The Day of Masks

The Day of Masks is one of Lankhmar's most revered and mysterious festivals, celebrated annually on the 21st day of Geister, the Month of Spirits. This day, chosen for its mystical significance and Alignment with the spirit world, is dedicated specifically to honoring The Gods of Lankhmar, who reside in the enigmatic Black Temple. It is a time for the people of Lankhmar to pay homage to these powerful deities, seek their favor, and revel in the shared heritage of their city.  
In the days leading up to the festival, the city transforms. Streets and buildings are adorned with colorful banners and lanterns, all bearing symbols and motifs associated with The Gods of Lankhmar. Artisans and craftsmen work tirelessly, creating elaborate masks and costumes that represent these deities and their divine aspects. Market stalls overflow with exotic goods, foods, and decorations, all contributing to the festive atmosphere.  
The Masks
Masks are the heart of the celebration. Each mask is a work of art, crafted with meticulous care and attention to detail. Participants spend weeks designing and creating their masks, using materials such as paper-mâché, feathers, jewels, and intricate paintwork. The masks serve as a symbol of anonymity and transformation, allowing wearers to embody different aspects of The Gods of Lankhmar and connect with their divine presence.  
The Festival
The Day of Masks begins at dawn with a city-wide ritual cleansing. Citizens sprinkle water and fragrant herbs on doorsteps and streets to purify the city and prepare for the festivities. As the day progresses, the streets fill with masked revelers, music, and dancing. Performers entertain the crowds with acrobatics, storytelling, and fire-dancing, while vendors sell delectable treats and festive drinks.  
Key Events
  • The Procession of Spirits: At midday, a grand procession winds through the city, starting from The Black Temple and moving towards the main square. Participants, dressed in their finest masks and costumes, carry candles and incense, creating a river of light and fragrance. The procession symbolizes the journey of spirits and the connection between The Gods of Lankhmar and the people of the city.
  • The Feast of Faces: In the evening, a communal feast is held in the main square. Long tables are set up, and the people of Lankhmar come together to share food and drink. The feast includes dishes from all corners of Nehwon, reflecting the city's diverse population. It is a time for storytelling, laughter, and camaraderie, with masks allowing people to mingle freely and form new connections.
  • The Dance of Shadows: As night falls, the festival reaches its climax with the Dance of Shadows. In the Park of Pleasure, a large bonfire is lit, casting flickering shadows across the gathered crowd. Dancers in dark, flowing costumes move gracefully around the fire, their masks glinting in the firelight. The dance is both a tribute to The Gods of Lankhmar and a symbolic representation of the eternal struggle between light and darkness.
Mystical Significance
The Day of Masks is not just a celebration; it is also a deeply spiritual event. Many believe that the masks have the power to ward off evil spirits and attract the favor of The Gods of Lankhmar. It is a time for personal reflection, transformation, and renewal. Participants often perform private rituals and make offerings at home shrines, seeking guidance, protection, and blessings for the coming year.  
Stories and Legends
The festival is rich with stories and legends. One such tale speaks of a young woman who, during the Dance of Shadows, was visited by a masked stranger who whispered secrets of the future into her ear. These secrets allowed her to avert a great disaster, saving her family and earning her the gratitude of the city. To this day, it is said that those who participate in the festival with an open heart may receive similar divine insights.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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