RJ, a book named "The Chronicles of the Dragon King" containing ancient prophecies has been supposedly unearthed by a team of archaeologists hired by Lord Steven Pranax II, the influential Alderman of the Tenderloin District in Lankhmar. This book, according to Lord Pranax who is an archaelogist himself, has been said to have been discovered in the library of a long-forgotten temple. This discovery has ignited a fervor amongst scholars and religious leaders across the land of Nehwon. The temple, located near the town of Karja Tal, fell into a massive sinkhole caused by earthquakes in 444 RJ, and the secrets it harbored have remained buried for centuries.   The discovered tome foretells the rise of a Great King destined to rule all of Nehwon, detailing the unmistakable signs that would herald his coming. According to the ancient text, the signs are threefold:  
  • The Birth of Albino Twins: The Great King shall father albino twins, a rarity that would mark his divine favor.
  • The Ride of the Great Wyvern: He shall ride a great wyvern, a majestic creature thought to be extinct.
  • The Return of Dragons: Dragons, long believed to have vanished from Nehwon with the last known dragon slain in 189 RJ, shall return during his reign.
  For generations, both wyverns and dragons were considered extinct. The last dragon's demise in 189 RJ, and the subsequent disappearance of wyverns led scholars to speculate a mysterious connection between the two species. It was widely assumed that wyverns depended on dragons for their survival, but this remained unproven speculation.   Lord Pranax’s revelation comes at a time of great ambition for King Edwynn Werrish II, the current Overlord of Lankhmar, who harbors dreams of unifying all the kingdoms of Western Nehwon under his rule. Utilizing the prophecy to his advantage, King Edwynn has begun a clandestine collaboration with the Kult Drachen, a secretive religious order dedicated to the return of dragons. This cult possesses powerful magic capable of manifesting echoes of dragons from other worlds into Nehwon. Furthermore, the Kult Drachen has been secretly capturing and breeding wyverns for the past four years. Contrary to popular belief, wyverns had not gone extinct; they had merely fled to the eastern realms of Nehwon following the last dragon's demise.   The King's scheme reaches its zenith with his impregnation of a girl being held captive by the Kult Drachen. They have assured the King that she will bear albino twins through magical manipulation, thereby fulfilling the first sign of the prophecy. The birth of these children, coupled with the re-emergence of wyverns and the prophesied return of dragons, is intended to "prove" King Edwynn Werrish II as the foretold ruler beyond any reasonable doubt.   Behind the scenes, only a select few are privy to the truth: the prophecy is being meticulously orchestrated by King Edwynn to legitimize his claim to power. While he anticipates resistance from some of the kingdoms he aims to conquer, he believes the prophecy will significantly weaken their resolve, with some possibly even surrendering without a fight. For those that resist, he plans to unleash a formidable force of wyverns and dragons, a power that no kingdom could withstand for long.   As whispers of the prophecy spread, tension and anticipation build across Nehwon. The supposed discovery of the ancient book and the signs aligning with King Edwynn’s actions leave the land in a state of precarious uncertainty. Whether the prophecy is true or a cunning fabrication, one thing is clear: Nehwon stands on the brink of monumental change, with the fate of its people hanging in the balance
Manuscript, Historical

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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