The Desecration of Issek's Temple

As is known by all, The Black Temple lies at the westernmost end of the Street of Gods which signifies that it is the most important Temple in the city. Just as the Gods of Lankhmar will emerge to protect and defend the city, they will likewise emerge to destroy any temple that would dare to stand further west than The Black Temple. This was discovered when a temple to honor Issek of the Jug was being erected on the site where Hester's House in the River District presently stands.   In this event, the Gods of Lankhmar emerged just as the priests of Issek began their consecration rites to sanctify the temple and declare its official status as the most popular religion in the city. It was high noon and the Street of the Gods was bustling with merchants, acolytes, and other such travelers and citizens, all of whom did not initially notice the Gods as they emerged from their Crypt. Moments later, Martha the Apple Seller approached Falkor the Brown from behind to offer him her wares.   "Care for an apple, Sai?", Martha offered. Falkor the Brown turned to face Martha. When Martha say his skeletal visage, she dropped her basket of apples and her mouth froze open in a silent scream. Amy Morgen, a small child who saw the apples fall ran to take advantage of the accident, hoping to grab a free snack. Amy chased an apple that rolled its way to the feet of Sewastian the Feared. After she picked up the apple, she looked up at Sewastian the Feared and did all the screaming that Martha could not do. It wasn't long before everyone in the immediate vicinity realized that the Gods of Lankhmar stood silently among them. If a bird above could testify, it would say that people fell prone to the street in what looked like a "human ripple effect" pattern, rippling outwards in all directions from where the Gods stood. Except for Amy; she remained standing and continued that scream that was seemingly without end. Sewastian the Feared knelt down to Amy Morgen's face, eye to eyesocket. He placed his bony forefinger against what was left of his withered and rotted lips to indicate silence.   Amy obliged immediately but couldn't seem to look away. Sewastian the Feared then spoke in near whisper, "My child, Take us to Issek of the Jug". Amy thought for a second and replied, "oh yeah! I know where that's at! Follow me!". She then led Sewastian the Feared and the other Thirteen Gods down the street to the intersection of Street of the Gods and Nun. "There it is, right there!", she pointed at the Temple with a glee and a delight in her eyes, the delight that every seven year old gets when they feel they are helping an adult, undead or not.   They walked slowly and some say casually to the Temple of Issek's doors. It was Steffan the Brilliant who opened the doors in grand gesture. The large cathedral-sized doors opened inwards and away in a slow motion that reminded one of a stage curtain being drawn upwards at opening night at the Theater. Screams rippled through the congregation as they turned their heads to see who would be so rude as to interrupt the consecration rites. The Priests of Issek, upon hearing the screams, stopped mid-chant and an alter boy lost grip of his thurible of incense mid-swing, sending it flying into the pews where it connected with some poor soul's face.   The Gods strolled in, looking around in feigned admiration of the temple's architecture. It was The Serpent, Orm who closed the doors behind him. No one within survived to tell of what exactly happened, but exactly eleven minutes after The Serpent, Orm closed the temple's doors, they re-opened as dramatically as before, and out came the Gods of Lankhmar, calm as ever. The Feathered King led the party this time, walking proudly back towards their crypt on a then very empty street.   In his right hand he carried the severed head of the High Priest of Issek by his black hair. The High Priest's eyes were rolled all the way up, revealing only the bloodied whites of his eyes, and his jaw was completely slack. The priest's tongue seemed to be tasting the air as The Feathered King swung his head around in the same rhythm as had the alter boy swung his thurible, mocking their gestures of worship. The Gods continued past their Crypt eastward down the Street of the Gods, stopping at the intersection of Carter street. The Feathered King turned to his comrades, then turned back to face Marsh Gate. In one great swing, he flung the High Priest's head with amazing force and velocity.   The head landed in the gate's archway and continued to roll eastward and out of the city, eventually rolling off to the south and into The Great Marsh. At that, The Feathered King made a pushing motion with his right hand which slammed the 5,000 lb city gates shut, creating a thunderous sound heard throughout all of Lankhmar, a city that was at that point so silent, not even the birds sang in the sky. The Feathered King then turned and faced westward and held his right hand high above his head, holding it there for a few seconds, then brought it down in a slamming motion. As he did so, the Temple of Issek crumbled to the ground, completely obliterated.   The Gods of Lankhmar then went on a 12 hour murderous rampage, exacting their toll upon the citizens who "allowed" a temple to supercede their own. 579 Lankhmarians lost their life that day at the hands of the Gods of Lankhmar. Never again has a temple been built westward of The Black Temple since.
Date of First Recording
22 Dröhnen 1523
Date of Setting
22 Dröhnen 1523

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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