The Deadlights

The Deadlights are writhing, radiant orange lights that usually appear in groups of three or more. They are a mysterious but very deadly and terrifying eldritch form of energy that originated from the preternatural dimension known as the Macroverse (also known as the Todash Darkness). A single deadlight, also known as a "dark light" has been described as both "bright and dark at the same time" and "something out of this world" by the very few who have survived after witnessing it. It is unknown at this time what these lights are or why they appear in various numbers.  
The Deadlighs by Unknown
  It is well known that just a mere glance into Deadlights can cause instant death (character must roll 3 successful death saves) or permanent insanity (upon successfully surving their death saves, a character must then make a Wisdom save (DC 22) to escape any effects of madness. If the character fails this saving throw by 5 points or less, roll on the short-term madness table; failure between 6 and 10 points, roll on the long-term madness table; and failure by 11 points or more, roll on the indefinite madness table).  
The Deadlights brighten by Unknown

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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