The Bone Islands

The Bone Islands, a haunting archipelago, lie shrouded in mist off the southwestern coast of The Great Forest, their very name evoking images of desolation and forgotten secrets.   Shaped by the relentless forces of wind and wave, The Bone Islands have earned their grim moniker not only from their stark, bleached landscapes but also from the myriad of shipwrecks that litter their shores, the skeletons of vessels eerily caressed by the sea's cold fingers. The islands are a graveyard of adventurers and pirates alike, whose ambitions were swallowed by the treacherous waters that guard these shores. Legends whisper of cursed treasures buried beneath the sands and of spirits bound to the wrecks, forever watching over their hoard.   The largest of the islands serves as the uneasy seat of power for the archipelago, ruled by a reclusive order known as the Keepers of the Bone. Cloaked in rumor and mystery, these solemn guardians are said to possess ancient knowledge and dark magics, their purpose and practices hidden from the outside world. They are the stewards of the islands, maintaining the balance between the living and the dead, ensuring that the latter find their rest in the cold embrace of the islands' soil.   The surrounding islands each tell their own story, from the Silent Isle, where no sound is said to penetrate the heavy fog, to the Isle of Whispers, where the wind carries voices from the past, speaking secrets to those brave or foolish enough to listen. The Bone Islands are a place where the veil between the mortal realm and the ethereal is thin, where ancient rites and rituals hold sway, and where the sea offers both life and death in equal measure.   To the daring, The Bone Islands offer the allure of undiscovered mysteries and the promise of ancient artifacts hidden amidst the ruins that dot the landscape. However, the journey to uncover these secrets is fraught with peril, not only from the natural dangers that lurk in the waters but also from the Keepers, who do not take kindly to intruders disturbing their solemn domain.


The Sea King's Domain - At the heart of the Bone Islands, the Sea King's Domain stands as an enigmatic testament to Nehwon's rich history and lore. This subterranean realm, concealed beneath the largest island of the archipelago, is said to be ruled by a powerful and reclusive sea king whose origins and motivations remain shrouded in mystery. Legends tell of the sea king's court, where merfolk, selkies, and other aquatic beings gather in grand halls adorned with iridescent pearls and coral, but few have ventured into this realm and lived to tell the tale.   The Silent Isle - Shrouded in an impenetrable fog that seems to swallow sound whole, this island is as quiet as the grave, a place where even the sea seems to hush its waves in reverence or fear. Legends suggest that the fog is a curse laid by a sorcerer long forgotten, meant to silence the screams of his victims forever.   The Isle of Whispers - Contrary to its silent sibling, this island is alive with the murmurs of the past, carrying conversations and confessions of the dead to those who dare walk its shores. The whispers are said to be the souls of those who perished in shipwrecks, bound to the island and seeking to share their tales with the living.   Gallows Key - The smallest of the islands, it is dominated by a single, stark feature: an ancient, weather-beaten gallows that stands as a grim welcome to all who approach. The island was once used by pirates as a place of execution for traitors and captives, and it is rumored that the ghosts of the hanged men still haunt its shores, seeking justice or revenge.   Crestfallen Atoll - This island is unique for its geological formations, featuring steep cliffs that plummet into the sea and a series of caves that are only accessible at low tide. The atoll is named for its melancholy beauty and the haunting, mournful sounds that emanate from the caves, believed to be the work of the wind or, perhaps, something more spectral.   The Keeper's Bastion - The largest island serves as the enigmatic heart of the archipelago, home to the reclusive Keepers of the Bone. Dominated by a fortress built from the very rock of the island and surrounded by dark, twisted forests, it is here that the Keepers guard their ancient secrets and perform their sacred duties. The fortress is a place of power, its walls imbued with ancient magics that protect the island from intruders and the storms that rage across the Sea of the East.

Ecosystem Cycles

The ecosystem cycles of the Bone Islands are as unique and complex as the archipelago itself, forged by the relentless sea, the enveloping mists, and the tempestuous weather patterns. These cycles create a delicate balance of life and death, growth and decay, that sustains the islands' diverse and often peculiar ecosystems.   Maritime Influences The surrounding Sea of the East plays a pivotal role in the ecosystem cycles of the Bone Islands. The sea moderates the islands' temperatures, preventing extremes and fostering a relatively stable environment for a variety of marine and terrestrial life. Nutrient-rich currents wash ashore, supporting both the plant life that clings to the rocky coastlines and the fish that thrive in the coastal waters.   Fog and Mist: Life's Veil The omnipresent fog and mist are crucial to the survival of the islands' flora. These conditions provide much-needed moisture to the interior forests and meadows, sustaining them through periods without rain. The moisture condenses on the leaves of plants, dripping to the forest floor and into the soil, acting as a natural irrigation system that supports a range of mosses, ferns, and towering trees.   Storms: Agents of Change The frequent storms that batter the Bone Islands are both destructive and renewing. While they can uproot trees and erode coastlines, they also redistribute nutrients, clear dead wood from the forest floors, and open up spaces for new growth. The aftermath of a storm often sees a flurry of activity, as animals and plants alike seize the opportunity to thrive in the newly altered landscape.   Faunal Adaptations The fauna of the Bone Islands has adapted to the archipelago's challenging conditions. Bird species, particularly seabirds, thrive, nesting on the cliffs and foraging in the nutrient-rich waters. Terrestrial animals have developed behaviors and diets that capitalize on the cyclical abundance and scarcity dictated by the environment. Many species are nocturnal, emerging in the relative safety of the night to feed and mate in the shadowy underbrush.   The Cycle of Decay and Rebirth Decomposition plays a vital role in the islands' ecosystem cycles. The dense vegetation and constant moisture create an environment where organic matter breaks down slowly, building up a rich layer of humus that nourishes the soil. This slow process of decay is counterbalanced by the rapid growth facilitated by the fertile conditions, creating a continuous cycle of death giving life to new growth.   Human Impact The Keepers of the Bone and the few who dwell on the islands have learned to live within these cycles, their practices honed to minimize their impact on the delicate balance. They harvest resources judiciously, understanding that the sustainability of their lifestyle is intricately linked to the health of the ecosystems around them.   The ecosystem cycles of the Bone Islands, with their unique interplay of maritime influence, mist, storms, and the cycle of life, create a landscape that is resilient yet perpetually on the brink of change. This delicate equilibrium ensures that the Bone Islands remain a place of enigmatic beauty and stark challenges, where the dance of nature's forces is on eternal display.

Localized Phenomena

One of the most enduring mysteries of the Bone Islands is the quest to uncover the fabled underwater caves that are said to connect the Sea King's Domain to the surface world. These caves, rumored to be hidden beneath the islands' rocky cliffs, are said to be adorned with precious gemstones and guarded by mystical sea creatures. Adventurers from across Nehwon have sought these caves, drawn by the promise of untold riches and the chance to glimpse the sea king's domain, but few have returned to tell their tales.


The climate of the Bone Islands is as strange and formidable as the archipelago itself, characterized by its stark contrasts and unpredictable weather patterns that challenge the hardiest of souls. The islands lie shrouded in a perpetual mist that clings to the rugged cliffs and dense forests, casting a spectral veil over land and sea alike.   Temperate yet Unpredictable The overall climate can be described as temperate maritime, influenced heavily by the surrounding Sea of the East. The islands experience moderate temperatures throughout the year, with cool summers and mild winters, rarely seeing extremes of heat or cold. However, this relative temperance is often overshadowed by the islands' capricious moods.   Frequent Fogs and Mists Frequent fogs and mists are a defining feature of the Bone Islands' climate, rolling in from the sea without warning to envelop the islands in a dense, visibility-reducing shroud. These conditions contribute to the islands' mysterious ambiance but also make navigation treacherous, both for ships at sea and for travelers on land.   Storms and Gales The islands are prone to sudden and severe storms, with gales that sweep across the archipelago, stirring the sea into a frenzy and battering the coastlines with powerful waves. These storms can arise at any time of year but are most common in the fall and winter months, often leaving destruction in their wake.   Varied Microclimates Within the archipelago, microclimates vary from one island to another and even within individual islands, influenced by their topography and proximity to the sea. The interior forests tend to be damp and cool, sheltered from the direct onslaught of the sea but still permeated by the ubiquitous mists. In contrast, the coastal areas, particularly on the windward sides of the islands, bear the brunt of the maritime winds, making them cooler and more exposed.   The Sun's Brief Embrace On the rare occasions when the mist and clouds part, the islands are bathed in soft, ethereal sunlight that highlights their haunting beauty. These moments of clarity are short-lived but provide a brief respite from the omnipresent grey, allowing the islands' flora to thrive and sustaining the delicate balance of life in this enigmatic region.   The climate of the Bone Islands, with its mists, storms, and fleeting sunshine, shapes the lives of those who call the archipelago home. It weaves through the fabric of their existence, a constant reminder of the power and unpredictability of the natural world.

Fauna & Flora

Despite the air of mystery that surrounds them, the Bone Islands are a lush and vibrant ecosystem. The islands are home to a unique array of flora and fauna, many of which are found nowhere else in Nehwon. Exotic birds with iridescent plumage flit among the trees, while rare and colorful sea creatures inhabit the crystal-clear waters surrounding the islands. It is believed that the ancient civilization that once thrived here had a deep connection with nature, and their influence can still be felt in the islands' diverse and vibrant ecosystems.

Natural Resources

The Bone Islands, while foreboding and steeped in eerie legend, are not devoid of natural resources. Their rugged landscapes, treacherous waters, and mysterious forests hide a bounty of resources that, for those daring enough to harvest them, can be both valuable and vital for survival.   Shipwrecks and Salvage: The treacherous waters surrounding the islands are a graveyard for countless ships, making shipwrecks one of the most notable "resources" of the archipelago. These submerged and beach-stranded vessels often contain valuable cargo, from exotic spices and textiles to rare metals and artifacts from distant lands. Salvaging from these wrecks is a perilous but potentially profitable endeavor.   Marine Resources: The cold and stormy seas are rich in marine life, offering abundant fishing opportunities. The waters around the Bone Islands teem with fish, shellfish, and other sea creatures, providing a crucial food source. In addition, pearls and rare corals can be found beneath the waves, sought after for their beauty and mystical properties.   Mineral Deposits: Though not abundant, there are pockets of mineral wealth within the islands. Small deposits of iron, copper, and possibly even rarer metals lie within the rocky underbelly of the islands, requiring significant effort to mine but essential for tool and weapon forging.   Mystical Elements: Perhaps the most unique resources of the Bone Islands are of a more arcane nature. The islands are steeped in magical energies, with certain locations rumored to be focal points of power. These energies can be harnessed for enchantments, rituals, and the creation of magical artifacts, making them of particular interest to sorcerers, alchemists, and scholars of the arcane.   Salt: Given their location, the Bone Islands have access to another critical resource: salt. Used for preservation, cooking, and myriad other purposes, salt can be harvested from the sea itself or from salt flats within the islands, providing a staple for trade and daily life.   Despite these resources, the difficulty of extraction and the dangers posed by the islands' inhospitable nature and protective inhabitants mean that they remain largely untapped or are accessed only by the most desperate or daring. The Bone Islands, with their blend of natural and supernatural bounty, stand as a testament to the untamed and mysterious beauty that defines so much of Nehwon.


Evidence of an Ancient Civilization - The Bone Islands hold another secret beneath their lush exterior - evidence of an ancient civilization that once thrived here. As one explores the islands, they will stumble upon ruins, stone carvings, and artifacts that hint at a sophisticated culture that existed long before the rise of modern Nehwon. The most intriguing of these remnants are the skeletal remains of massive creatures, etched into the cliffsides of the islands. These intricate carvings depict fantastical beasts and mysterious rituals, offering tantalizing clues about the island's ancient inhabitants.
The Bone Islands by Chad Watson
Alternative Name(s)
The Bone Isles, The Bones

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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